I installed vue3-carousel by npm and I want to show the imgs in the folder internal path, not the external path, but only the src path is displayed as text, and the image is not displayed. how can I display img's?
<div class="container">
<div class="fish_item">
<Carousel :wrap-around="true" :breakpoints="breakpoints" :autoplay="3000">
<Slide v-for="slide in slides" :key="slide.id">
<div class="carousel__item">
<h3>{{ slide.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ slide.content }}</p>
<p>{{ slide.src}}</p>
<template #addons>
<Navigation />
<Pagination />
<script setup>
import 'vue3-carousel/dist/carousel.css'
import { Carousel, Slide, Pagination, Navigation } from 'vue3-carousel'
const slides = [
{ id: 1, title: 'Vue 3 Introduction', content: 'VueJS is a library' , src: '../../public/images/map1.jpg'},
{ id: 2, title: 'Vue 3 Components', content: 'Know the components' , src: '../../public/images/map2.jpg'},
{ id: 3, title: 'Vue 3 Components', content: 'Know the components' , src: '../../public/images/map3.jpg'},
{ id: 4, title: 'Vue 3 Components', content: 'Know the components' , src: '../../public/images/map4.jpg'},
{ id: 5, title: 'Vue 3 Components', content: 'Know the components' , src: '../../public/images/map5.jpg'},
If you will use p tag to display the image then obviously a text would be displayed not an image. So, use img tag to display the images.
If files are in the public folder then you don't need to give ../../public/images path. You can directly access it via /images/<img_name>
After making those two changes, your images will be displayed correctly. Here is the fixes you need to do-
Update your slides data to this-
const slides = [
{ id: 1, title: 'Vue 3 Introduction', content: 'VueJS is a library' , src: 'map1.jpg'},
{ id: 2, title: 'Vue 3 Components', content: 'Know the components' , src: 'map2.jpg'},
{ id: 3, title: 'Vue 3 Components', content: 'Know the components' , src: 'map3.jpg'},
{ id: 4, title: 'Vue 3 Components', content: 'Know the components' , src: 'map4.jpg'},
{ id: 5, title: 'Vue 3 Components', content: 'Know the components' , src: 'map5.jpg'},
and update your Carousel component to this-
<Carousel :wrap-around="true" :breakpoints="breakpoints" :autoplay="3000">
<Slide v-for="slide in slides" :key="slide.id">
<div class="carousel__item">
<h3>{{ slide.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ slide.content }}</p>
<img :src="`/images/${slide.src}`" />
<template #addons>
<Navigation />
<Pagination />
I have an object in Portfolio.vue like this:
data() {
return {
portfolio: {
front: [
{ description: '1. project ', src: require("../assets/sample.jpg"), slug: 'first'},
{ description: '2. project', src: require("../assets/sample.jpg"), slug: 'second' },
{ description: '3. project', src: require("../assets/sample.jpg"), slug: 'third' },
<div class="">
<div v-for="(data,index) in portfolio.front" :key="index">
<router-link :to="'/portfolio/'+data.slug"> <div class="element" :data-description="data.description">
<img :src="data.src " alt="">
<p>I want to take data to here. In here, i have to reach the data like this: portfolio.front.description</p>
export default {
props: {
My routes:
const routes = [
path: "/portfolio",
name: "Portfolio",
component: Portfolio,
path: "/portfolio/:id",
name: "PortfolioProduct",
component: PortfolioProduct,
props: true,
I want to take data from Portfolio.vue to PortfolioProduct.vue , i couldn't solve. I'm using vue js3 , if you help me i will be glad. Thank you
You could probably use the template literal, changing the router-link would be like so:
<router-link :to="`/portfolio/${data.slug}`"> <div class="element" :data-description="data.description">
I am currently writing my first full-stack app. I am using bootstrap <b-table> to display content. On row-click, I expand the row to display nested data. Is there a way to iterate over the nested data and display it in nested rows within the parent b-table?
Currently, I can display the data, however it displays in a single row.
<div id="report-table" class="report-table">
<b-table striped hover sticky-header="100%"
#row-clicked="reports=>$set(reports, '_showDetails', !reports._showDetails)"
<template slot="row-details" slot-scope="row">
<template v-for="(proc, index) in row.item.Processes">
<b-tr :key=index>
<td>{{ proc.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ proc.Id }}</td>
In the attached image, the bottom row has been clicked. The content is displayed within a single row, but I would like it to be separate rows, so later I can further click on them to display even more nested content.
data example:
{"_id": <id>, "Hostname": <hostname>, "Address": <address>, "Processes": [{"Name": ApplicationHost, ...}, {"Name": svchost, ...}]
If this is not possible, is there some other Bootstrap element that makes more sense to achieve what I want?
To strictly answer your question: no, a BootstrapVue <b-table>'s row-details row can't be expanded into more than one row.
The row-details row has severe limitations:
it's only one row
it's actually only one cell which, through use of colspan is expanded to the full width of the row (which means you can't really use the table columns to align the content of the row-details row).
But... this is web. In web, because it's virtual, virtually anything is possible. When it's not, you're doing-it-wrong™.
What you want is achievable by replacing rows entirely when a row is expanded, using a computed and concatenating the children to their parent row when the parent is in expanded state. Proof of concept:
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.config.devtools = false;
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({
rows: [
{id: '1', name: 'one', expanded: false, children: [
{id: '1.1', name: 'one-one'},
{id: '1.2', name: 'one-two'},
{id: '1.3', name: 'one-three'}
{id: '2', name: 'two', expanded: false, children: [
{id: '2.1', name: 'two-one'},
{id: '2.2', name: 'two-two'},
{id: '2.3', name: 'two-three'}
computed: {
renderedRows() {
return [].concat([...this.rows.map(row => row.expanded
? [row].concat(row.children)
: [row]
tr.parent { cursor: pointer }
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<tr v-for="row in renderedRows" :key="row.id"
#click="row.children && (row.expanded = !row.expanded)"
:class="{parent: row.children}">
The example is rather basic (I haven't added BootstrapVue to it, nor have I used its fancy <b-table>), but it demonstrates the principle. Apply it to <b-table>'s :items.
One could even take it a step further and make it recursive, by moving the expansion logic into a method:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({
fields: ['id', { key: 'expanded', label: ''}, 'name'],
rows: [{
id: '1',
name: 'one',
expanded: false,
children: [
{ id: '1.1', name: 'one-one' },
{ id: '1.2', name: 'one-two' },
id: '1.3',
name: 'one-three',
expanded: false,
children: [
{ id: '1.3.1', name: 'one-three-one' },
{ id: '1.3.2', name: 'one-three-two' }
id: '2',
name: 'two',
expanded: false,
children: [
{ id: '2.1', name: 'two-one' },
{ id: '2.2', name: 'two-two' },
{ id: '2.3', name: 'two-three' }
computed: {
items() {
return [].concat(this.rows.map(row => this.unwrapRow(row))).flat()
methods: {
unwrapRow(row) {
return row.children && row.expanded
? [row].concat(...row.children.map(child => this.unwrapRow(child)))
: [row]
tbodyTrClass(row) {
return { parent: row.children?.length, child: row.id.includes('.') }
.table td:not(:last-child) { width: 80px; }
.table .bi { cursor: pointer }
tr.child {
background-color: #f5f5f5;
font-style: italic;
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//unpkg.com/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//unpkg.com/bootstrap-vue#latest/dist/bootstrap-vue.min.css" />
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue#2.6.14"></script>
<script src="//unpkg.com/bootstrap-vue#latest/dist/bootstrap-vue.min.js"></script>
<script src="//unpkg.com/bootstrap-vue#latest/dist/bootstrap-vue-icons.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<b-table :items="items"
<template #cell(expanded)="{item}">
<b-icon v-if="item.children"
:icon="item.expanded ? 'chevron-up' : 'chevron-down'"
#click="item.expanded = !item.expanded" />
One approach (that I've personally used in the past) is simply to put a nested <b-table> inside your child row-details for child data, instead of trying to add them to the outer table.
It's also worth noting that adding child data rows to the outer table could be visually confusing if they don't look distinct enough from their parents.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
reports: [{_id: 'ID#1', Hostname: 'Host1', Address: 'Addr1', Processes: [{Name: 'ApplicationHost', Id: '1'}, {Name: 'svchost', Id: '2'}]},
{_id: 'ID#2', Hostname: 'Host2', Address: 'Addr2', Processes: [{Name: 'ApplicationHost', Id: '3'}, {Name: 'svchost', Id: '4'}]},],
fields: ['Hostname', 'Address'],
<!-- Import Vue and Bootstrap-Vue -->
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//unpkg.com/bootstrap#4/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" /><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//unpkg.com/bootstrap-vue#latest/dist/bootstrap-vue.min.css" /><script src="//unpkg.com/vue#latest/dist/vue.min.js"></script><script src="//unpkg.com/bootstrap-vue#latest/dist/bootstrap-vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
#row-clicked="reports=>$set(reports, '_showDetails', !reports._showDetails)"
<!-- <b-table> nested inside 'row-details' slot: -->
<template #row-details="row">
:fields="['Name', 'Id']"
I'm trying to create a vue app for budget tracking and I have a BudgetItems component that I want to render in the /budget route. All the other components and raw HTML render but this one component does not
This is the BudgetItems component:
<BudgetItem v-for="item in Items" v-bind:key='item.id' v-bind:Item="item" />
import BudgetItem from './BudgetItem'
export default {
name: 'BudgetItems',
components: {
props: [
And this is the BudgetItem component I used to render a single item:
<div class="budgetitem">
export default {
name: 'BudgetItem',
props: [
Last of all, this is the Budget page view:
<div class="budget">
<Nav />
<BudgetItems v-bind:Items="items" />
import Nav from "../components/Nav"
import BudgetItems from "../components/BudgetItems"
export default {
name: 'Budget',
components: {
items: [
id: 1,
income: false,
title: "Item 1",
value: 200
id: 2,
income: true,
title: "Item 2",
value: 500
id: 3,
income: false,
title: "Item 3",
value: 10
Also, when I look in the vue dev tools tab, the component appears, it just doesn't show on the screen
You need to change the v-bind declarations to lower case. Replace each instance of Items and Item with items and item.
Vue.JS doesn't like it if you capitalise props when using binding.
Please read this for more explanation.
Essentially, browsers treat all attribute names as lowercase. As a result, it interprets "Items" as being "items".
Budget page view:
<BudgetItems v-bind:items="items" />
<BudgetItem v-for="item in items" v-bind:key='item.id' v-bind:item="item"/>
props: [
props: [
Once you make these changes, it works perfectly as seen here:
I have an array of objects coming from a prop. Each object has a title and img key values. I'm using v-for to display the title and how the image from the img value.
<div v-for="item in products" :key="item.id">
<h1>{{item title}}</h1>
<img :src="item.img">
export default {
name: "home",
props: ["products"]
here is the products
[{id: 1, title: "Moe", img: "../assets/images/stooges/moe.jpg"},
{id: 2, title: "Larry", img: "../assets/images/stooges/larry.jpg"},
{id: 3, title: "Curly", img: "#/assets/images/stooges/curly.jpg"}]
On the last element, I'm trying the relative referencing. I've also tried something like this
<img :src="require(item.img)">
At least for the last element, I was hoping to see the image.
<div v-for="item in products" :key="item.id">
<h1>{{ item.title }}</h1>
<img :src="require(`#/assets/images/stooges/${item.img}.jpg`)" />
export default {
name: "home",
props: ["products"]
data() {
return {
products: [
[{id: 1, title: "Moe", img: "moe"},
{id: 2, title: "Larry", img: "larry"},
{id: 3, title: "Curly", img: "curly"}]
I want create a component that it can to scale with a nested object structure using the QExpansionItem from Quasar Framework.
I made a recursive component to try achieve this but doesn't shows like i hope. The items are repeated in a wrong way and I don't know why.
I am using Quasar V1.0.5, the component that i used QexpansionItem
Here the menu object
name: '1',
icon: 'settings',
permission: 'configuration',
description: '1',
url: '',
children: [
name: '1.1',
permission: 'configuration',
url: '/insuranceTypes',
icon: 'add',
description: '1.1'
name: '1.2',
permission: 'configuration',
url: '/insuranceTypes2',
icon: 'phone',
description: '1.2'
}, {
name: '2',
icon: 'person',
permission: 'configuration',
url: 'contacts',
description: '2'
MenuComponent.vue where i call side-tree-menu component
class="rounded-borders q-pt-md"
<side-tree-menu :menu="menu"></side-tree-menu>
v-for="(item) in menu"
v-for="(subitem) in item.children"
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'side',
props: ['menu', 'children'],
data () {
return {
isOpen: false,
algo: 0
mounted () {
console.log('menu', this.menu)
computed: {
...mapGetters('generals', ['can'])
The elements 1.1 and 1.2 are repeated and I don't know fix it
I got stuck at the same problem and did not find any solution online. I managed to get it working with the below approach. This could be helpful for someone in the future :)
I am adding here the 2 most important code files that will get this working. Rest of my setup is nothing more than what is created by the quasar create [project-name] CLI command.
When you create the project with the above command, you get the MainLayout.vue and EssentialLink.vue file. I have modified those to achieve the required result.
**My MainLayout.vue file - the template **
EssentialLink below is the component that renders the menu recursively using q-expansion-item inside the drawer on the main layout page.
<q-layout view="hHh Lpr lFf">
<q-header elevated>
<q-btn flat dense round icon="menu" aria-label="Menu"
#click="leftDrawerOpen = !leftDrawerOpen" />
<div>Release {{ appVersion }}</div>
v-model="leftDrawerOpen" show-if-above bordered
Essential Links
v-for="link in essentialLinks"
<router-view />
script section of MainLayout.vue file. Key properties to note - children and level.
import EssentialLink from 'components/EssentialLink.vue'
export default {
name: 'MainLayout',
components: {
data () {
return {
appTitle: 'Project Name',appVersion: 'v0.1',leftDrawerOpen: false,
essentialLinks: [
title: 'Search', caption: 'quasar.dev', icon: 'school',
link: 'https://quasar.dev',
level: 0,
children: [{
title: 'Documents', caption: 'quasar.dev',icon: 'school',
link: 'https://quasar.dev',
level: 1,
children: [{
title: 'Search (level 3)',
caption: 'quasar.dev',
icon: 'school',
link: 'https://quasar.dev',
level: 2,
children: []
title: 'Github',caption: 'github.com/quasarframework',
icon: 'code',link: 'https://github.com/quasarframework',
level: 0,
children: [{
title: 'Github Level 2',caption: 'quasar.dev',icon: 'school',
link: 'https://quasar.dev',level: 1,
children: []
title: 'Forum',caption: 'forum.quasar.dev',
icon: 'record_voice_over',link: 'https://forum.quasar.dev',
level: 0,
children: [{
title: 'Forum Level 2',caption: 'quasar.dev',icon: 'school',
link: 'https://quasar.dev',
level: 1,
children: []
Finally the EssentialLink.vue component
The code below recursively calls itself when it encounters more than 1 item in its children property. The level property is used to indent the menus as you drill down.
<div v-if="children.length == 0">
<q-item clickable v-ripple :inset-level="level">
<div v-else>
<div v-if="children.length > 0">
<!-- {{children}} -->
v-for="child in children"
<div v-else>
<q-item clickable v-ripple :inset-level="level">
*script section of the EssentialLink.vue component
export default {
name: 'EssentialLink',
props: {
title: {
type: String,
required: true
caption: {
type: String,
default: ''
link: {
type: String,
default: '#'
icon: {
type: String,
default: ''
level: {
type: String,
default: ''
children: []
Final output looks like this (image)