matplotlib MonthLocator first x-label - matplotlib

How can I change the first x-label in this chart? So the first month is March instead of February.
correct:,y_col, color=colors_vs, width=18, edgecolor='black')


Seaborn - Change the X-Axis Range (Date field)

how can I change the x-axis so that I begin on January 1 2022? I don't want to set the other side of the bound. The aim here is to create a YTD chart. Thanks! (Data type for the x-axis field 'Date_reported' is a Dtype datetime64[ns]) (ps: does anyone know why my figsize statement isn't working? I'm aiming for the 15 by 8 siz but it doesn't seem to work.
sns.relplot(kind='line', data=df_Final, x='Date_reported', y='New_cases_Mov_avg',
hue='Continent', linewidth=1, ci=None)
plt.xlabel("Date Reported")
plt.ylabel("New Cases (Moving Average)")
You could define your figure and ax beforehand, set the figsize and then plot. Doing so, you have to go with lineplot instead of relplot.
ax.set_xlim will define the left boundary, fig.autofmt_xdate rotates the x labels.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,8))
sns.lineplot(data=df_Final, x='Date_reported', y='New_cases_Mov_avg',
hue='Continent', linewidth=1, ci=None, ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel("Date Reported")
ax.set_ylabel("New Cases (Moving Average)")
ax.set_xlim(, 1, 1))

How to set x-axis in every 10 years

i have a problem with plot time series data. I want show x-axis in every 10 years but I can only display it every year. Anyone can provide a solution about this??
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,4))
ax.plot(t, data, '0.1', label ='Data')
ax.plot(t, df_filt, 'C1', label='Lowpass Filter, cutoff=50 days')
ax.set_ylabel('Length of Day')
YearLocator takes an argument base= to specify the period between ticks
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
t = mdates.drange(,1,1),,12,31), delta=mdates.datetime.timedelta(days=365))
data = np.random.random(size=t.shape)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, data, '0.1', label ='Data')
ax.set_ylabel('Length of Day')
if you want the dates to start on a non multiple of the base, then you have two solutions that I can think of.
The correct solution is to follow the advice in this answer
But, a simpler solution could be to set yearly ticks, but only display one out of every tick
ax.margins(x=0) # so that the axis starts at the minimum date
ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()[::10]) # only show one every 10 years

xticks are not getting displayed matplotlib

I have a block of code to plot 2 columns vs 1 column as a Line graph.
The Year, Month values (xticks) are not getting displayed in my plot for this simple block of code. Where am I going wrong?
Also, I get the same result with or without plt.subplots? Need an explanation on this, please.
plt.subplots(1, sharex=True)
.plot('line').set_ylim(0, )
plt.xlabel('(Year, Month)')
plt.legend(('col1', 'col2'))

How to force a time series to plot on the whole year, when data is only a few months

I have multiple time series each having a different beginning and end time. When I plot them using pandas and matplotlib I get nice graphs beginning from t0 and ending at tx for each individual series. I know that I cannot plot different length series in one plot, but i would like to at least view them with the months lining up.
For example, say I have two series: 1, begins April and ends September, 2 begins February and ends December.
How do visualize them so that each series is plotted on a yearly graph (Jan to Dec) even though the data does not span those dates? I want to see them one above the other they lining up according to months.
I have it like this so far, with xlim=('jan', 'dec'), but I just get blank plots
for dfl in dfl_list[0:2]:
dfl.plot(x='DateTime', y=['VWCmax', 'VWCmin'],
ax=p1, fontsize=15, xlim=('Jan', 'Dec'))
p1.set_title('Time vs VWC', fontsize=15)
p1.set_ylabel('VWC (%) ' + '{}'.format(imei), fontsize=15)
p1.set_xlabel('Time Stamp', fontsize=15)
I've also tried xticks instead of xlim, but I also get blank plots.
The problem that I was having was that I thought that the argument for xlim could be be the strings 'Jan', and 'Dec', this ended up returning blank graphs because pyplot did not know how to fit a graph on string type. the solution is that xlim has to be passed datetime arguments:
for dfl in dfl_list[0:2]:
dfl.plot(x='DateTime', y=['VWCmax', 'VWCmin'],
ax=p1, fontsize=15, xlim=(datetime(2017,1,1), datetime(2017,12,31))
p1.set_title('Time vs VWC', fontsize=15)
p1.set_ylabel('VWC (%) ' + '{}'.format(imei), fontsize=15)
p1.set_xlabel('Time Stamp', fontsize=15)

horizontally centered xlabels for pandas timeseries plotting

When plotting a Series with a PeriodIndex, pandas always locates the xlabels on the beginning of a Period:
DATA = pd.Series(np.random.randn(120), index=pd.period_range("2013-01", "2012-12", freq="M"))
So in this case, the annual labels (2003, ... 2012) are located at the first of January of each year. How can I have the annual labels centered horintally, while keeping the xticks at their places?
So in my example, I want the major_xticks located on each Jan 1st, but the label "2012" be centered between 2012-01-01 and 2013-01-01.