How to build/compile/load in the QOCI driver in Qt on RHEL 7 Linux? - sql

I am developing a RHEL 7 Qt application and need to connect to an Oracle database. When calling QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QOCI"), I am prompted with the following:
QSqlDatabase: QOCI driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE
I have Oracle Install Client v11.2 installed, but I'm not sure where to go from here. I've done extensive research and cannot find a solution.
Based on what I saw online, I tried creating an oci directory within my Qt dir (/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/sqldrivers) and then created an file. Its contents are below:
LIBS+=-L/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client/lib -lclntsh
TEMPLATE = subdirs
I ran qmake-qt5 on this to generate a Makefile, but when I run make, the necessary QOCI .so file is not generated.


Can't connect to Snowflake via unixODBC and R [duplicate]

I'm having issues getting the ODBC driver for Snowflake to work on an M1 Apple Silicon Mac running Big Sur.
Successfully following the instructions on Snowflake's website gets me to the point where testing the driver from the command line (using iodbctest) using the DSN results in the following error:
1: SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]dlopen(/opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/libSnowflake.dylib, 6): no suitable image found. Did find:
/opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/libSnowflake.dylib: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
/opt/snowfl (0) SQLSTATE=00000
2: SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]Specified driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM003
My Snowflake driver is installed to /opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc, so that is correct -- I'm suspicious that this is specifically an M1 problem. I'm using the 2.24.1 version of the driver available from the download mirror here, and the path to the driver in /etc/odbcinst.ini is /opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/libSnowflake.dylib (which exists and seems, from all my research, that it should be right).
When I run a connection via DBI in R, I get a completely different error:
Error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1021: 00000:
[Snowflake][ODBC] (11560) Unable to locate SQLGetPrivateProfileString function.
In other StackOverflow posts, people have referenced the above error meaning that there is a missing library of some kind (IODBC isn't configured correctly?), but I've tried quite a few things to no avail. Any guidance would be great.
Tinkered with this a bit more and realized it's an artifact of the installation pathways for the .dmgs & the preset paths in simba.snowflake.ini.
You need to point the Snowflake driver towards the iODBC dylib (as per a sideswiping statement in the docs) -- the driver is originally configured to look for the ODBC dylib (not iODBC) in a folder that's on the path.
When you install the iODBC driver, verify that it is installed to /usr/local/iODBC (this was where my Silicon Mac installed it to) -- and that /usr/local/iODBC/lib has libiodbc.dylib in it. If so, navigate to your installed snowflake driver directory (should be /etc/snowflake) and alter the simba.snowflake.ini file (/etc/snowflake/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/universal/simba.snowflake.ini). You want to uncomment & alter the last line to be both uncommented & point with a full path towards the iODBC dylib (instead of the default, which is the ODBC dylib).
# Darwin specific ODBCInstLib
Make sure to comment out any other ODBCInstLib line so that only one is configured. That should enable you to get your connection to snowflake up and running on an M1 Mac.
Big Sur is macOS v11.n
Snowflake supports macOS 10.14 and 10.15 Supported OSs
So what you are trying to do is not supported and is unlikely to work
None of the other solutions worked for me but #kiran-kumawat 's answer set me down a path that worked.
It seems like the core of the issue is that the odbc code is looking for arm64 architecture drivers but Snowflake is providing it in x86_64 architecture. By installing an x86_64 versions of odbc we are able to have it successfully talk to the driver.
First I uninstalled R and Rstudio. (it may be possible to sim-link or change things behind the scenes to make this work with existing installs but I am not sure).
Then install rosetta (apples software for translating between architectures) and a version of homebrew built with it. I am leaving my main version of homebrew in place.
softwareupdate --install-rosetta
arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then use that version of homebrew to install odbc, R, and Rstudio.
arch -x86_64 /usr/local/Homebrew/bin/brew install unixodbc
arch -x86_64 /usr/local/Homebrew/bin/brew install --cask rstudio
arch -x86_64 /usr/local/Homebrew/bin/brew install --cask r
We then need to install the snowflake driver:
Click through all the install prompts.
Modify your files
[Snowflake Driver]
Driver = /opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/libSnowflake.dylib
Driver = Snowflake Driver
uid = <uid>
server = <server>
role = <role>
warehouse = <warehouse>
authenticator = externalbrowser
We also need to modify the simba.snowflake.ini file.
It is somewhat locked down so run:
sudo chmod 646 /opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/simba.snowflake.ini
vim /opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/simba.snowflake.ini
And find the ODBCInstLib line that is uncommented and change it to:
After setting this up I was able to use this connection successfully:
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "Snowflake")
one of our team member suggested below steps and it worked for us for Apple M1 series
Install the latest snowflake driver
Uninstall m1 based homebrew using cmd
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install intel based homebrew - restart terminal when done
arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Re-install unixodbc
arch -x86_64 brew install unixodbc
isql -v Pattern
in your database.yml file for connection to snowflake make following change-
replace "dsn: <DSN_NAME>" with following
conn_str: "Driver={PATH};Locale=en-US;uid={USER_NAME};pwd= {PASSWORD};server=<yours>;role=<ROLE>;charset=UTF-8;warehouse=<WAREHOUSE>;database=<DATABASE>;schema=<SCHEMA>;"
Has anyone gotten this to work? I use excel w odbc to refresh snowflake files and have tried multiple ways to move the drivers etc and followed snowflake instructions but never works. I did get parallels to work running windows arm but would prefer to just do this in Mac OS
I also have a M1 (version Monterey 12.0) and I ran into similar issues when I tested the driver. Nevertheless, when I tried the "real connection" it worked like a charm. So, maybe it would be good for you to go and test the "real connection" to avoid a wasting of time using such testing. Hope you find this useful.

Installation of Pentaho-Data integration

After extracting the Pentaho zip file I downloaded. I set my class path to JDK 1.7.0. But, upon running the Spoon.bat file I keep getting the statement: "Unable to launch your Java Virtual Machine (JVM)." How do I resolve this problem ?
NB: I have configured JAVA_HOME, JRE_HOME as stated by similar previously answered questions.
Note that Pentaho7 requires java 8.
In any case, Set the PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME=dir, where dir is the directory that contains the /bin/java.exe executable.
The spoon.bat [resp] runs first the set-pentaho-env.bat to find a suitable java. Edit this file to know in which order it searches for it. So do like me, when nobody looks at you, edit this file manually, and set _PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME and _PENTAHO_JAVA manually.
To check: In a command line shell, cd to your PDI install directory and type spoon.bat. It writes something like start "Spoon" "**some\directory**\javaw.exe" more stuff. Check that you can type **some\directory**\javaw.exe -version in your shell.
If not: in the same directory, type set-pentaho-env.bat. It writes down the PENTAHO_JAVA and PENATHO_JAVA_HOME thAt spoon will use. Edit that file until %PENTAHO_JAVA%\java.exe -version and %PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME%\java.exe -version answers the appropriate version.
In my case (for PDI 9.2.x), installing an Oracle JDK 8 solved the issue (no need to set the Java home folder explicitly)

Why the installing process of R package "RODBC" in "R CMD INSTALL" can't find ODBC driver manager?

I am trying to connect to an Vertica DB from R using "RODBC" package. Also, the machine I am using is an remote server which doesn't have direct internet access so I basically "transfer" all source files from my local to the remote server to build the system. So, in order to give you an clear context, I am listing all my steps in attending of installing "RODBC" package below:
Step1 - I downloaded the RODBC_1.3-13.tar.gz source file for RODBC and then tried to directly install it with "R CMD INSTALL". However, I encountered error as "ODBC headers sql.h and sqlext.h not found".
Step2 - After a few researches, I found that the installation of "unixodbc-dev" would potentially solve this issue. Therefore, I downloaded all needed dependencies for "unixodbc-dev" and transferred them to the server. As you can see the list:
Therefore, I also successfully installed "unixodbc-dev":
However, another error message appears when I tried to re-install the "RODBC" using "sudo R CMD INSTALL /home/mli/RODBC_1.3-13.tar.gz" in which it returns error "no ODBC driver manager found":
As the message indicates, the installation program can't locate my ODBC driver manager. So, I downloaded "vertica-client-7.2.3-0.x86_64.tar.gz" and unzipped it on the server:
So, now my question is how can I customize the "R CMD INSTALL" command say, using some parameter handles to direct the installation program to locate the driver manager? Or am I trying this in a right direction? Please let me know. Any help would be really appreciated!!! :)
I have also tried it with JDBC in which the I successfully loaded the "RJDBC" package in R and used the JDBC driver from vertica-client-7.2.3-0.x86_64.tar.gz. Also, I have already had "rJava" installed. However, I have still got an error when I tried to make the connection. I am listing my result below:
I successfully installed the "RJDBC" with "$R CMD INSTALL RJDBC_0.2-5.tar.gz --library=/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/" and then I tried the following scripts in R. All the lines are successfully executed except on the line 16:
Based on the error message, I assumed the version of the JDBC driver that I was using is too new for the Vertica server. So, I was trying to use an older version JDBC driver instead, like the "vertica-jdk5-6.1.0-0.jar" which I have downloaded from this link:
So, I moved the file "vertica-jdk5-6.1.0-0.jar" to my home directory on the server and then changed the JDBC driver path in the R script:
As you can see, it still returns error "FATAL: Unsupported frontend protocol 3.6: server supports 3.0 to 3.5". Am I doing it right? Or is there an issue with the new driver that I downloaded? How can make it works? Please, any help will be really appreciated! Thanks!!!
A few things:
First, just do sudo apt-get install r-cran-rodbc. The package was created (by yours truly) in no small part because dealing with unixODBC or iODBC is not fun. But even once you have that, you still need the ODBC driver for Linux from Vertica. And that part is filly.
Second, I just did something similar the other day but just used JDBC, which worked. You do of course need sudo apt-get install r-cran-rjava which has its own can of worms (but I already mentioned Java...) Still, maybe try that instead?
Third, you can cheat and just use psql pointed to the Vertica port (usually one above the PostgreSQL port).

Changing library location

So I'm relatively new to using r-studio and I'm having a problem installing RMySQL.
I'm running RStudio 0.98.501 and R 3.0.2 and trying to connect R to a database. However, whenever I try to install RMySQL I get the error message "package ‘RMySQL’ is not available (for R version 3.0.2)". When I searched I found this thread: which explains how I could be downloading packages to Program Files. I checked using the .libPaths() function and this was confirmed ("C:/Program Files/R/R-3.0.2/library"). I guess my question is how do I change the library path so that I can install RMySQL? Or am I going about this all wrong?
Try to follow the instructions here posted here.
Basically what you have to do is:
install MySQL from the Oracle homepage
install RTools
change your system variable "MYSQL_HOME" to match your MySQL installation
(in some cases ibmysql.dll which is part of your MySQL installation had to be copied from lib folder to bin folder so it could be found)
That should (hopefully) do the trick although I did not stumble upon any remark stating RMySQL installation (especially under Windows) is easy.

Installing Orafce.sql 3.0 in Windows 7

As mention in Orafce Install.orafunc:
..install Orafce functions in the database, either run the orafce.sql script using the pgAdmin SQL tool..
I tried running the orafce--3.0.sql in pgAdmin sql editor. This give me error
ERROR: could not access file "MODULE_PATHNAME": No such file or directory.
What do you mean by module path?
Installed program:
strawberry perl with DBD::Oracle
postgresql 9.3
pgAdmin III
Not fully installed:
I tried installing ora2pg...with a problem.
Unparsable version '' for prerequisite DBD::Oracle at line 553
Generating a dmake-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for Ora2Pg
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
H:\PostgreSQL\ora2pg-12.1>dmake && dmake install
"Installing default configuration file (ora2pg_dist.conf) to C:\ora2pg"
Appending installation info to C:\strawberry\perl\lib/perllocal.pod
dmake: Warning: -- Target [install] was made but the time stamp has not been up
Suggested Solution:
I downloaded a copy of orafce from okbob github
Unzip the file to folder D:/Postgresql/orafce-master
I copy only the following files
to folder C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\share\extension
Then I try running this command in pgAdmin III sql tools.
I received this Warning and Error.
ERROR: syntax error in file "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.3/share/extension/orafce.control" line 1, near end of line
I checked orafce.control content. It has this config.
# intarray extension
comment = 'Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS'
default_version = '3.0.6'
module_pathname = '$libdir/orafunc'
relocatable = false`
I can't pass to this wall. What seems the problem?
So, you are working with source raw files. You should to compile these files first - and later you can use it. It is relative simply on Unix like platforms, where C compiler is usually available, and pretty hard on MS Windows, where you have to install C compiler first.
I afraid so we lost pgFoundry archive, where was orafce precompiled and packed.
Almost all Linux distributions support orafce directly - and you can install it without compilation from repositories.
$libdir is symbol, that is used for PostgreSQL extensions directory. It can be different for any platform - and it is replaced inside compilation stage by actual value. MODULE_PATHNAME has similar meaning. In compilation stage is replaced by valid actual path to library with compiled code.
I am sorry - we don't provide a compiled files - mainly due high risk for MS Windows. We have no forces, and tools to maintain all Win safely. In this moment, you can:
try to contact someone who use orafce for windows for backup of orafce installers
try to compile this extension by self (Microsoft Visual Studio Express edition is free and downloadable on internet).
other possibility is migrate database server to Linux - almost all database maintenance and usage is more simply and more robust there (due missing viruses, antiviruses and less resource requests). The Linux is primary platform for Oracle too.
some tutorials: