cmake - Troubleshooting LINK_DIRECTORIES - cmake

My cmake file contains this statement:
In the properties of the generated Visual Studio solution I see:
I am not sure where that second LIBPATH is coming from.
Within the cmake file I would like to print out the LINK_DIRECTORIES property, how would I do that? I have tried various things along the lines of...
...but I am not sure what parameters to pass.
Edit OK this worked:
It prints out:
Properties for DIRECTORY .:
..LINK_DIRECTORIES = "C:/path/to/lib"
So where is that second LIBPATH coming from? I don't know whether it is generated by cmake somehow, or added later by Visual Studio.


Debug cmake, where is variable defined?

I have very complex CMake project. Where variables are often defined like set("${scope}_${variable_name}" value..) or other complex way.
I need to find where a variable is defined, where it obtains a value.
I tried variable_watch at the beginning of the cmake, but that only gives me READ_ACCESS so I guess that setting the variable is not covered in variable_watch mechanics.
I need to find out where that variable is set, but I run out of ideas. Variable watch does not help, search sources fails due to complex variable definitions.
You can add on top of the CMakeLists:
macro(set name)
message(STATUS "defninng ${name}")
_set(${name} ${ARGV})
set(a b)
and print CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_* variables.
You could do this without modifying the cmake files: Simply use grep (or windows equivalent) in combination with running the cmake configuration with the --trace-expand option.
Using this option for example
message("TGT_TYPE = ${TGT_TYPE}")
could result in console output like
/some/path/CMakeLists.txt(71): message(TGT_TYPE = UTILITY )
cmake --trace-expand build_dir | grep -P "[sS][eE][tT]\s*\(\s*VARIABLE_NAME\s"
should provide you with the line containing the logic to set VARIABLE_NAME in the project you've set up in the directory build_dir.

CMake - Pass environment variable without expanding

In CMake I'm doing something like this:
However, that will expand the environment variable so that the generated visual studio project will have a hard coded path, e.g:
Is there a way to make the above call so that visual studio will end up the below instead?
Because CMake 2.8.1 changed how this value is interpreted (relative vs. absolute), in addition to escaping the dollar and the parens, you need to set the old policy:
Then it shows up like:
The CMake docs say that LINK_DIRECTORIES is "rarely necessary". Are you sure this is the right way to do it?

CMake: show all modified variables

I would like to have a command or option to list all the modified cache variables of the current build configuration. While cmake -L[AH] is nice, it is also quite overwhelming and doesn't show which are non-default values.
There seems to be a variable property MODIFIED that sounds exactly like what I'm looking for - but the documentation is not very reassuring:
Internal management property. Do not set or get.
This is an internal cache entry property managed by CMake to track interactive user modification of entries. Ignore it.
This question also didn't help: CMAKE: Print out all accessible variables in a script
There are so many ways you could change or initialize variables in CMake (command line, environment variables, script files, etc.) that you won't be able to cover them all.
I just came up with the following script that covers the command line switches. Put the following file in your CMake project's root folder and you get the modified variables printed:
set(_file "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/UserModifiedVars.txt")
get_directory_property(_vars CACHE_VARIABLES)
if (_idx EQUAL -1)
file(WRITE "${_file}" "${_vars}")
file(READ "${_file}" _vars)
foreach(_var IN LISTS _vars)
message(STATUS "User modified ${_var} = ${${_var}}")
This will load before anything else and therefore can relatively easily identify the user modified variables and store them into a file for later reference.
The CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY is a cached variable set by CMake at the end of a configuration run and therefor is used here to identify an already configured CMake project.
CMake: In which Order are Files parsed (Cache, Toolchain, …)?

How to use CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES macro in cmake?

I need link my program against Kerberos authentication library (gssapi_krb5) with the corresponding headers gssapi/gssapi.h and gssapi/gssapi_krb5.h included in the source file.
Currently, the compilation will continue if headers are absent and stop with a compile time error saying header files not found.
What I want to implement in the cmake file is to check the existence of the header file and stop compiling if not found.
I add the following code into my CMakeList.txt file.
CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(gssapi/gssapi.h;gssapi/gssapi_krb5.h HAVE_KRB_HEADERS)
But it still does not act as I expected.
I would like the following lines:
-- Looking for gssapi/gssapi.h - found
-- Looking for gssapi/gssapi_krb5.h - not found
but fail.
Also, the variable HAVE_KRB_HEADERS is empty when output with message macro.
Compile continues until the error described above occurs.
I read somewhere on the Web, this may be because CMake cache.
I'm very new to CMake and not quite clear with that concept.
My CMake version is 2.6.
How could I make this code work? Thank you!
I can't say I'm a huge fan of CheckIncludeFiles because of its difficulty to get right. In principal it's good - it actually creates tiny c files which #include the requested headers and tries to compile them, but it seems to be too easy to get wrong.
I generally prefer just using find_path and/or find_file for this job. This doesn't check the contents of any files found, but usually if you find the required header, its contents are good!
I would use find_path if I needed to know the folder where the header lived. This would usually be because I need to check for other files in the same folder (as in your case), or more commonly because I need to add the folder to an include_directories call.
find_file yields the full path to the file (if found). For headers, normally I don't need the path elsewhere in the CMakeLists - it's just used immediately after the find_file to check the file was actually found.
So, here's how I'd go about checking for "gssapi/gssapi.h" and "gssapi/gssapi_krb5.h"
find_path(GssApiIncludes gssapi.h PATHS <list of folders you'd expect to find it in>)
if(NOT GssApiIncludes)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find folder containing gssapi.h")
find_file(GssKrb gssapi_krb5.h PATHS ${GssApiIncludes} NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
if(NOT GssKrb)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find gssapi_krb5.h in ${GssApiIncludes}")
If you do this, then if required you could add
so that in your source code you can do
#include "gssapi.h"
#include "gssapi_krb5.h"
For anyone who has to work with CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES, the documentation lists a variable called CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES where you can set additional include paths apart from the default headers.
In a CMake file:
From the command line:
If all else fails, you can set the -I<dir> flag manually. However, this is not recommended as it not portable across compilers.
# note the extra space before `-I`
Also note that C++ headers have a different macro called CheckIncludeFileCXX.

Why won't MSBuild build a project with a dot in the name?

The Story So Far
I've got a nice solution with a desktop application project, a few library projects, and a couple of development tools projects (also desktop applications). At the moment, my build server outputs all of the code into one OutputPath. So we end up with
Company.MainApplication.exe <-- main application
Company.MainApplicationCore.dll <-- libraries
Helper.exe <-- developer tools
... <-- the rest of the output
But, we're growing up and people outside of our team want access to our tools. So I want to organize the output. I decided that what we would want is a different OutputPath per executable project
Company.MainApplication.exe <-- main application
Company.MainApplicationCore.dll <-- libraries
... <-- application specific output
Helper.exe <-- developer tools
... <-- tool specific output
What I Did
I found this simple command. I like it because it retains all the Solution working-dir context that makes msbuild a pain.
msbuild /target:<ProjectName>
For example, from my solution root as a working directory, I would call
PS> msbuild /target:Helper /property:OutputPath="$pwd\out\Helper"
I'm testing this from PowerShell, so that $pwd resolves to the full path to my working directory, or the Solution root in this case. I get the output I desire.
However, when I run this command
PS> msbuild /target:Company.MainApplication /property:OutputPath="$pwd\out\Company.MainApplication"
I get the following error output (there's no more information, I ran with /verbosity:diagnostic)
The target "Company.MainApplication" does not exist in the project.
What I Need
The command fails on any project with a dot or dots in the name. I tried with many combinations of working directories and properties. I tried several ways of escaping the property values. I also tried running the command from a <Task> in a targets file.
I need to know either
A) How to fix this command to work property
B) How to achieve the same output with minimal friction
Try using an underscore as an escape character for the dot in the target parameter, e.g.
msbuild /target:Company_MainApplication /property:OutputPath="$pwd\out\Company.MainApplication"
Specify the target after the -target: switch in the format :. If the project name contains any of the characters %, $, #, ;, ., (, ), or ', replace them with an _ in the specified target name.
Dan Nolan's answer and comments are correct. Just want to supplement the Microsoft documentation.
The /targets: switch is to identify a <Target to run in the project file. You need to supply your .csproj file as a an argument that is not prefixed by a /xx option marker.
You might also want to work based on the .sln file. In that case, you still dont specify the project in the .sln to build in this manner. I'll leave you to search up the correct syntax in case that's what you end up doing.