i have a ms access formular where there are given several Information. For "Status" Combobox there are several options like "1","2","3","4". If "4" is selected in "cbx_Status" then I want to add in Textbox "txt_ID_Order" an automatically increased ID and give an Order Time in textbox "txt_OrderTime". That's why I wrote this and works well:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.cbx_Status.Value = "4" Then
Me.txt_OrderTime = Now()
Me.txt_ID_Order = DMax("[ID_Order]", "tblX") + 1
Me.txt_OrderTime = ""
End If
End Sub
However, if Status "4" is for some reason changed and again selected , I want to keep that old ID. But right know wenn i do that, it's still increasing ID.
How can I fix it?
Check for a value:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me!cbx_Status.Value = "4" Then
If IsNull(Me!txt_OrderTime.Value) Then
Me!txt_OrderTime.Value = Now()
Me!txt_ID_Order.Value = DMax("[ID_Order]", "tblX") + 1
End If
Me!txt_ID_Order.Value = Null
Me!txt_OrderTime.Value = Null
End If
End Sub
Not sure about the logic though; if you select anything else than 4, the textboxes will be cleared.
First post on this forum - I have a fillable form which I would like to do the following.
There are two check boxes, (Legacy form item), labelled H and N, depending on which one is selected the value of another input box (Legacy form item) should be equal to or greater than a value. E.G if N is selected, the input cell should be greater than 0.5 if H is selected the cell should be equal to or greater than 0.5.
Can anyone impart any wisdom on this one, I would then set it to run a check once the user has input the value, based on the checkbox option and value input into the cell.
Thanks in advance,
You have 3 objects and you need to react on any change. So I'd put something like this into the code section of the form:
Private Sub cbN_Click() ' name of checkbox N is cbN
End Sub
Private Sub cbH_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub tbx_Change() ' name of textbox is tbx
End Sub
Private Sub proc_chg
Dim rVal as Single
rVal = Val(Me.tbx.value)
If cbN And rVal > 0.5 Then
tbx.BackColor = vbGreen ' OK
ElseIf cbH And rVal >= 0.5 Then
tbx.BackColor = vbGreen ' OK
tbx.BackColor = vbRed ' wrong
End If
End Sub
This will capture every change on the form and set the background color of the inputbox accordingly. (Please complete the logic in proc_chg, this is just an example.)
I want to set up a public function like the following:
Public Function CheckYNField(chkControl As Control, chkField As String)
If chkField = "Y" Then
chkControl = -1
ElseIf chkField = "N" Then
chkControl = 0
Else: chkControl = 0
End If
End Function
Public Function CheckYNFlipper(chkControl As Control, chkField As String)
If chkField = "Y" Then
chkField = "N"
chkControl = 0
ElseIf chkField = "N" Then
chkField = "Y"
chkControl = -1
Else: chkField = "Y"
chkControl = -1
End If
End Function
The reason for this is, that I have a form, which has an underlying SQL table. I have no control over the data, but I must represent it, for the ability to maintain it. I have 10 fields, in the underlying table, which have a Y or N as their values. The data types are actually nvarchar(10). At the same time, I have to show these fields as checkbox controls, on the form, for ease of use.
The above code, is an attempt I am making to A - set the checkbox control to align with the current value in the table--> -1 = Y and 0 = N, and to B - update the table value, and switch the check box to checked or unchecked, from what it was, to the opposite, based on the onclick event of that control.
I want to make chkField and chkControl variables to the public function, that would be the table-field, and the form-control. I can't seem to get the right syntax, and was hoping someone might have clarification on how to do this.
for the form load and current, I tried this:
CheckYNField Forms("frmFormNameA").Controls(chkCheckNameA), tblTableName.FieldA
for the on click, I tried this:
CheckYNFlipper Forms("frmFormNameA").Controls(chkCheckNameA), tblTableName.FieldA
I've tried some other methods, but doesn't seem to be working. I'm doing something wrong, but I can't tell what. Appreciate any tips!
I tried Kostas K.'s solution, abandoning the idea of making a public functions with parameters for the fields and controls. I put the following, on load and on current:
With Me
If .txtfieldboundtablefieldA.Value = "Y" Then
.unboundchkA.Value = True
ElseIf .txtfieldboundtablefieldA.Value = "N" Then
.unboundchkA.Value = False
Else: .unboundchkA.Value = False
End If
End With
This is on a continuous form, so that it can show like a giant grid. There are the identifying bound field controls, and then a series of these checkboxes, to display the Y/N true/false status of each of these particular fields. I can't bound the checkboxes to the fields, because it changes the field value in the table to -1 or 0, and we need it to stay Y or N. I added a bound text field, to hold the table/field value for each row (hence the call to a text box control in the above revised code). The checkbox is unbound, and is there to display the field value, and allow the user to check and uncheck, so I can use on-click code to change the table field value between Y and N.
The above code is not seeming to show the correct checkbox value for each bound text field, based on each row. It shows based on the row that currently has focus. If I click on a row, where the table field is Y, all rows checkboxes on the form show true. If I move to a row, where the table field is N, all checkboxes for all rows change to false. I am struggling to just initially get 1 checkbox to show accurately, on every row of the continuous form, based on every record in the table. This is a small table, like 30 records. I really didn't think it would be so difficult to present this the way we need to.
Any ideas, how I could better do this?
Set the Control Source of the checkbox to:
= IIf([YourYesNoField] = "Y", -1, 0)
In order to update when clicked:
Private Sub chkCheckNameA_Click()
Dim yesNo As String
yesNo = IIf(Me.chkCheckNameA.Value = 0, "Y", "N") 'reverse value
CurrentDb.Execute "Update [YourTable] SET [YourYesNoField]='" & yesNo & "' WHERE [ID]=" & Me![ID], dbFailOnError
End Sub
You could try something this.
Check the Y/N field and assign the function's boolean return value to the checkbox (A).
On the checkbox click event, check its value and update the Y/N field (B).
'Form Load
Private Sub Form_Load()
With Me
.chkCheckNameA.Value = CheckYNField(![FieldA])
End With
End Sub
Private Sub chkCheckNameA_Click()
With Me
![FieldA] = IIf(.chkCheckNameA.Value = 0, "N", "Y")
End With
End Sub
'True returns -1, False returns 0
Private Function CheckYNField(ByVal chkField As String) As Boolean
CheckYNField = (chkField = "Y")
End Function
chkControl is a Control, so you need to access a property of that control. Try changing your code to:
Public Function CheckYNField(chkControl As Control, chkField As String)
If chkField = "Y" Then
chkControl.Value = -1
ElseIf chkField = "N" Then
chkControl.Value = 0
Else: chkControl.Value = 0
End If
End Function
and then the same idea in your other function.
My application contains a Datagridview, the user has the possibility to enter values like: Day, Time, how many hours did he work etc. The problem is that my second application calculates with this data. It has to be in a certain format.
Like time should be "09:15", but i noticed that some users are using "09,15" instead. Can you help me guys, I need a code that can check if a Range in Datagridview contains some " blacklisted char" and if yes, replaces it with the right one.
Thanks for all.
Do not save values as a string.
Validate input string straight in the needed type.
Then validated values pass to the second application.
In this case you don't need "blacklisted chars"
Private Sub DataGridView_CellValidating(sender As Object,
e As DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs)
If e.RowIndex < 0 Then Exit sub
Dim dgv As DataGridView = DirectCast(sender, DataGridView)
Dim columnIndexWithInteger As Integer = 2
Dim columnIndexWithDate As Integer = 3
Select Case e.ColumnIndex
Case columnIndexWithInteger
Dim temp As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(e.FormattedValue, temp) = False Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
Case columnIndexWithDate
Dim temp As Date
If Date.TryParse(e.FormattedValue, temp) = False Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
End Select
End Sub
In DataGridView, you have one handle that allows you to check the validity of an edited cell : CellValueValidating. It is called before the user change is taken into account (CellValueChanged event).
You can find example and explanation here :
- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ykdxa0bc(v=vs.110).aspx
- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7ehy30d4(v=vs.110).aspx
You can also have a look at CellValueChanged, CellValueValidated and CellEndEdit events.
I have a subform that has a query in a combo box, and I want to navigate through the different records matching the query results.
Online, I found the "ListIndex" function for a combo box, and my code is as follows for a "next record" scenario:
Private Sub Button_Click()
If comboCountry.ListIndex <> comboCountry.ListCount - 1 Then
comboCountry.ListIndex = comboCountry.ListIndex + 1
comboCountry.ListIndex = 0
End If
End Sub
Even though my initial query works to get in a finite number of values into the combo box, when I press the button I get the error:
Run-time error 7777; You've used the ListIndex property incorrectly
VBA Debugger says that the erroneous line of code is line 4,
comboCountry.ListIndex = comboCountry.ListIndex + 1
What is going wrong with my macro?
Well, the on-line help - which you can access by one key press - is very clear: This property is read-only.
You can do something like this:
If comboCountry.ListIndex < comboCountry.ListCount - 1 Then
comboCountry.Value = comboCountry.ItemData(comboCountry.ListIndex + 1)
End If
I believe the source of your faulty code comes from another web site (maybe bytes?). I am not sure but I guess it is different in excel vba than in access vba. At least in ms access vba, listindex is read only and combo.value = combo.itemdata (i) is what is used to set the selections.
below is the code used to cycle through combobox list items using arrow keys.
Public Sub ArrowKeys(ByRef KeyCode As Integer, combo As ComboBox, ByRef Flag As Boolean)
' flag is used to be able to toggle normal action in combo_change()
Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyDown
KeyCode = 0 ' make sure the action wont be duplicated
If combo.ListIndex <> combo.ListCount - 1 Then
combo.Value = combo.ItemData(combo.ListIndex + 1)
Flag = True
combo.Value = combo.ItemData(0)
Flag = True
End If
Case vbKeyUp
KeyCode = 0 ' make sure the action wont be duplicated
If combo.ListIndex = -1 Then ' In case nothingg is selected yet (-1 index)
combo.Value = combo.ItemData(combo.ListCount - 1)
ElseIf combo.ListIndex <> 0 Then
combo.Value = combo.ItemData(combo.ListIndex - 1)
Flag = True
combo.Value = combo.ItemData(combo.ListCount - 1)
Flag = True
End If
End Select
End Sub
I am trying to set up a userform that will be used to take orders. e.g. each time you click the Cappuccino button it will increment the text box by one indicating that you are ordering 1, 2, 3 etc.
As far as I can get it is to only populate the text box one time. Each additional click does not appear to do anything. This is the Code I currently have for it. I tried declaring num as public. I thought that might be part of the problem but it did not seem to make a difference. Could it be a type casting issue since it is a "text" box and I am trying to treat it as in integer?
Private Sub Capuccino_Click()
If (Cap_qty.Value = Null) Then
Dim num As Integer
num = 1
Cap_qty.Value = Cap_qty.Value + num
ElseIf (Cap_qty.Value = IsNotNull) Then
num = num + 1
Cap_qty.Value = num
'Cap_qty.Value = num + 1
'num = Cap_qty.Value
End If
End Sub
Well, that makes a difference. I looked at something somewhere that told me to use Null, IsNotNull. I was able to get it working with the following which at the moment does not make sense to me I will have to figure out why it works this way. I guess there is some background action happening that is letting me do math with stings
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If (TextBox1.Value = vbNullString) Then
TextBox1.Value = 1
TextBox1.Value = TextBox1.Value + 1
End If
End Sub