How can I hard code bytes in solidity for a static call?
Ive tried:
bytes memory data = "0xfeaf968c";
bytes memory data = \xfeaf968c";
It works when I manually enter it as an input parameter, while it fails for some reason when I externally call it when its hard coded in this format.
You can use the hex keyword to hard-code bytes in your contract.
bytes memory data = hex"feaf968c";
bytes memory data = "\xfe\xaf\x96\x8c";
If we have a reducedTxBytes as String form. How can we sign it via appkit? (I found that we can use
, however i'm getting this
requirement failed: Not enough bytes in the buffer
I'm doing:
Where tx = (String, String) representing (WalletAddress, ReducedTxBytes)
For a sample tx like this:
While trying to debug I found that the reason why it failed is due to decoding. As its a string that was encoded from an array bytes, it has to be decoded the same way.
Here is the way it was encoded:
reducedTx = Base64.getUrlEncoder.encodeToString(reducedTx.toBytes)
Where reducedTx is a ReducedTransaction
Answer below
The problem happens due to a failure of decoding it to the right bytes. Because it is being encoded via Base64.GetUrlEncoder, it has to be decoded the same way. Therefore this line down here works:
val result = (Address.create(tx._1),
Note that we're using Base64.getUrlDecoded rather than getBytes.
When I compile the code (on arduino) I get the following error:
8 bytes lost due to alignment. To avoid this loss, please make sure the tensor_arena is 16 bytes aligned.
constexpr int tensorArenaSize = 8 * 1024;
byte tensorArena[tensorArenaSize];
Someone can help me to fix this problem?
For reasons unbeknownst to me, the compiler wants to make sure your large byte array is 16-byte-aligned. Because of variables already declared above the two lines you included, it needs to "move forward" the Large Array by 8 bytes, to make it start at an address that is on a 16-byte boundary. To fix the error (to me this should just be a warning) either add a dummy 8-byte variable before your Large Array, or move 8-byte worth of variables from before your Large Array to after it. In the first case you just lose 8 bytes of variable space.
I need get the length of the received buffer in a serial port in VB. I am using serial1.ReadExisting(). The length of the data is variable and does not have a delimiter byte established is a reader rfid. The result of serial1.ReadExisting() should be an array. How can I put this into variable that changes length, or how get the length of of serial1.ReadExisting()?
I'm using CocoaAsyncSocket for an iOS project. I'm trying to read VarInts through an asynchronous interface. The problem is unlike something else like a String, where I can prefix a length, I don't know the length of a varint beforehand. It needs to be processed one byte at a time, but since each read operation is asynchronous other read calls may have been queued in between.
I considered reading into a buffer then processing it, say reading 5 bytes (the max length for a varint-32), and pushing extra bytes back, but that may hang unnecessarily if the varint is only 4 bytes and I'm waiting for a 5th byte to be available.
How can I do this? Also, I cannot change the protocol on the other end, to use fixed size ints.
Here's a snippet of code as Josh requested
- (void)readByte:(void (^)(int8_t))onComplete {
NSUInteger size = 1;
int32_t tag = OSAtomicAdd32(1, &_nextTag);
dispatch_async(self.dispatchQueue, ^{
[self.onCompleteHandlers setObject:(^void (NSData* data) {
int8_t x = 0;
[data getBytes:&x length:size];
}) forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:((NSInteger) tag)]];
[self.socket readDataToLength:size withTimeout:-1 tag:tag];
A callback is saved in a dictionary, which is used in the delegate method socket: didReadData: withTag.
Suppose I'm reading a VarInt byte by byte:
execute read first byte for varint
don't know if we need to read another byte for a varint or not; that depends on the result of the first read
(possible) read another byte for something else
read second byte for varint, but now it's actually the 3rd byte being read
I can imagine using a flag to indicate whether or not I'm in a multipart-read, and a queue to hold reads that should be executed after the multipart-read, and I've started writing it but it's quite messy. Just wondering if there is a standard/recommended/better way to approach this problem.
in short there are 4 ways to know how much to read from a socket...
read some format that you can infer the length from like the Content-Length header... only works if the whole request can be put together before the body is sent.
read until some pattern: like \r\n\r\n at the end of the headers
read until some timeout... after you get no bytes after n seconds you flush the buffers and close the connection.
read until the server closes the connection... actually used to be pretty common.
these each have problems and I would probably lean in your case from using some existing protocol.
of course there is overhead to doing it that way, and you may find that you don't want to use any of that application level stuff and your requests may be like:
but it is hard to answer your general question specifically.
So I looked into the varint base-128 issue a little more and I think really only a timeout or the server closing the connection will work, if you are writing these right at the TCP level which is horrible...
I need to be able to write signed bytes to a serial port using
SerialPort.Write() method, except that method only takes byte[] arrays of unsigned bytes, how would i write a signed byte to the serial port?
For what I'm working on the particular command takes values from -1700 to 1700.
The serial communication channel has no concept of signed or unsigned, only a concept of 1's and 0's on the wire. It is your operating system (and ultimately your CPU architecture) that assigns a numeric value to those 1's and 0's, on both the sending and receiving side.
The value range you state cannot be represented in a byte (per my comment and your reply). You need to understand what bit pattern the receiving device expects for a given number (is the other device big endian or little endian?), and then you can send an appropriate sequence of byte[] to represent the number you want to transmit.
If both devices have the same endianness, you can setup an array of short then copy to an array of byte like this:
short[] sdata = new short[] { 1, -1 };
byte[] bdata = new byte[sdata.Length * 2];
Buffer.BlockCopy(sdata, 0, bdata, 0, bdata.Length);
However, be sure and test for a range of values. Especially if you are dealing with embedded devices, numeric encoding may not be exactly as on an Intel PC.