Yowsup registration failed " authkey, missing parm - whatsapp

Getting below error while register yowsup with cmd
yowsup-cli registration --requestcode sms --phone ********* --cc 49 --mcc 24 --mnc 07
status: fail
param: authkey
reason: missing_param
login: 91**********
could not able to register on yowsup


enabling SSL for Hyperledger Fabric couchdb

I want to use couchDB(V. 2.3.1) with SSL enabled, so I added [ssl] part to /opt/couchdb/etc/local.d/docker.ini file as shown below:
port = 6984
enable = true
cert_file = /etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls/server.crt
key_file = /etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls/server.key
cacert_file = /etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls/ca.crt
httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
Admin = ...
uuid = ...
but i can't access the webUI with https! having this error:
This site can’t provide a secure connection
"IP" uses an unsupported protocol.
Unsupported protocol
The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.
this is the logs:
[error] 2020-05-17T06:52:18.046389Z nonode#nohost <0.19077.3> -------- SSL: hello: tls_handshake.erl:127:Fatal error: handshake failure - malformed_handshake_data
[error] 2020-05-17T06:52:18.046426Z nonode#nohost <0.18899.3> -------- application: mochiweb, "Accept failed error", "{error,{tls_alert,\"handshake failure\"}}"
[error] 2020-05-17T06:52:18.046508Z nonode#nohost <0.18899.3> -------- CRASH REPORT Process (<0.18899.3>) with 0 neighbors exited with reason: {error,accept_failed} at mochiweb_acceptor:init/4(line:75) <= proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3(line:247); initial_call: {mochiweb_acceptor,init,['Argument__1','Argument__2',...]}, ancestors: [https,couch_secondary_services,couch_sup,<0.202.0>], messages: [], links: [<0.253.0>], dictionary: [], trap_exit: false, status: running, heap_size: 1598, stack_size: 27, reductions: 954
can somebody please help me?
I found the solution and wrote a post about it:

How can we change ActiveUser Identity in Mobilefirst 7.1.0

Just after login we call an adapter to set active user identity. This adapter
has the following line of code:
WL.Server.setActiveUser(myrealm, null);
WL.Server.setActiveUser(myrealm,{displayName: param, userId:"abcd",
var gact = WL.Server.getActiveUser(myrealm);
return gact;
it gives the following error:
[ERROR] FWLSE0243E: Unable to set the active user for realm 'xx'. The
supplied userIdentity is not accepted by the login module.
[ERROR ] FWLSE0035E: Invocation of procedure 'X' failed.
[ERROR ] FWLSE0048E: Unhandled exception caught: SRVE0209E: Writer already obtained
Need advice? How to solve this issue? We want to set some userIdentity until the user is logged in.

freediameter - No remaining suitable candidate to route the message

Well, I've started a simple project with freediameter library. what I need to achieve in my project is to create a client diameter application that could send some CCR request to a diameter server.
for this matter, I tried to create a new extension for freediameter daemon.
So, the first thing I did was to setup the peer diameter server in config file:
ConnectPeer = "vm-pc.my.domain" { No_TLS; ConnectTo = ""; Port=3868; };
and then initialize a request message in ta_entry function, in message body i specified the Destination-Host and Destination-Realm but still I receive this error:
01/10/17,01:55:24.980611 ERROR Routing error: 'No remaining suitable candidate to route the message to' for the following message:
01/10/17,01:55:24.980620 ERROR 'Credit-Control-Request'
01/10/17,01:55:24.980628 ERROR Version: 0x01
01/10/17,01:55:24.980635 ERROR Length: 20
01/10/17,01:55:24.980642 ERROR Flags: 0xC0 (RP--)
01/10/17,01:55:24.980649 ERROR Command Code: 272
01/10/17,01:55:24.980656 ERROR ApplicationId: 4
01/10/17,01:55:24.980664 ERROR Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x00000000
01/10/17,01:55:24.980671 ERROR End-to-End Identifier: 0xDCA05EF4
01/10/17,01:55:24.980678 ERROR {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:0x0 rt:0 cb:0x80523df30,0x0(0x803397da0) qry:0x0 asso:0 sess:0x0
01/10/17,01:55:24.981562 ERROR AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=8 f=-M val="hadi-pc.my.domain;1484000714;6"
01/10/17,01:55:24.981569 ERROR AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=8 f=-M val="hadi-pc.my.domain"
01/10/17,01:55:24.981577 ERROR AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=8 f=-M val="my.domain"
01/10/17,01:55:24.981584 ERROR AVP: 'Destination-Host'(293) l=8 f=-M val="vm-pc.my.domain"
01/10/17,01:55:24.981591 ERROR AVP: 'Destination-Realm'(283) l=8 f=-M val="my.domain"
01/10/17,01:55:24.981599 ERROR AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=4 (0x4)
01/10/17,01:55:24.981606 ERROR AVP: 'CC-Request-Type'(416) l=12 f=-M val='EVENT_REQUEST' (4 (0x4))
01/10/17,01:55:24.981613 ERROR AVP: 'CC-Request-Number'(415) l=12 f=-M val=2 (0x2)
Can anybody help me on this ?
ps: as I see in the logs the CER/CEA are normal.
What Origin-Realm was signaled in the Capability-Exchange-Answer message when the connection was established?
The Diameter request routing process (as described in https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6733#section-6.1) relies on the realm, so if the Origin-Realm returned by the peer is not "my.domain", freeDiameter will not route to this peer, even if the Origin-Host matches.

SecTrustPolicy fail with self-signed cert

So I created this test case (a mish mash of existing alamofire test cases):
func testHTTPBasicAuthenticationWithValidCredentialsSelfSignedSuccess() {
// Given
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("\(URLString) 200")
var request: NSURLRequest?
var response: NSHTTPURLResponse?
var data: NSData?
var error: NSError?
let policies = [SecPolicyCreateBasicX509()]
SecTrustSetPolicies(serverTrust, policies)
// When
Alamofire.request(.GET, URLString)
.authenticate(user: user, password: password)
.response { responseRequest, responseResponse, responseData, responseError in
request = responseRequest
response = responseResponse
data = responseData
error = responseError
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(defaultTimeout, handler: nil)
// Then
XCTAssertNotNil(request, "request should not be nil")
XCTAssertNotNil(response, "response should not be nil")
XCTAssertTrue(data?.length > 0, "Data not found.")
XCTAssertNil(error, "error should be nil")
The Root CA is a self-signed cert for an existing sight that works.
But I get this error back:
Test Suite 'Selected tests' started at 2015-08-12 12:46:37.512 Test
Suite 'StageAuthentication' started at 2015-08-12 12:46:37.514 Test
Case '-[Alamofire_iOS_Tests.StageAuthentication
started. 2015-08-12 12:46:37.663 xctest[3641:12220875]
NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed
(kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9813)
/Users/wynne_b/Alamofire/Tests/QuestAuthentication.swift:309: error:
-[Alamofire_iOS_Tests.StageAuthentication testHTTPBasicAuthenticationWithValidCredentialsSelfSignedSuccess] :
XCTAssertNotNil failed - response should not be nil
/Users/wynne_b/Alamofire/Tests/QuestAuthentication.swift:310: error:
-[Alamofire_iOS_Tests.StageAuthentication testHTTPBasicAuthenticationWithValidCredentialsSelfSignedSuccess] :
XCTAssertTrue failed - Data not found.
/Users/wynne_b/Alamofire/Tests/QuestAuthentication.swift:311: error:
-[Alamofire_iOS_Tests.StageAuthentication testHTTPBasicAuthenticationWithValidCredentialsSelfSignedSuccess] :
XCTAssertNil failed: "Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1202 "The
certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a
server that is pretending to be “portal.care180.com” which could put
your confidential information at risk."
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The certificate for this server is
invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be
“portal.care180.com” which could put your confidential information at
risk., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Would you like to connect to the
server anyway?, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=3,
NSUnderlyingError=0x7ae21c60 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork
Code=-1202 "(null)"
_kCFNetworkCFStreamSSLErrorOriginalValue=-9813, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-9813, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=3, kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust=,
kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerCertificates={type = immutable, count = 1, values = ( 0 :
)}}}, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-9813,
NSErrorPeerCertificateChainKey={type =
immutable, count = 1, values = ( 0 : )},
NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://portal.care180.com/services/init.json}" -
error should be nil Test Case
failed (0.156 seconds). Test Suite 'StageAuthentication' failed at
2015-08-12 12:46:37.671. Executed 1 test, with 3 failures (0
unexpected) in 0.156 (0.157) seconds Test Suite 'Selected tests'
failed at 2015-08-12 12:46:37.672. Executed 1 test, with 3 failures
(0 unexpected) in 0.156 (0.160) seconds Program ended with exit code:
Sorry for being dense: what am I doing wrong? Or is there an Alamofire test that does this with a different cert and host?
I confused the root and the leaf. My bad.

sending mail through phpmailer error

helo guys i have been trying to send a mail through php script for the last 8 days first i was using the php mail() on the server it returned false after alot of searching then company told me they have disabled this feature and told me to use my gmail account for sending mail then i googled it and found phpmailer swiftmailer and other software finally i decided to use phpmailer and included 3-4 files on my root folder as described here(http://phpmailer.worxware.com/index.php?pg=install#) i used this code
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com"; // SMTP server
$mail->SMTPDebug = 1; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication
$mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';
$mail->Username = "myid#gmail.com"; // SMTP account username
$mail->Password = "xxxxxxx"; // SMTP account password
$mail->From = "myid#gmail.com";
$mail->Subject = "First PHPMailer Message";
$mail->Body = "Hi! \n\n This is my first e-mail sent through PHPMailer.";
if(!$mail->Send()) {
echo 'Message was not sent.';
echo 'Mailer error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo 'Message has been sent.';
it is returning errors that are listed in my firefox browser like this
2015-07-24 20:12:02 CLIENT -> SERVER: EHLO localhost
2015-07-24 20:12:02 CLIENT -> SERVER: AUTH LOGIN
2015-07-24 20:12:03 CLIENT -> SERVER: c2lkZGhhbnRiYWh1Z3VuYUBnbWFpbC5jb20=
2015-07-24 20:12:03 CLIENT -> SERVER: Y2hpbXB1OTQ=
2015-07-24 20:12:04 SMTP ERROR: Password command failed: 534-5.7.14 Please log in via your web browser and 534-5.7.14 then try again. 534-5.7.14 Learn more at 534 5.7.14 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754 2sm16058566pdp.68 - gsmtp
2015-07-24 20:12:04 SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
2015-07-24 20:12:04 CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT
2015-07-24 20:12:04 SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting Message was not sent.Mailer error: SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting`
this i tried on my wamp server
pls help me i m going mad trying to solve this problem pls help..... thanks