Using Microsoft Access VBA to Update Teamup Calendar via API - vba

I'm an experienced VBA programmer but have little experience with API's.
My goal is to use VBA to add an event to a Teamup calendar with the click of a button. The required data is present in the database, I have a Teamup API key and Teamup has provided the following rules:
API access MUST be done over TLS/SSL via
All API requests must include an API key in a request header
Strings in requests and responses MUST be using the UTF-8 character set
Successful responses will have status codes in the 200-299 range
Client errors will have status codes in the 400-499 range
Server errors will have status codes in the 500-599 range
Placeholders in URL examples are indicated by curly braces, e.g. {eventId}
API responses are in JSON using the application/json content type
Any help figuring this out, or in pointing me to the right resources would be appreciated.
I've played around with CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"), but not sure if I'm on the right track.
In advance, thank you!


Localhost API for TD Ameritrade

I was creating an API for TD Ameritrade (my first time creating or dealing with APIs) and I needed to put in my own call back URL. I know that callback URL is where the API sends information to and i heard that I can just use my localhost API. I scoured the internet and I dont know how that would work and I was wondering if i can just use http://localhost?
Sorry if I seem like a noob because I am
In short, yes.
Follow the excellent directions at (Even with them, I spent excessive time on trial and error!)
Since stackoverflow has a limit of 8 links in a response, and the localhost text string looks like a link, I’m showing it with the colon replaced by a semicolon, i.e., http;//localhost to reduce the link count. Sorry.
I used the Chrome browser after first trying Brave, which did not work for, possibly because of my option selections.
Go to
Add a new app using http;//localhost (delete existing app if there is one).
Copy the resulting consumer key text string (AKA client_id or OAuth User ID).
Go to, follow instructions. Note: leading/trailing blanks were inserted by MSWord due to copy/paste of the auth code, which had to be manually deleted after wasting excessive time identifying the problem. The address string looks like:
This returns a page stating the server refused to connect, but the address bar now contains a VeryLongStringOfCharacters in the address bar:
https;//localhost/?code= VeryLongStringOfCharacters
Copy the contents of the address bar, go to, decode the above, and extract the text after “code=”. This is your refresh_token
Go to:, fill out the fields with
Press SEND.
If the resulting page starts with HTTP/1.1 200 OK, you have succeeded.
Try updating your redirect to:
They may require https now and you need a colon instead of a semicolon. Everything looks correct. This process generally takes me more then one attempt, and 15 minutes to an hour to get my refresh token squared away every 90 days.
dont use #AMER.OAUTHAP in client_id
If you generate a new code and based on that try to get a new access token. it should work.

Informatica using URI based REST API

I'm having real trouble getting Informatica PowerCenter or Developer to call a URI based REST API and I'm doing it for something simple (JIRA's API). Basically I want to call JIRA's worklog REST API which is a different URL for a list of issue ids and write it to our DB.
Informatica PowerCenter supports only HTTP transformation which is only a simple GET. Unfortunately the latest version is still stuck in the 'old' query type URL building where they append inputs into search strings. E.g. if I have a "key" input field with value "ABC-1" and the URL is jira/rest/api/2/search it would actually build the URL on the fly into jira/rest/api/2/search?key=ABC-1. While some of JIRA's API works this way, some use the URI way e.g. jira/rest/api/2/ABC-1/worklog which requires embedding the value into the URI. There's no way I can get this to work :-
if I do jira/rest/api/$key/worklog it still converts the URI into jira/rest/api/$key/worklog/?key=ABC-1 so $key does not get replaced
even if i pre-build the URI outside the mapping it's not feasible as the URI needs to be dynamic to the list of JIRA keys and anyway because it appends ? at the end JIRA throws an error (because ? is a reserved key word for this API)
HTTP transformation does not support NTLMv2 authentication which our company's JIRA instance may upgrade to shortly
Last resort is to use a Java transformation in which Informatica has quite little value add. This also means I need to somehow pass in the JIRA user password for authentication which is a separate challenge (versus just storing as a HTTP connection)
Informatica Developer supports REST Web Consumer Transformation but has similar limitations with only building query type URL. Even worse I can't even dynamically build the URL since it's fixed to the HTTP connection object URL.
Am I straight outta luck?
I got the query and here I would like to answer about this. I can write here only points and it might be you won’t be able to understand that thing properly. So Here I am putting link of blog where the task "how to informatica read rest api is mentioned in detail step by step with video tutotial. Some examples are also there. Feel free to visit
Hope it will help.

How to write filter {key} for a 'get items as xlsx' request via Podio API

I'll get this out of the way first: I'm an amateur programmer (at best)...i have some knowledge of how APIs work, but little to no experience manipulating the podio API directly (ie I use zapier/globiflow a lot and don't write any php/ruby). I'm sure other people can figure this out via the API documentation, but I can't. So i'm really hoping someone can help clarify and give some more detailed instruction.
My Overall objective:
I frequently export podio files as xlsx from the podio front-end. This is used by my team and me to do regular data analysis tasks in excel. I would like to make this process easier by automating the function of getting an updated podio export into my excel. My plan is to do this via excel VBA. I understand from other searching that it is possible to send an HTTP request using VBA, so i want to make sure i understand what I need to send to the Podio API to get what I need. The method of how to write the HTTP request in excel VBA is outside the intentional scope of this question (though i'd accept any help on this!)
What I've tried so far:
I know that 'get items as xlsx' is part of the podio API:
However I cannot seem to get this to work in the sandbox environment on that page so that i can figure out a valid request url. I get this message: 'Invalid filtering key' ... because i have no idea how to fill in that field. The information on that page is not clear on this. Nor is it evident on the referenced 'views page'. There are no examples to follow!
I don't even want to do any filtering. I just want to get ALL items in the app. Or i can give it a pre-existing view_id, but that doens't seem to work either without a {key}
I realise this is probably dead simple. Please help a noob? :)
Unfortunately, the interactive API sandbox does not behave appropriately for this particular endpoint. For filtering, this API endpoint expects query string parameters where the field-value pairs consist of integer field IDs and the allowed values for each field. Filtering by fields is totally optional. It looks like this sandbox page isn't built for this kind of operation with dynamic query string field names; wherever you see the {key} field on that page is meant as a placeholder for whatever field IDs that you would use for filtering.
If you want to experiment with this endpoint, I would encourage you to try another dedicated HTTP client first. I was able to get this simple example working with the command-line program wget:
wget --header="Authorization:OAuth2 $MY_SECRET_TOKEN" \
--content-disposition \
In this case, wget downloaded an Excel file containing all the items in my app without any filtering applied. The additional --content-disposition argument tells wget to save the output as a file with a name using the information in the server's Content-Disposition response header.
With a filter applied:
wget --header="Authorization:OAuth2 $MY_SECRET_TOKEN" \
--content-disposition \
In this case, the downloaded file filtered the results to items where field id 130654431 (which is a category field) contain the value galaxy.

Web Scraping through Excel VBA

I need to fetch company addresses(cim) from site
Example Company Name: AB-KONTÍR Szolgáltató Bt.
I know how to do it using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest object and FireBug.
But I am not able to decide to which URL I should send this request.
When I analyse the request/responses using FireBug, I get the following URL:
4221638 is CompanyID here I think. But in my case I will have company name only and that's what my problem is.
So can anybody please tell me where can I get URL using firebug or any other tool using which I can track the URL with Company Name as parameter which I can use in my VBA code.
Thanks in advance!
So can anybody please tell me where can I get URL using firebug or any
other tool using which I can track the URL with Company Name as
parameter which I can use in my VBA code.
No. Unless there is a publicly available database (I would suggest calling them, if you can) or an API that allows for programmatic access, the only way to arrive at this link slug is by executing the search.
Further, the post slog is not as relevant as you think. If you search for simply "Kontir", this is the resulting page -- with many results:
You're going to have to automate the "search" -- passing the criteria to the Web Page and executing the button-click and/or HTTPPost, and then parse the result(s). In the example company name, there is only one result. But it is possible as in my example above, that there may be multiple matches for some queries, and then you will need to have a method of dealing with these, or ignoring them.

How to make a Google Maps address - like lookup

You've probably all seen the address lookup. Start typing into the text box and your address auto completes in the list before you've finished. It also bolds the matching sections of the text that link to what you are typing.
I've used both the javascript api of maps and the http api. The geocoding seems to do something decent with the matches but i'm not entirely sure how one would go about getting this to work.
Anyway have a tutorial or a quick five step process that they would recommend I follow to get this feature going?
The feature you are looking for is "find as you type" or "suggest as you type" or AJAX live search.
To get the functionality via the Maps API is possible as any other find as you type solution. For each key entered into your search box you already send the request to the server and see what matches the entered text so far. The problem is that you can only send so many requests to google before you get a 620 (too many requests) error. Having a find-as-you-type mechanism is usually easier when you have your own small DB which you can query, that is faster and you won't have problems with too many requests.
Some links with tutorials:
Javascript Autocomplete Combobox - find as you type
Suggest as you type
AJAX Live Search