vapt testing for web application and microservices - testing

New to vapt testing as beginner which resources i should use for web appilcation testing.
I unable to find open source tools for vapt testing.


Automate Functional Testing for web applications to surpass biometrics

I have a scenario where I want to automate my functional tests from the UI for a web application. Had it been simple I would have used a karate/similar framework to get the work done. The main caveat is to surpass the biometric scan in order to complete the functional tests. I know appium supports such a case for the mobile-native/ hybrid applications. But i want to know what are all the other tools that i can use to automate the same for a plain web applications. Thanks in advance.

Is there a testing framework that will support GraphQL, web app testing, and mobile?

I have started to use Karate to test our mobile app which is using GraphQL and it is working good so far, though a bit of a learning curve for me as I am not a programmer by trade, but I need to look further into the future and be sure to find a framework that will also support our need to automate tests for our custom web applications as well. I would think Selenium would be the way to go so I am looking for a testing framework where I can test not only the GraphQL queries which our micro services/APIs are written, but also our web applications and our mobile app. We are a MS shop but if need be, as with Karate, we can venture into a different stack. Thanks!
Disclaimer: dev of Karate here.
I don't know about mobile, but teams have been successful mixing Karate and Selenium / WebDriver into a single integrated script, which is possible because of Karate's Java inter-op.
This is a Stack Overflow answer recommending the above approach and this answer is an update from the same team reporting success.
One more reason you may want to consider Karate is that it may be the only framework that allows you to re-use functional test scripts as performance tests, via Gatling integration (still in development).
Karate in my opinion is a "safe" choice as a testing framework, because it is technically Gherkin and "language neutral". This may be a surprise for those new to Karate, but it actually leans towards using JavaScript for scripting instead of Java.
Of course, it is worth mentioning that I have yet to find a framework that makes testing GraphQL as easy as how Karate does.
Selenium and Rest assured integration framework is the answer to your question. I created a test automation framework to test an ionic application which is using GraphQL api along with Rest webservices. I have used Testng and cucumber in my framework to perform web app side validations and used Rest assured along with GSON to validate the GraphQL and rest services. You can easily integrate appium in your framework along with selenium and rest assured to cater the need of mobile testing.

Skype for Business WebSDK for On premises environment

We are using Skype for Business 2015 in our Organization (On-premises environment).
We are trying to integrate Skype web features to the Intranet Web sites using Skype for business WebSDK. Internet connectivity/access are not allowed in my environment.
I tried downloading and running sample mentioned in below link.
While evaluating I figured out that SkypeBootStrap.min.js is looking for sdk.js hosted in (
Can you please suggest any alternate approach for running SkypeWebSDK samples?
My ultimate goal is to develop a reusable client-side component that can be integrated into any of our intranet web applications within our firm which provides all of Skype communication options (including audio, video and screen sharing) through a simple client-side API. What is the best way to achieve this?

Is it feasible to create an responsive website and mobile application with same codebase?

Being said that IBM Mobilefirst is very advanced tool in developing hybrid mobile applications, I am curious to know if we can develop both the mobile application and the responsive mobile application using single code base. I know that there are different environments being provided out of box by Mobilefirst i.e mobile browser, desktopBrowser, Android etc.. I feel it kind of opens an option to developer to develop both mobile and responsive web application. But following questions and functionalities makes me rethink about going forward with this approach for practical implementation.
1) How far will the MobileFirst be reusable and flexible in terms of:
* implementing session management for both applications
* Authentication and Authorisation for both applications:
- When I said Authorisation, I meant user level preferences
2) What are the steps that need to be followed to setup a project which effectively uses the all the key features of the worklight for satisfying the above mentioned requirement.
3) Post development what are the steps that need to be followed to successfully deploy mobile and web application (Both of them will be using adapters to talk to services) into production.
Very sorry for making the question so theoretical. I felt very interesting and wanted to know.
1) How far will the MobileFirst be reusable and flexible in terms of:
* implementing session management for both applications
* Authentication and Authorisation for both applications:
- When I said Authorisation, I meant user level preferences
Depends which version of MFPF you are using.
Pre-7.1, all session management is the same in the server.
7.1 forward the server is session independent and currently Mobile Web and Desktop Browser are not supported; read more about session independent in the IBM Knowledge Center
Authentication works the same for both pretty much
2) What are the steps that need to be followed to setup a project which effectively uses the all the key features of the worklight for satisfying the above mentioned requirement.
There is not feature parity between the supported mobile environment and web environment, so the answer will depend on which particular features you will end up using. The IBM Knowledge Center contains a feature parity table.
3) Post development what are the steps that need to be followed to successfully deploy mobile and web application (Both of them will be using adapters to talk to services) into production.
That's got nothing to do with any of the environment you'll choose to use. It's the same for all. Yet again, read in the IBM Knowledge Center.

Selenium-Server and Selenium to test a service that is NOT web enabled

Our development team is developing a service (NOT web enabled) to support our web enabled application. I test the web part with Selenium/JUnit/Eclipse/Java.
I was wondering if there is anyway to use Selenium-Server / Selenium to test a service that is not web enabled?
Anyone ever attempted?
Thank you.
Selenium isn't for testing services, its for testing web GUIs
If it's not web-enabled then how will you access the service ?
Look at soapui for web service testing