Steps to reproduce:
Open any (I tried github) remote repository
File > "New Text File" > Save that file as "newfile.txt"
F12 (Open dev tools)
F1 > "Developer: Install Extension from location"
F1 > "Find files web-latex"
Expected result:
The console (vscode.workspace.findFiles) should output all files including "newfile.txt".
Actual result:
The console (vscode.workspace.findFiles) outputs all files in the remote repo excluding "newfile.txt".
vscode.workspace.fs.readDirectory(rootPath) correctly returns the list of files including "newfile.txt".
Is this behaviour intended?
I want to upload a file to automate a process with Selenium IDE from chrome, I already gave the permissions to the extension, however I get the following error yet.
The way I'm loading the file is as follows:
Command: type
id= txtFile
Value: C:\fakepath\factura.xls
Unable to upload files due to cross origin frames in the page
ist because of the Fakepath
You need to insert the direct path.
You can look it up by making a left click in the Explorer on the document.
The path should be visible now
Steps: open the Browser > enter URL >
Click Download tab > click Download version “2.46.0” link
It opens a dialog window. Click “Save File” button
Note: I have tried download *.xls file example code from URL: it is working fine in my system. It automatically handling the dialog box and saving the file in destination location.
But the same code not working to download the *.jar file.
Could you please look into this one and help me to resolve this?
If you are downloading Selenium Standalone Server try this:
profile.setPreference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/java-archive");
If downloading selenium java webdriver:
profile.setPreference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/zip");
Here is a nice link for a detailed list of file format MIME type list: ClickME
I need :
1) Let the user select a file from his local pc
2) Upload that file to the pentaho server
3) Process the file using a kettle transformation
I tried with a csv data source in Pentaho User Console (PUC) 5.0 but found no way to access it from a .ktr file uploaded to PUC repository. I also try to upload the csv file to a folder and still not able to access it from a .ktr file.
I think this requirement is valid :
Upload a csv data file and .ktr file to PUC folder. The .ktr should be able to read the uploaded csv file when it is executed from PUC
Imagine a simple user, with a csv. Will he be able to upload csv file to linux host using wincsp, filezilla or another ftp tool??
We need to give an easy upload functionality to our user, so after several researching hours (pentaho source code) without one line of Pentaho documentation, I found this test: that showed me that a mimetype list should be exist somewhere.
So after search some words in all pentaho folder wiht grep command, I found this file:
With some intuition, I added this xml
<ImportHandler class="">
<MimeTypeDefinition mimeType="text/plain" >
At the bottom of file:
<tns:ImportHandlerMimeTypeDefinitions xmlns:tns="" .....
<ImportHandler ../>
<ImportHandler ../>
Finally, I restarted my pentaho-server-ce- server and I was able to upload my csv file with this steps :
go to http://localhost:8080/pentaho
click en browse files
select some folder
click in upload (right side)
select csv and ok
Read this csv file from ktr is pending...
I hope this helps
I'm running Intellij 13 Ultimate. I'm trying to open a web page I'm working on, and it's opened from the file system:
Instead of something like:
Thing is, other projects run as expected and I can't figure out what's misconfigured in this specific project.
How do you open the page?
If you open your HTML file inside IntelliJ and go to Run > Run xxx.html (or Debug), a localhost page should be opened. If it isn't, check your Run Configuration (Run > Edit Configurations) and check the URL field.
View > Open in Browser should also work as expected.
I have latest version of phpstorm, downloaded today. While uploading files to remote server i click on refresh icon in remote host, then phpstorm displays error
could not list the contents of folder phpstorm. How can i correct that ??
Go to Tools -> Deployment -> Configuration -> Advanced Options. Check Always use LIST command.
Works like a magic!
Go to Tools > Deployment > Configuration > Advanced Options and Select the Pasive mode option.
It worked out for me!
For me was that for some reason the folder of the Root path was deleted. Check yours!
for me nether of these settings worked. in my settings i didn't even have passive mode (intellij idea).
so what i did is, lookup the server directory with a php info file (uploaded it with another ftp tool, that was able to list the direcories: transmit) and then rebuild that path inside tools / deployment / root path.
Go to Tools > Deployment > Configuration > Connection > Advanced and select:
Passive mode
Compatible with old version of listining children
Instead of MLSD
It worked out for me!
Step by step image