Programmatically get the $(rev:.r) variable in yaml scripts - azure-pipelines-yaml

This is a follow up of this question
I'd like to put the number of my build in the description (and in other tasks), when using BuildId it works without any problem.
But if I use $(rev:.r), this variable is not interpreted and I have an error saying that the number version is not correct (invalid characters such as $ and :).
Here's some code working with BuildId but not with Rev :
- group: NumVersion
- name: upperversion
${{ if eq(parameters.VersionBuild,'ReleaseProd') }}:
value: $(1-VersionMajeur).$(2-VersionMineure-ReleaseProd)
${{ if eq(parameters.VersionBuild,'Release') }}:
value: $(1-VersionMajeur).$(2-VersionMineure-Release)
${{ if eq(parameters.VersionBuild,'Develop') }}:
value: $(1-VersionMajeur).$(2-VersionMineure-Dev)
- name: lowerversion
${{ if eq(parameters.TypeBuild,'Feature') }}:
value: 99.$(Build.BuildId)
${{ if eq(parameters.TypeBuild,'Production') }}:
value: $(3-VersionCorrective-Release).$(rev:.r)
name: $(upperversion).$(lowerversion)
- stage: Build
- job: Prerequisites
displayName: Prerequisites
- checkout: self
- script: |
echo '##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$(upperversion).$(lowerversion)
Did somebody encounter this? Thanks in advance!

According to the docs you can’t use this variable other than in the build number / name field.
In Azure DevOps $(Rev:r) is a special variable format that only works in the build number field. When a build is completed, if nothing else in the build number has changed, the Rev integer value increases by one.


stages showing Unexpected value in yaml

I know there is a similar question here but it did not help. I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with my pipeline. I want to declare a variable set for all the jobs, so I am declaring them in the stage:
- name: myBatches
type: object
- stage: A
myVar: ""
- ${{ each object in parameters.myBatches }}:
- job:
It throws error on line 5 that "unexpected value 'stages'". How can I resolve it?
(Note - my purpose of doing stages is just to distribute the variables through all jobs)
Thanks so much!

DevOps Pipeline Variables cannot be compared

I have a question to DevOps Pipelines.
I have created a Pipeline and during this creation I add a variable with this values “ Name: RESIDENCE ; value: ISS“. So this Value is defined outside from any script.
Pipeline Variable
Inside the .yml file I use this code:
- name: shuttle
value: Columbia
- name: pipe_var
value: $(RESIDENCE)
- name: location
${{ if eq(variables.pipe_var, 'ISS') }}:
value: pretty_cool
${{ if eq(variables.pipe_var, 'MIR') }}:
value: not_possible
- script: |
echo space shuttle is: $(shuttle)
echo residence is: $(pipe_var)
echo place to be is: $(location)
But The Pipeline output is only showing:
space shuttel is: Columbia
resicende is: ISS
place to be is:
So as it can be seen in the line “resicende is: ISS “ the value from the outside variable “RESIDENCE” is shown correct. To show this value I use the detour over the variable “pipe_var”. But when I try to compare this variable value with the “if equal” lines then I get no results.
What I’m doing wrong? Is there a special way to compare string values in a pipeline?
It would be nice if someone could give me a hint.

Azure Devops YAML: Looping Jobs With Different Variables Passed

I am struggling to figure out how to execute an API test using a pipeline where the command used can be modified using a loop. For example:
JobName: ''
TestDirectory: '.\tests\smoke\'
PositiveTest: ''
NegativeTest: ''
- name: environments
type: object
- dev01
- dev02
- test01
- test02
- job: ${{ parameters.JobName }}
name: pool
- Cmd
PosTest: ${{ parameters.PositiveTest }}
NegTest: ${{ parameters.NegativeTest }}
Directory: ${{ parameters.TestDirectory }}
- script: |
call .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat
cd $(Directory)
python $(PosTest)
displayName: 'Executing Positive Test Scenarios'
condition: and(succeeded(), ne('${{ variables.PosTest }}', ''))
- script: |
call .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat
cd $(Directory)
python $(NegTest)
displayName: 'Executing Negative Test Scenarios'
condition: and(succeeded(), ne('${{ variables.NegTest }}', ''))
# Get this file: templates\TEMPLATE.yml from the `build` repository (imported above)
- template: templates\api-test-build.yml#build
- ${{ each env in parameters.environments }}:
TestDirectory: '.\tests\smoke\job_class'
PositiveTest: ' http://apient${{ env }}/arbitrary/api/path/name'
NegativeTest: ''
This of course doesn't work (the each directive returns an error like "the first property must be template". If I move it up a line it then says "the first property must be a job" and this cycle of errors just continues...).
The idea is just that I have a loop that iterates through environment strings (top of the TEMPLATE.yaml example). The yaml file that references the template passes the command http://apient<whatever env string the current iteration is on>/arbitrary/api/path/name for each iterated string (bottom of TEST_FILE.yaml) and the template just executes each of those api tests. At the end of a run there should be 4 environments that have been tested on.
This is just an idea I have and I am still learned all the in's and out's of Azure Devops YAML. If anyone knows how I can get this to work, any improvements I can make to the idea itself or any other workarounds/solutions that would be highly appreciated. Thank you!
You can try using Multi-job configuration (matrix) in your pipeline.
When you want to run the same job with multi-configuration in a pipeline, the matrix strategy is a good choose.
For example, in your pipeline, you want to run the jobs that have the same steps and input parameters but different values of the input parameters. You can just set up one job with the matrix strategy in the pipeline.

How can I use variables passed between jobs in a condition?

I am building a YAML pipeline in Azure DevOps. I'm generating couple of variables in first job, which I'm passing to other job and want to use them to conditionally run some steps.
Here's how the code looks like:
- stage: ConditionalVars
- job: outputVars
- pwsh: |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=varExample;isOutput=true]testVar"
name: setVars
- job: useVars
dependsOn: outputVars
varFromJob: $[ dependencies.outputVars.outputs['setVars.varExample']]
- ${{ if eq($(varFromJob), 'testVar')}}:
- pwsh: |
Write-Output "Conditionally run"
I am able to print $(varFromJob) variable in step in job useVars. But I'm not able to use it in this if (condition) example.
I was trying different approaches like variables.varFromJob and other taken from
Have you guys been struggling with similar issue? How could I define it to make it work?
Thanks a lot!
Try to use a condition for the step:
- pwsh: |
Write-Output "Conditionally run"
condition: eq(variables['varFromJob'], 'testVar')
${{ if eq... }} is a compile-time expression that is evaluated when the YAML file is compiled.

Ansible variable list span

When adding a variable list in Ansible how would one achieve a span of similar values? For instance "000-100" - in an Ansible hosts file this can be done by listing like so, "hostname-[a:v].com". Would this process be the similar in a variable list?
My use case is to provision many VM's within oVirt in a single go without having to make a line by line list.
- name: Create VM based on template
hosts: ovirt-engine
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- temp: '{{temp_fedora25}}'
- iname:
- db-aa
- db-ab
- db-ac
- name: Giving Birth to lil Baby VM's
user: '{{ovirt_usr}}'
password: '{{ovirt_pass}}'
url: '{{engine_url}}'
instance_name: "{{item}}"
instance_nic: ovirtmgmt
resource_type: template
image: '{{temp}}'
zone: superblade-a
disk_alloc: preallocated
with_items: "{{iname}}"
You can use sequence lookup:
- name: numeric
msg: "{{ item }}"
with_sequence: start=1 count=10 format=server-%0d
- name: characters from small 'a'
msg: "{{ item }}"
with_sequence: start=0x61 count=10 format=server-%c
- name: save for future use
my_seq: "{{ lookup('sequence','start={} count={} format={}{}'.format(beg,cnt,pref,fmt),wantlist=True) }}"
beg: 1
cnt: 10
pref: host-
fmt: '%0d'
You can skip set_fact and define my_seq in vars section, but if you use my_seq much, list generation will be done internally every time. With set_fact list is generated once.
With respect to the correct answer from Konstantin, I'm adding the full solution as per my case....
My goal is to be able to reuse the sequenced values as registered variables in order to pass the instance name to host name. This works so far but Im sure it can be streamlined by nesting variables perhaps?
- name: Create VM based on template
hosts: ovirt-engine
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- temp: '{{temp_fedora25}}'
- host_pre: db
- host_seq: a%c
- host_cnt: 3
- host_srt: 0x61
- name: Giving Birth to lil Baby VM's
user: '{{ovirt_usr}}'
password: '{{ovirt_pass}}'
url: '{{engine_url}}'
instance_name: "{{item}}"
instance_nic: ovirtmgmt
resource_type: template
image: '{{temp}}'
zone: superblade-a
disk_alloc: preallocated
with_sequence: start="{{host_srt}}" count="{{host_cnt}}" format="{{host_pre}}-{{host_seq}}"