node-sass-middleware is not installing on windows - express

node-sass-middleware is not installing in my computer. I've tried almost every method to do so but nothing get hand.
It was saying to install latest version of python (I do), latest version of VS Code (I do) even after error is coming.
I've tried its alternative module node-sass but it does not match my need.
I want to setup this
const sassMiddleware = require('node-sass-middleware');
src: __dirname,
dest: __dirname,
debug: true,
outputStyle: 'extended',
prefix: '/css'
I've tried to install node-sass-middleware but its giving me this error :
see the error here from my terminal
continue error here

I found one way to use node-sass-middleware
Step1) download library from
step2) extract it(if you download zip file) and now create an node-sass-middleware folder in node_module folder of your project
step3) copy all folders and files from an zip file(extract) and paste it inside node-sass-middleware folder(that we created in node_module FOLDER)
step4) now run your code in vs code for sass


Not finding relative modules on build when linked over "npm link xyz"

When running npm run serve, my VueJS projekt (Vue 2.6.11) running webpack is not finding my locally changed node module.
If i install it normally, it works (of course) and i see the changes i made in it, in the node modules folder of the project that linked it - so the link itself should be fine.
I linked it by using "npm link" in the project i want to link (i ran the build before) and then using "npm link [name]" in my main project.
The import i'm using in the main.js looks like this:
import [module-name] from '[module-name]'
just as it did when i had it installed regularly.
I also changed the settings of webpack by doing this:
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
resolve: {
symlinks: false //npm link
because the documentation of vue stated (for version 2, the new version has information about chainWebpack in it), that links won't work otherwhise as they're not resolved without it. still, this is the output on npm run serve:
This dependency was not found:
* [module-name] in ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/views/CommentWriteArea.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&
To install it, you can run: npm install --save [module-name]
(with the correct name in it of course)
Other solutions like installing the local version or forking the repository are not an option. It has to be linked for my use case

Ghost CMS s3 storage adaptor npm module ContentPath

I've got an issue using storage adaptors and ghost ran as an npm module. When I run ghost I get error saying "cant find module", and its looking for the npm module in my theme directory, rather than in the project root.
Its something to do with the contentPath, but I'm not sure how to fix this. This is my contentpath:
paths: {
contentPath: path.join(__dirname, "content")

sublime linter stopped working for lesshint when .lesshintrc file added in project root directory

I have installed lesshint via npm
npm install lesshint -g
installed sublimeLinter and than sublimeLinter-contrib-lesshint package and the linter is enabled.
now whenever I open any .less file in sublime, linter gives all kind of warning such as SpaceAfterPropertyColon , SingleQuots , ZeroWidth and much more which is the default behavior.
Now I tried to configure the linter according to my need in the project, so added the .lesshintrc file in project root directory and restart the sublime text 3.
BUT now everything stopped working, no linting error coming up. even I tried to set error explicitly in the .less file. There is no error in the sublime console too.
on other hand, inline linting configuration works fine by putting rules the on top in any file such as
//lesshint-disable importantRule, propertyOrdering, emptyRule
What could be the issue?
Below is the system detail and .lesshintrc file content.
macOS 10.13.1
sublime text 3 build 3143
node v 8.9.2
"fileExtensions": [".less", ".css"],
"excludedFiles": ["vendor.less"],
"spaceAfterPropertyColon": {
"enabled": true,
"style": "one_space"
"singleLinePerSelector": false,
"propertyOrdering": false,
"importantRule": false
Lead maintainer of lesshint here.
This was caused by an regression in lesshint, but is fixed in lesshint#4.6.3.
Run npm install -g lesshint again and things should work as expected.

React Native: npm link local dependency, unable to resolve module

I am developing a button ui package for react native. I try to build an example project to test this button. The directory structure is as follows:
I try to use npm link:
cd my-button
npm link
cd example
npm link my-button
In example/node_modules/ I can see my-button symlink, VSCode also can auto complete function in my-button package.
But execute example app will show error:
Unable to resolve module my-button ...
Module does not exist in the module map or in these directories: ...
But the path in the error message is correct.
Don't know where I was wrong, or in React-Native have any special way to deal with link local dependency?
I also tried npm install file:../.. It works fine in this way, but not easy to update dependency in example/ after I edited my-button.
The npm link command doesn't work because React Native packager doesn't support symlinks.
After a little research, I discovered that there are two ways to go about it.
Use haul packager in the example app. Haul supports symlinks, so you can use npm link as usual.
Use local dependency via file:../ and then edit files in node_modules folder or reinstall every time you make changes.
I found Haul to work great for this use-case and even set-up a little starter project that also includes storybook, which is really helpful if you have many components to switch between.
Try wml (
It's an alternative to npm link that actually copies changed files from source to destination folders
# add the link to wml using `wml add <src> <dest>`
wml add ~/my-package ~/main-project/node_modules/my-package
# start watching all links added
wml start
I couldn't always make it work with yarn link. What i found extra useful is yalc:
First install it globally once forever:
npm install -g yalc
In the local library/package (i'll call it my-local-package), and run:
yalc publish
Then in your project which uses my-local-package as a dependency, run:
(if you already have added it with any other way, first uninstall it (npm uninstall -S my-lockal-package)
yalc add my-local-package
npm install
If my-local-package is a native module, then run react-native run-android to link the dependency. (or run-ios)
If you make any change in the my-lockal-package, then:
cd path/of/my-local-package
yalc push //updates the local package
cd path/to/my-project
npm install
react-native run-android (or run-ios)
In case the update hasn't been applied, try to cd android && ./gradlew clean && cd .. and then rerun: react-native run-android.
I'm having the same issue while developing a native module wrapper around an existing native SDK. At first I followed #aayush-shrestha's suggestion to install the package locally. Like this:
npm install ../<package-folder> --save
This works as long as I reference the module via NativeModules. Import it:
import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
And then access a module called ActualModuleName like this:
But it fails when I attempt to import the module by name:
import { ActualModuleName } from 'react-native-actualmodulename'
To make that work I had to first pack the package. Run this in the package's root directory:
npm pack
This generates a gzipped tarball:
Now install that in your app:
npm install <path/to>/react-native-actualmodulename-1.0.0.tgz
An enormous downside to this is that you have to re-pack the package every time you make a change to the module. The only workaround I know of is to modify the package's files in node_modules directly and then copy those changes back to your repo when you're done.
But the upside is that your app's source can import ActualModuleName the same way you'll import it once it's released via npm; no environment-specific code necessary.
You can use npm link using Metro. Just add the source folder of the linked package to watchFolders in your metro.config.js.
Ran into the same problem. While I could not make npm link work as it should, I worked around it by installing the local package in the project folder
npm install ../<package-folder> --save
This will install the package like a regular package but from the local folder.
The downside is that the changes you make on the package will not be reflected. You will have to npm install after every change.
Change your package.json
"dependencies": {
"my-button" : "file:../"
I also came across this problem. After visiting the below link, I came to know that react- native does not support symlinks.[Click here][1]
However, I have solved this by adding these lines in the metro.config.js file. Please replace your_module_name with your module name.
const path = require('path');
const thirdPartyPath = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../your_module_name/'); // Path of your local module
const thirdParty= {
'your_module_name': thirdPartyPath,
const watchFolders = [ thirdPartyPath];
module.exports = {
// existing dependencies
resolver: {
I ran into the same problem.
I tried to install a local module using npm, and kept running into the issue of not being able to resolve the module, even though I could see the folder in node_modules and autocomplete of class and method names worked.
I was able to bypass it by installing the local library using yarn instead of npm after seeing this open issue on github. Issue was opened September 2020 and no comment from Facebook as of yet.
This work for me:
step 1 go to package:
npm link packageNameHere
This will link this package to global node_module
step 2 go to directory which you want to use this package and run these
npm link pathToPackageDirectory
npm install pathToPackageDirectory
ex: npm link ~/myDemoPackage
This will link global node_moudle to this project
If you want to import package to file, USE FILE PATH INSTEAD OF PACKAGE NAME !
my package name is stripe-api-helper. my code are in src/index.ts
then I need to resolve like this:
import { postStripe, Item } from '#aliciaForDemo/stripe-api-helper/src'
if u use '#aliciaForDemo/stripe-api-helper' it will fail.
Could never get my own environment working using any other suggestions, but found a hack that works well (though not ideal) that can be easily set up in just a few lines of code and without changing your RN project configuration.
Use for changes recursively in the directory where you're working on your library, and copy the updates over whenever there's been a change:
import fs from 'fs'
const srcDir = `./your-library-directory`
const destDir = `../your-destination-directory`"./src/", {recursive: true}, () => {
fs.cp(srcDir, destDir, { overwrite: true, recursive: true }, function() {
For those still looking for a simple solution without other dependency, try this:
yarn --version
npm --version
Install in project root
cd my-button
yarn install or npm install
register linking in my-button
yarn link or npm link
Install example project
cd example
yarn add ../ or npm add ../
link to my-button
yarn link my-button or npm link my-button
complete pod installation (if necessary)
cd ios
pod install
Try to run
npm run watch
inside the button package. Currently, I'm using this to apply changes from the library to my main project. Please let me know if it works!

react-native upgrade will change the path of, how to stay with the original path?

I have cloned the f8app project
then run react-native upgrade in this project
It will create at pathandroid/app/src/main/java/com/f8v2/ instead of use the original path.
the original path is
below is my operation
$ git clone
$ cd f8app
$ npm install
$ ls android/app/src/main/java/com/facebook/f8
$ react-native upgrade
Upgrading project to react-native v0.28.0
create android/app/src/main/java/com/f8v2/
Additional Information
React Native version: 0.28.0+
Platform: android
Operating System: MacOS, Windows
actually it's not a problem of version.
It will create new files in other versions too, .e.g. 0.32.0
Looks like that it will create new files just based on the name in package.json instead of existing package name in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, I have checked the code in upgrade process here
this.option('package', {
desc: 'Package name for the application (',
type: String,
defaults: 'com.' +
var javaPath = path.join.apply(
['android', 'app', 'src', 'main', 'java'].concat(this.options.package.split('.'))
this.templatePath(path.join('package', '**')),
how to stay with the original path?