React Native map crashes only with apk but not in local - react-native

when use google map my apk crash but in local run correctly in react native expo. in apk when go to screen apk crash
What is actul issue and how can resolve that issue

You should check the native log of your release build with:
npx react-native log-android
We can't know the issue with these informations only.


My React Native App Syncing with Expo App

I created an App in Expo first but for bluetooth printing i shift my project to react-native
then after some time i want to update something but react-native android build was failing so i just copy project removed print button and build in expo but the problem is now the already build apk hiding that print button sometimes why it is happening both are different apk different platform
one is react-native cli other is expo cli why it is syncing with each other.
Anybody having this problem ?

React-Native run-android: The expo SDK requires Expo to run. It appears the native Expo modules are unavailable and this code is not running on Expo

I developed a React Native application and tested it using Expo. When I finished, I tried to export the apk but I saw that it crash immediately after the execution. Then I tried to run "react-native run-android" and I see that the problem was something about Expo. The exact error is:
"The expo SDK requires Expo to run. It appears the native Expo modules are unavailable and this code is not running on Expo". How can I use this app without Expo? What should I do to make it work?

How can I turn the expo into react native without problem?

I can't run-ios In the react-native form.
The console says file ios is not available
So I have to get out expo from project
How can I do this?

Can I not use Expo (cloud service) at all using React Native

I have build an app using react native(detached) but the thing is I would want to completely get rid of Expo. The reason is, what if one day EXPO service get shut down or no more supported.
So in this case I would not want the app to be affected.
Currently I need to publish my app thru ExpoKit to see the latest changes, how would I build my android app so it would not have any reference to Expo but still be able to work properly
Currently this is how I understand how the react native and expo works: first u build ur app using react native code and then a bundle.js is generated somewhere on cloud(EXPO) using publish command so the app communicate with that bundle.js.
Note I am not using any feature from Expo so why would I need Expo in this case?
Edited: If I am detaching my app from expo, I mean why would I still need Expo? Can't I just build the app and run the app without expo at all?
You can build your whole application without using expo, just follow the steps from facebook documentation in "Building Projects with Native Code" tab.
you can run "npm run eject" in your project root directory folder.
After this, you can build your appliaction using react-native cli commands, like
react-native run-android.
edited :--
For building apk for production, you can follow steps given in facebook documentation as generating signed apk and for released IPA for iOS yo can follow building your app for production for IOS.

how to run react native code from server? i want to release app in android and apple store

I am an android developer and learning react native.
I made an app in React Native and now I want to release my app in android play store and apple store but I don't know where do I put my react native project code/files?
I had put react native code in my PHP(Linux) server but it's not working, it says file not found 404.
please guide, Thanks
You need to generate build standalone signed apk.
Generating Signed APK
1) first create keystore file and put in android folder location
2) setting up gradle for keystore
3) run comman
react-native run-android --variant=release
after success run command you will file apk-release.apk in andorid/app/build/outputs/apk/ location
then you can uplaod apk to app store
If your app doesn't need detach (for example doesn't use bluetooth) you can use create-react-native-app and put your app code inside new project. That way you can publish your app to . It's a great way to publish your app without Google Play and App Store.
Here is instruction for creating new react native app with expo kit:
And here is how to publish it into expo:
All you need is create-react-native-app and exp command line tools.