Filter a column on Oracle SQL developer like '%+%' [closed] - sql

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Closed last month.
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I want to display all the names in a table that contains the character '+' but it doesn't work on Oracle SQL developer, while the column contains names with '+'
Select *
from Table where NAME like '%+%';
==> I got an empty output
Could you help me please ?!

You can use this statement:
Select *
from Table where NAME like '%' || chr(43) || '%';
Thank you


Using DECODE Statement in SQL [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I have been trying to learn SQL, and I was learning the DECODE statement:
This is the query I was trying to use:
SELECT DECODE(FIRST_NAME,'Steven','Name is Steven','Neena','Name is Neena','Some other name') AS "NAME" FROM hr.employees;
This query works successfully,but when I try the query:
SELECT DECODE(FIRST_NAME,'Steven','Name is Steven','Neena','Name is Neena','Some other name') AS "NAME" WHERE FIRST_NAME='Steven' FROM hr.employees;
This query gives me the output as:
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
Can anyone explain me what's wrong?
Where clause needs to be placed after From clause.
SELECT DECODE(FIRST_NAME,'Steven','Name is Steven','Neena','Name is Neena','Some other name') AS "NAME"
FROM hr.employees

SQL - Datatypes varchar and varchar are incompatible in the modulo operator [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I have the following query that used to work but returns the error addressed on the title. The last line is indicated within the error.
UPDATE [dwh].[dbo].[opco_securty]
SET opco_general = REPLACE([dwh].[dbo].[opco_securty].opco_general, [MSTR_MD].[dbo].[v_OpcoGeneral_UserList].ABBREVIATION, '''')
FROM [dwh].[dbo].[opco_securty]
JOIN [MSTR_MD].[dbo].[v_OpcoGeneral_UserList]
ON [dbo].[opco_securty].opco_general LIKE CONCAT(''%'', [MSTR_MD].[dbo].[v_OpcoGeneral_UserList].ABBREVIATION, ''%'');
Change this
ON [dbo].[opco_securty].opco_general LIKE CONCAT(''%'', [MSTR_MD].[dbo].[v_OpcoGeneral_UserList].ABBREVIATION, ''%'');
To this
ON [dbo].[opco_securty].opco_general LIKE CONCAT('%', [MSTR_MD].[dbo].[v_OpcoGeneral_UserList].ABBREVIATION, '%');
Because the goal is to concatinate the % character to the column. So that it creates a string that's usable by the LIKE.
But in MS Sql Server you escape a single quote with a single quote.
So the ''%'' is messing things up.
Because the % is seen as the modulus operator.

I'd like to insert any value using 'insert into' but it doesn't work. What is "Column not found error"? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I created table "member". It has two columns name, id and no values. And I'm trying to insert value "spring" into column name!
But It doesn't work...Can anybody help me please?
I wrote like this:
insert into member(name) values("spring");
error is:
Column "spring" not found; SQL statement:
insert into member(name)
values("spring") [42122-200] 42S22/42122
You should use single quotes for your String/Varchar values.
Try this query:
insert into member(name) values('spring');

How to get exact result from charindex? [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 3 years ago.
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select *
from table_name
where charindex(dest_mail,'') >0
In the above query dest_mail is a column, but there is another entry in the table, which is ''. When I try to execute the above query, I'm getting two results
How to get exact ''?
Have you considered =?
where dest_mail = ''
Also, charindex() is not very colloquial SQL for this purpose; = is a built-in standard operator (charindex() is not standard). And a bonus to = is that it allows the optimizer to take advantage of indexes and partitions.

Give an Alias to a column I've casted as a date [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 7 years ago.
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Basically I'm selecting all the rows from a table and stripping the time portion of the date using
but my results give me the rows I need but the column is unnamed.
How do I give the column a name?
Like this:
Cast(create_date as date) as [Column Name Here]
You can omit the [] if you are not using spaces or reserved words in your column name (which is good practice anyway).