I have a XML column in my db2 table, some XML's having invalid characters.
how to print invalid characters using DB2 SQL Query
Error : Invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x2)
XML having non ascii characters
ALTER TABLE unicorns
ALTER COLUMN last_valuation_upd TYPE numeric USING (last_valuation_upd::numeric);
It shows this error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "" SQL state: 22P02
I am assuming you had the column as text before and now changing it to numeric. Probably the quotes and commas (if any) existing in the table can be a problem and may need to be removed.
I Have an XML which have more than 4000 Characters . The Datatype in Oracle in XMLTYPE . The Insert or Execute Script Components are not allowing me to insert this XML into Oracle . I Cannot Change the Datatype in Oracle . Is there any way i can insert the XML into XMLTYPE Column. In Java i am able to achieve it by creating and SQLXML object from Connection .
SQLXML xml = conn.createSQLXML(); //This allowing to save the xml at any size
Error i am getting
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
insert Statement
insert into ABC(ID,RESPONSE_XML) values(123, :RESPONSE_XML))
'RESPONSE_XML' : write(payload, 'application/xml')
If i reduce the number characters in the payload xml its inserting successfully . What we can do here to get it inserted.
JDBC Driver i am using is ojdbc14-10g.jar
it could be an Oracle limitation. It has a limit on the size of XML identifiers:
XML Identifier Length Limit – Oracle XML DB supports only XML identifiers that are 4000 characters long or shorter.
Having an XML like that would be just insane.
Due to some error while uploading data, extra columns got created and one of the column names became 84. Trying to remove that column but getting following error:
org.jkiss.dbeaver.model.sql.DBSQLException: SQL Error [1100] [HY000]: ERROR: 'ALTER TABLE XXX.XXXXX
DROP 84'
error ^ found "84" (at char 44) expecting an identifier, identifiers must begin with a letter
You can find examples of how to handle identifiers that does does not begin with a letter. You can wrap the identifier in double quotes
Am trying to store a dataframe into an oracle table using the below code
the data is inserted successfully if I omit dtype={'PN': types.VARCHAR}
merged.to_sql('table1', conn, if_exists='append', index=False, dtype={'PN': types.VARCHAR})
else it throws
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (cx_Oracle.OperationalError) ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at line 13
ORA-00906: missing left parenthesis
"COL2" NUMBER(19),
"COL3" NUMBER(19),
Oracle expects length for a varchar column in a "Create Table" DDL statement. As suggested by Gord ,providing a value between 1 and 255 in parenthesis will solve the issue.You can try dtype={'PN': types.VARCHAR(255)}.
If you want to know what happens in the database i have reproduced the issue on dbfiddle - Oracle 18c Express edition that you can check out.
I wouldn't recommend using varchar for storing alphanumeric data because of following reasons :
Comparison Semantics Use the CHAR datatype when you require ANSI
compatibility in comparison semantics, that is, when trailing blanks
are not important in string comparisons. Use the VARCHAR2 when
trailing blanks are important in string comparisons.
Space Usage To store data more efficiently, use the VARCHAR2
datatype. The CHAR datatype blank-pads and stores trailing blanks up
to a fixed column length for all column values, while the VARCHAR2
datatype does not blank-pad or store trailing blanks for column
Future Compatibility The CHAR and VARCHAR2 datatypes are and will
always be fully supported. At this time, the VARCHAR datatype
automatically corresponds to the VARCHAR2 datatype and is reserved
for future use.
I'm running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and I've got the following query to import the records from my csv.
However it keeps giving me this syntax error
LOAD DATA local INFILE 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\update_05112013.csv' INTO TABLE dbo.Urls
Perhaps I'm missing something small , probably ??
Can any of you guys see what I'm doing wrong.
SQL Server BULK INSERT is a good way to insert data in bulk (as the name suggests) but it doesn't actually support CSV files:
Comma-separated value (CSV) files are not supported by SQL Server
bulk-import operations. However, in some cases, a CSV file can be used
as the data file for a bulk import of data into SQL Server.
If you can create a CSV without quotation marks or escaped characters this will work:
BULK INSERT dbo.Urls FROM 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\update_05112013.csv'