Macos Ventura Disable Three Finger Tap Gesture - objective-c

How can I turn it off programmatically when the trackpad settings are set to "Tap with Three Fingers" in Macos Ventura operating system?
Option 1:
Option 2:
I tried the following defaults write commands but the changes are not applied without restarting.
I also try killall Dock and killall cfprefsd but it doesn't work.
defaults write TrackpadThreeFingerTapGesture -int 0
defaults write NSGlobalDomain -int 0
defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain -int 0
Do you have any suggestion for a solution for this problem?

Without restarting the computer, I activated the defaults with the code below.
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SystemAdministration.framework/Resources/activateSettings -u


How do I resolve question marks on my login screen?

When I restart or shut down and start my computer, I have the following. After sleep mode it doesn't show the question marks when signing into my account. Tried the advice below but it doesn't work:
Fix Font Corruption
Open Terminal in your Utilities' folder and paste the following after the prompt:
fontrestore default
If this doesn’t fix the problem then paste the following after the prompt:
sudo atsutil databases -remove
You may need to restart the computer for anything to take effect.
Using Macbook Air with Mojave.

Linux Screen tab misbehaves on WSL environment

I use Ubuntu 18.04 on a WSL system and usually log on a Linux server through ssh to get some work done. When I activate 'screen' and use the tab key to autocomplete commands, my cursor goes to the end of line, and the formatting of my entire terminal breaks from then on.
When using vim in that condition on a screen terminal, if I go to the end of file and press down on more time, it erases the last line from the terminal.
It seems a kind of misinterpretation of some terminal signal. When using Putty or any other ssh client under the same circumstances, everything works fine, so I am pretty sure it is a problem with WSL environment, specifically.
Any ideas about what is the main issue and how to solve it?
I just came across this same exact issue and it appears to be a possible bug with Windows Console and certain $TERM values.
I have this problem when $TERM is set to screen-256color. The problem went away after setting $TERM to xterm-256color in .screenrc
$ cat ~/.screenrc
term xterm-256color

How to install Guest addition in Mac OS as guest and Windows machine as host

I am trying to copy contents from my host machine to a guest machine, but for copying I need to install the Guest additions disk.
Or there is there another way to access host machine content on the guest machine or vice-versa?
Guest Additions are available for MacOS starting with VirtualBox 6.0.
Boot & login into your guest macOS.
In VirtualBox UI, use menu Devices | Insert Guest Additions CD image...
CD will appear on your macOS desktop, open it.
Run VBoxDarwinAdditions.pkg.
Go through installer, it's mostly about clicking Next.
At some step, macOS will be asking about permissions for Oracle. Click the button to go to System Preferences and allow it.
If you forgot/misclicked in step 6, go to macOS System Preferences | Security & Privacy | General. In the bottom, there will be a question to allow permissions for Oracle. Allow it.
macOS 10.15 introduced new code signing requirements; Guest additions installation will fail. However, if you reboot and apply step 7 from list above, shared clipboard will still work.
VirtualBox < 6.0.12 has a bug where Guest Additions service doesn't start. Use newer VirtualBox.
In the guest Mac, open the Terminal and go for a reboot on the Recovery partition
sudo nvram "recovery-boot-mode=unused"
sudo reboot
Now you're in Recovery mode, enter the Terminal and do:
csrutil disable
spctl kext-consent add VB5E2TV963
nvram -d recovery-boot-mode
Back in "normal" mode, open the Terminal, and do:
sudo mount -uw /
sudo chown :admin /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo chmod 775 /System/Library/Extensions/
Run the Guest Additions installer and go through the end
(in principle, it goes through successfully)
Now in the terminal, do:
sudo chown :wheel /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo nvram "recovery-boot-mode=unused"
sudo reboot
Again in Recovery mode, go into the Terminal and do:
csrutil enable
nvram -d recovery-boot-mode
You should be set.
Guest additions are not available for Mac OS X. You can get features like clipboard sync and shared folders by using VNC and SMB. Here's my answer on a similar question.
You can use SSH and SFTP as suggested here.
In the Guest OS (Mac OS X), open System Preferences > Sharing, then activate Remote Login; note the ip address specified in the Remote Login instructions, e.g. ssh user#
In VirtualBox, open Devices > Network > Network Settings > Advanced > Port Forwarding and specify Host IP =, Host Port 2222, Guest IP, Guest Port 22
On the Host OS, run the following command sftp -P 2222 user#; if you prefer a graphical interface, you can use FileZilla
Replace user and with the appropriate values relevant to your configuration.
I've the same problem, and by the "trial and error" method I have the steps to install the guest additions on a MacOS guest:
insert the guest additions cd
open the cd on file manager
double click on VBoxDarwinAdditions.pkg
the installer opens, then click contine
next screen to set location of installed files, only press install
your password can be asked a couple of time while installing, write
it and continue
this is the tricky part, on my installation, macos show an message
about the driver created by oracle won't be installed because a
security issue, it has the option to enable it, so click on the
button to open security screen and click on the allow button next to
the oracle software listed at bottom of the security settings
window, it will ask your password again. Meanwhile the pkg installer
continued as if it has permissions and will say "install finished",
but I don't believe it so, once I unlocked the oracle drivers
installations I repeat the whole process from step 3, and in the
second round all installs without asking more than the first
password to install.
And it is done!
Above, someone gave a hint:
At some step, macOS will be asking about permissions for Oracle. Click the button to go to System Preferences and allow it.
If you forgot/misclicked in step 6, go to macOS System Preferences | Security & Privacy | General. In the bottom, there will be a question to allow permissions for Oracle. Allow it.
It took me a couple of hours but I did finally find what he was talking about - it's actually in the bottom of the Mac - click on the gear icon and you'll find it eventually.
You need to update your virtualbox sw. On new version, there is VBoxDarwinAdditions.pkg included in a additions iso image, in older versions is missing.
you can do it from the windows 10 terminal
step 1: open CMD in administrator mode
step 2 paste this open CMD cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox"
step 3: paste this command in the open CMD, you must indicate the name you have in VirtualBox
VBoxManage setextradata "Virtual machine name" VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution X
VBoxManage setextradata "Mac OS Sierra" VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution 1280x720
Before you start, close VirtualBox!
After those manipulations start VB as Administrator!
Run CMD as Administrator
Use lines below one by one:
cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox"
VBoxManage setextradata “macOS_Catalina” VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution 1920x1080
Screen Resolutions: 1280x720, 1920x1080, 2048x1080, 2560x1440, 3840x2160, 1280x800, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1600x900
macOS_Catalina - insert your VB machine name.
1920x1080 - put here your Screen Resolution.
Have you tried which has step-by-step instructions to help you?
Make your VM bi-directional for Clipboard and Drag & Drop
Share folders from your host to the guest VM too.

Reduce Transparency In Mac through Terminal

I'm trying to make an app that will disable/reduce transparency in Mac OSX like in the system preferences accessibility tab, using terminal. I want to use the system() command. I've found this command:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleEnableMenuBarTransparency -bool false
But unfortunately this is only for the menu bar and not for the entire system, can someone tell me a command to disable/reduce all transparency throughout all of OSX? Thanks.
You can set it for a user with this:
defaults write reduceTransparency 1
I couldn't find a way to set it system-wide.

Trying to make a Webkit Kiosk on Debian with Raspberry Pi

I'm trying to build a Webkit Kiosk on a Raspberry Pi.
I found a good start at:
The things I want to do:
1) Start the kiosk without logging in (with inittab?)
Peter Schultz pointed out adding the following line:
1:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/startx -e /usr/bin/browser tty1 /dev/tty1 2>&1
But he did not explain the steps to make this work (for noobs).
What I did is add his code to a personal git repository and cloned this repo to /usr/bin/kiosk and sudo apt-get install libwebkit-dev and sudo make.
The line to add to inittab will be:
1:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/startx -e /usr/bin/kiosk/browser tty1 /dev/tty1 2>&1
If I do this, I generate a loop or some kind...
If you want to automatically load a browser full screen in kiosk mode every time you turn on the rpi you can add one of these two lines to the file /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
#chromium --kiosk --incognito
#midori -i 120 -e Fullscreen -a -p
The first is for chromium and the latter is for midori, the rpi default lightweight browser.
Hint : Since we will use the rpi as a kiosk we want to prevent the screen from going black and disable the screensaver. Edit the autostart file:
sudo pico /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
find the following line and comment it using a # (it should be located at the bottom)
##xscreensaver -no-splash
and append the following lines
#xset s off
#xset -dpms
#xset s noblank
Save, reboot.
More info on
The upvoted answer suggest to run LXDE for it. You could also do it without such a heaver desktop enviorment. You could just start midori or chromium in an X session:
xinit /usr/bin/midori -e Fullscreen -a
xinit chromium --kiosk
Sometimes Fullscreen mode of midori is not working as expected and midori is not using whole screen. In these cases you could map it inside a very simple window manager like MatchBox to get real fullscreen. Due to xinit you have to wrap everything in a shell script.
matchbox-window-manager &
midori -e Fullscreen -a
Autostart could be done simply be using /etc/rc.local.
More information concerning screensaver issues and an automated restart could be found here:
Chromium has a dependency problem on some debian derivate for arm architecture. For Cubian you find the bug report here. I am not sure if you could install chromium on latest Raspbian without problem.
But I really could recommend midori. It's very fast and support for modern web technologies is very good. As Chromium it is using webkit as rendering engine. If you miss some html5 / css3 features consider an update of libwebkitgtk (for example by using package of debian testing).
It's possible you haven't set the DISPLAY environment variable.
export DISPLAY=:0
/usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/browser
Or, browser can also take a display argument (so you don't need the environment variable):
/usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/browser :0
This works for me on Raspbian from a standard terminal shell (I'm logged in over SSH).
Updated for the current version of Raspbian (with Pixel desktop) install with noop 2.0.
I found you need to edit in two different places to get it to work.
So my configure file is:
# #xscreensaver -no-splash
#xset s off
#xset -dpms
#xset s noblank
#chromium-browser --kiosk --incognito http://localhost
And that's it.
You should probably start with checking if /usr/bin/kiosk/browser is working at all. You should start normal X session (graphical environment) on your RaspberryPi, launch terminal, try running this command:
and see what it prints on the terminal. Is this working? Do you see any error messages?
I'm trying to build a Webkit Kiosk on a Raspberry Pi.
I think Instant WebKiosk for Raspberry Pi could be useful for you.