ue5 Object overlapping error when each object's y value is different - unreal-engine5

ue5 When each object y value is different
Even if the orthographic and ortho width are modified in the camera options
Objects overlap due to different y values.[[[enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/yF18S.jpg)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ikGy9.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/V2u7e.png)
I modified the orthographic and ortho width in the camera options.[enter image description here]


How to change the anchor point from the top-left corner of a transformation matrix to the bottom-left corner?

Say, I have an image on an HTML page.
I apply an affine transformation to the image using CSS3 matrix function.
It looks like:
img#myimage {
transform: matrix(a, b, c, d, tx, ty);
/* use -webkit-transform, -moz-transform etc. */
The origin of an HTML page is the top-left corner and the y-axis is inverted.
I'm trying to put the same image in an environment (cocos2d) where the origin is the bottom-left corner and the y-axis is upright.
To get the same result in the other environment, I need to transform the origin somehow and reflect that in the resulting CGAffineTransform.
It would be great if I can get some help with the matrix math that goes here. (I'm not so good with matrices.)
The following formula would work,
for converting the position from CSS3 to Cocos2d:
(screen Size - "y" position in CSS3 - height of object)
To make the origin for the Cocos environment same as for the CSS3 environment we would only have to add the screen size to the cocos2d's bodies y co-ordinate.
Eg. The screen size is (100,100) and the body is a point object if you place it at (0,0) in CSS3 it would be at the top left corner. If we add the screen size to the y co-ordinates for cocos2d the object would be placed at (0,100) which is the top-left corner for cocos2d as well
To make the co-ordinates same, since the Y axis is inverted, we have to subtract the "Y" co-ordinate given in CSS3 from the Screen Size for Cocos2d. Suppose we place the same point object in the previous example at (0,10) in CSS3 we would place it at (0, 100 - 10) in cocos2d which would be the same positions on the screen
Since our body would NOT always be a point object we have to take care of its anchor point as well. If suppose the body's height is 20 and we place it at (0,10) in CSS3 then it would be placed at the top-left position and would be coming down because the Y axis is inverted
Hence we would also have to subtract the body's total height from the screen size and "y" co-ordinate to place it at the same position which would be (0, 100 - 10 - 20) putting the body at the same place in cocos2d environment
I hope I am correct and clear :)

How to set MKPinAnnotation so that bottom of image points to location instead of center of image

How can I move the pin image so that the bottom of the image points to the location (like the default pin). Currently the center of the image points to that location (San Francisco).
You'll need to calculate the number of pixels to offset and then set the centerOffset property.
By default, the center point of an annotation view is placed at the
coordinate point of the associated annotation. You can use this
property to reposition the annotation view as needed. This x and y
offset values are measured in pixels. Positive offset values move the
annotation view down and to the right, while negative values move it
up and to the left.

Quartz scaling sprite vertical range but not horizontal when go to fullscreen mode / increase window size

I have create a Quartz composition for use in MAC OS program as part of my interface.
I am relying on the fact that when you have composition sprite movement (a text bullet point in my case) is limited both in the X plane and Y plane to minimum -1 and maximum +1.
When I scale up the window / make my window full screen, I find that the horizontal plane (X axis) remains the same, with -1 being my far left point and +1 being my far right point. However the vertical plane (Y axis) changes, in full screen mode it goes from -0.7 to +0.7.
This scaling is screwing with my calculations. Is there anyway to get the application to keep the scale as -1 to +1 for both horizontal and vertical planes? Or is there a way of determining the upper and lower limits?
Appreciate any help/pointers
Quartz Composer viewer Y limits are usually -0.75 -> 0.75 but it's only a matter of aspect ratio. X limits are allways -1 -> 1, Y ones are dependents on them.
You might want to assign dynamically customs width and heigth variables, capturing the context bounds size. For example :
double myWidth = context.bounds.size.width;
double myHeight = context.bounds.size.height;
Where "context" is your viewer context object.
If you're working directly with the QC viewer : you should use the Rendering Destination Dimensions patch that will give you the width and the height. Divide Height by 2, then multiply the result by -1 to have the other side.

Convert point coordinates to a new coordinate system

Let's say I have point which has the coordinates (50,100) where (0,0) is in the upper left corner of a view.
How can I get the coordinates of the same point if I want the beginning of the coordinate system to be the center of the screen (ie width/2, height/2) ?
Note that I am implementing a custom View and I am drawing inside it and I just want to convert the coordinate inside that same view. I am basically implementing a graphic calculator and I need to have my coordinate system to start in the middle of the screen so the graphics could look better.
I notice you tagged it as iOS problem, so use the method Apple have built in UIView:
(CGPoint)convertPoint:(CGPoint)point fromView:(UIView *)view
Find the midpoint you will be using, so for a 100x100 screen, this would be (50,50). Then take the point you need to convert and subtract the midpoint X value from the point X value, and then subtract the point Y value from the midpoint Y value. Notice that you are not doing the same operation on both values.
So if the point is (30,25) the new point would be (-20,25) because 30 - 50 = -20 and 50 - 25 = 25.

MapKit - Overlay image where 1 pixel = x square feet

I have a 256x256 image that I would like to place on a map via an overlay. I would like to know how to scale the image so that 1 pixel of the image represents "x" square feet on the map (where "x" is some arbitrary number I determine at runtime).