About the versions of Google Colaboratory - google-colaboratory

What is the version of the following libraries in Google Colaboratory on 2022/11/2?
I don't see it listed and I'm confused.


google colab only works with tensorflow 2

I'm trying to run the following google colab:
colab no longer recognises gpu's with tensorflow 1.x. so is there any way to get this colab working again??
I have tried reinstalling to tensorflow 1.x and also upgrading the code to tensorflow 2 but nothing seems to work.
Google Colab removed support for Tensorflow 1, and it is not possible to use %tensorflow_version 1.x magic anymore. You have to install a specific version of tensorflow 1.x version using
pip install tensorflow==1.x
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))
For more details please refer to this link. Thank You.

How do I install mlfinlab on Colab?

mlfinlab 1.0.1 requires numpy==1.20.1, but tensorflow 2.4.1 requires numpy~=1.19.2.
I have checked the mlfinlab installation for colab. I have uninstalled tensorflow and upgraded my numpy to 1.20.1. However, the following occurs:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mlfinlab (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for mlfinlab
Without Python 3.8, I won't be able to install the library as it only works on that version. I don't know Colab well enough but there must be a way to select a python version. I'm unable to find out how to upgrade Python on Colab. Upgrading will only upgrade the dependencies.
MlFinLab now works for Google Colab. We have relaxed the python versions and the dependencies.

How to install nvidia transfer learning toolkit in google colab?

I tried with solutions available online but none worked. Nvidia TLT is using docker image so is it possible in colab?
docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/tlt-streamanalytics:v1.0_py2
Unfortunately it is not possible as of now because Google Colab does not support Docker. I tried running this notebook to install Docker.
You can refer to this Installing Docker on Google Colab.

Why has gpu stopped working for me in google colab?

I am a university professor trying to learn deep learning for a possible class in the future. I have been using google colab with GPU support for the past couple of months. Just recently, the GPU device is not found. But, I am doing everything that I have done in the past. I can't imagine that I have done anything wrong because I am just working through tutorials from books and the tensorflow 2.0 tutorials site.
tensorflow 2 on Colab GPU was broken recently due to an upgrade from CUDA 10.0 to CUDA 10.1. As of this afternoon, the issue should be resolved for the tensorflow builds bundled with Colab. That is, if you run the following magic command:
%tensorflow_version 2.x
then import tensorflow will import a working, GPU-compatible tensorflow 2.0 version.
Note, however, if you attempt to install a version of tensorflow using pip install tensorflow-gpu or similar, the result may not work in Colab due to system incompatibilities.
See https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/tensorflow_version.ipynb for more information.

Tensorflow 2.0 beta GPU running in jupyter notebook, but not in google colab

I am working with tensorflow 2.0 beta, and while i managed to get my GPU working on anaconda through a few youtube tutorials I am unable to get my gpu running in google colab. I know google has the option to enable a gpu from one of their servers but My GTX 1070 is much faster, and i need to run off colab and not just Jupyter exclusively.
So I read the documentation like a good boy and the only thing i think i could have done wrong is my path settings I have screenshots bellow.
I followed several different youtube tutorials faithfully until the final one here gave me a way to install it to jupyter. Which is great, but I also need it to run on google colab as well.
I've been trying this since Friday and it's now tuesday and I'm losing my mind over this. Help me stackoverflow, you're my only hope.
If you can get it running on your own Jupyter server then you can point colab to that local server.
Full instructions here: https://research.google.com/colaboratory/local-runtimes.html but edited highlights are:
install jupyter_http_over_ws:
pip install jupyter_http_over_ws
jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_http_over_ws
start your local server allowing colab domain:
jupyter notebook \
--NotebookApp.allow_origin='https://colab.research.google.com' \
--port=8888 \
Click 'connect to local runtime' in colab