Prevent interactions on OpenLayers map while animation is on action - vue.js

I'm working on a web application that uses OpenLayers map. On this component, I get the properties from its parent, which are used to draw some icons on specified coordinates on the map, and since this takes a bit of a time, to cover that time, I'm using this animation:
map.getView().animate({ center: transform(latitude, longitude], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'), duration: 1000 })
I'm trying to find a solution to prevent any type of mouse interaction on the map, while this animation is in action (not finished).

To deactivate the interactions call a function like disableInteraction():
const disableInteraction = () => {
map.getInteractions().forEach(i => {
You can call enableInteractions() when the animation stops (or whenever you need), to reactivate the interactions:
const enableInteractions = () => {
map.getInteractions().forEach(i => {


ReactNative UI freezing for a second before rendering a component with a fetch in useEffect()

TL;DR: My UI freezes for .5-1s when I try to render a component that does a API fetch within a useEffect().
I have ComponentX which is a component that fetches data from an API in a useEffect() via a redux dispatch. I'm using RTK to build my redux store.
function ComponentX() {
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
dispatch(fetchListData()); // fetch list data is a redux thunk.
}, [dispatch]);
return <FlatList data={data} /> // pseudo code
as you can see the fetch will happen everytime the component is rendered.
Now I have ComponentX in App along with another component called ComponentY.
Here's a rudamentary implementation on how my app determines which component to show. Pretend each component has a button that executes the onClick
function App() {
const [componentToRender, setComponentToRender] = useState("x");
if (componentToRender === "x") {
return <ComponentX onClick={() => setComponentToRender("y")}/>
} else {
return <ComponentY onClick={() => setComponentToRender("x")}/>
Now the issue happens when I try to move from ComponentY to ComponentX. When I click the "back" button on ComponentY the UI will freeze for .5-1s then show ComponentX. Removing the dispatch(fetchListData()); from the useEffect fixes the issue but obviously I can't do that since I need the data from the API.
Another fascinating thing is that I tried wrapping the dispatch in an if statement assuming that it would prevent a data fetch thus resolving the "lag" when shouldReload is false. The UI still froze before rendering ComponentX.
useEffect(() => {
if (shouldReload) { // assume this is false
}, [dispatch, shouldReload]);
Any idea what's going on here?
I've done a little more pruning of code trying to simplify things. What I found that removing redux from the equation fixes the issue. By simply doing below, the lag disappears. This leads me to believe it has something to do with Redux/RTK.
const [listData, setListData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Sometimes running the code after interactions/animations completed solves the issue.
useEffect(() => {
InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
}, [dispatch]);

Is it possible to bind focus event for all the inputs in web app in Vue?

I have existing web app in Vue. Now I need to create an event for each input/textarea focus. Is it possible to bind it globally so I don't have to add #focus="function" to each element?
Why wouldn't it be possible?
Get required elements
Assign whatever functionality you want
mounted () {
// Get all input elements with class="CLASS_NAME"
const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input.CLASS_NAME')
// Iterate over elements and add each one of them a `focus` listener
inputs.forEach(input => {
input.addEventListener('focus', this.inputFocusHandler)
methods: {
inputFocusHandler (event) {

Trigger Topbar buttons in test

I'm trying to test navigation events on a screen using react-native-testing-library.
I'm listening to the events globally using with the following hook inside my Functional component:
const useTopBarBtnPress = function (
componentId: string,
onTopBtnPressed: OnTopBtnPressed) {
useEffect(() => {
const topBtnListener = => {
if (event.componentId === componentId)
onTopBtnPressed(event, BtnIds)
return () => topBtnListener.remove()
}, [onTopBtnPressed])
Is it possible to simulate a topBar button for the test ? I guess using the testID but I can't find it in the doc.
Or do I need to mock registerNavigationButtonPressedListener ? Or use Detox ?
Also, is there a way to test the layout ? (eg. Icon color)
There's no need to actually mock TopBar buttons to test navigationButtonPressed. Simply invoke navigationButtonPressed yourself with the correct NavigationButtonPressedEvent parameter simulating a button press.

Detect Swipe direction using React Native Gesture Handler and Reanimated

We have already developed a swiper using React Native PanResponder, (before somebody comment) - we cannot use any other swiper library here. In the swiper we developed, we are facing an issue when a user ends the swipe(meaning releases the Pan) there is a lag when starting a spring animation.
So to fix that, we are trying to move from React Native Animated API to Reanimated Libary which could solve the problem of lag the user is facing.
But while developing with React Native Gesture Handler (PanGestureHandler) and
Reanimated Library, we're unable to detect swipe direction in the
gesture handler.
I'm adding the part of code which we used to detect swipe direction in PanResponder
onPanMoving = (evt, {dx}) => {
this.draggedEnd = dx < -this.swipeThreshold; //You are moving towards right screen
this.draggedStart = dx > this.swipeThreshold; //You are moving towards left screen
As you see, detecting the direction while the pan is moving was so easy in PanResponder.
Here comes the problem with Gesture Handler,
I'm unable to detect swipe while the gesture state is active
I have already searched for issues in Gesture Handler and I found this.
There were two workaround suggested in the issue
First one is by Sonaye which has two handler and detects the
swipe direction in onHandlerStateChange for both the handlers
which was not helpful while using reanimated because it only sets swipe direction
when handlers state changes.
Second one is by Satya which actually detects the swipe when
the State is ACTIVE but he uses translationX property, the
translationX property can also negative for us and can move in
either direction similar to swiper.
Both the workarounds doesn't solve our problem.
So is there any other way to find direction using PanGestureHandler and Reanimated. I tried using PanResponder with Reanimated with dx value but ended up with error message i.e nativeEvent properties are only support as dx is from gestureState param from PanResponder.
Note: We cannot use FlingGestureHandler and Swipeables because we need to find direction in Fling still onHandlerStateChange and Swipeables doesn't use Reanimated.
You can detect direction when swipe horizontal via property velocityX
Example :
const handleGesture = (evt) => {
const { nativeEvent } = evt;
if (nativeEvent.velocityX > 0) {
console.log('Swipe right');
} else {
console.log('Swipe left');
return (
<PanGestureHandler onGestureEvent={handleGesture}>
// child component
For those who want to use double FlingGestureHandler to have vertical or horizontal fling gesture here is the solution:
First you have to initialize the stateHandlers for the direction you want. In my case, i was trying to implement a vertical flingGestureHandler.
const onDownFlingHandlerStateChange = ({
}: FlingGestureHandlerStateChangeEvent) => {
if (nativeEvent.oldState === State.ACTIVE) {
progressHeight.value = withTiming(COLLAPSED_HEIGHT, {
const onUpFlingHandlerStateChange = ({
}: FlingGestureHandlerStateChangeEvent) => {
if (nativeEvent.oldState === State.ACTIVE) {
progressHeight.value = withTiming(
and then you have to bind those handlers to 2 FlingGestureHandler component of RNGH
onEnded={() => {
onEnded={() => {
<Animated.View style={[styles.container, reanimatedStyle]}>
<View style={styles.closerContainer}>
<View style={styles.closer} />
Use translationX property rather than velocityX property by nativeEvent:
const handleGesture = (evt) => {
const { nativeEvent } = evt;
if (nativeEvent.translationX > 0) {
Alert.alert('Swipe right');
} else {
Alert.alert('Swipe left');
In my case I have used double FlingGestureHandler to detect the direction. It's worked for me.

React Native VirtualizedList get Scroll and scroll to position

So i am on RN 49.3,
I am looking for a way to get the scroll position or the index of the item visible on the virtualizedList!
PS: when i opened the source code of VirtualizedList.js which seems to have props.onScrollEndDrag & props.onScroll
We were using a different approach. It has changed a lot since, but I can help you with the initial approach. We added onScroll param to the list. We captured event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y into the state or some variable inside spec. We used redux. When the user left the screen we saved this value inside a database. Second part was to load this value from the db in componentDidMount . You just put a ref into the list component and then call this.refs.myRef.scrollTo({ x: 0, y: loadedValue, animated: false });
Capture the scroll
render() {
return (
onScroll={event => {
this.scroll = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y;
Save on exit
componentWillUnmount() {
AsyncStorage.setItem(key, this.scroll);
Load after mounting
componentDidMount() {
.then(y => {
this.refs.myRef.scrollTo({ x: 0, y, animated: false });
Best approach I think is to handle it inside redux and you connect this component with the list to the store. I mentioned saving into db because we do save the position for later use, this is only optional and depends on your requirements.
You may use the state as well, but then you need to handle the unnecessary updates