Failed to find manifest in GitLab cicd pipeline - gitlab-ci

In the CICD pipeline, I'm trying to push an image to ECR.
The job fails with a "Failed to find manifest" message.
What is a manifest and what does this error message mean? I've google it and was honestly surprised to come up with no quality results.


DBT Docs Throwing Service Unavailable Error

I am not sure why this file cannot be found.
I am using Dagster to run the DBT Docs Generate command, upload those files to S3 so that they can be deployed via CI/CD to an ngnix server.
The documentation will sometimes load after a fresh deploy, but quickly will throw the above error. I can confirm, though, that the debug and docs generate CLI commands produce no error(s), and all the files (including the catalog.json) are present on the ngninx server.
I am not sure how to debug this weird issue. Thanks!
I tried running the docs generate command with the --no-compile flag, but it produces the same result.

GitLab Runner fails to upload artifacts with "invalid argument" error

I'm completely new to trying to implement GitLab's CI/CD pipelines, but it's been going quite well. In fact, for my ASP.NET project, if I specify a Publish Profile in the msbuild command that uses Web Deploy, it actually deploys the code successfully to the web server.
However, I'm now wanting to have the "build" job create artifacts which are uploaded to GitLab that I can then subsequently deploy. We're using a self-hosted instance of GitLab, for which I'm not an admin, but I can speak to the admin if I know what I'm asking for!
So I've configured my gitlab-ci.yml file like this:
NUGET_PATH: 'C:\Program Files\Nuget\Nuget.exe'
MSBUILD_PATH: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin\msbuild.exe'
- build
stage: build
- '& "$env:NUGET_PATH" restore ApplicationTemplate.sln -Source "$env:NUGET_SOURCES"'
- '& "$env:MSBUILD_PATH" ApplicationTemplate\ApplicationTemplate.csproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:Configuration=Release /p:PublishProfile=FolderPublish.pubxml'
- '.\ApplicationTemplate\bin\Release\Publish\'
The output shows that this builds the code just fine, and it also seems to successfully find the artifacts for upload. However, when it uploads the artifacts, even though the request gets a 200 OK response, the process fails. Here is the log output:
So, it finds the artifacts, it attempts to upload them and even gets a 200 OK response (in contrast to the handful of similar reports of this error I've been able to find online), but it still fails due to an invalid argument.
I've already enabled verbose debugging, as you can see from the output, but I'm none the wiser. Looking at the GitLab Runner entries in the Windows Event Log on the box where the runner is hosted doesn't shed any light on things either. The total size of the artifacts is 61.1MB, so I don't think my issue is related to that.
Can anyone see from this output what's invalid? Can I identify which argument is invalid and/or why it's invalid?
Edit: Things I've tried
Specifying a value for artifacts:expire_in.
Setting artifacts:public to FALSE, since I'm using a self-hosted GitLab environment and the default value for this setting (TRUE) is not valid in such an environment.
Trying every format I can think of for the value of the artifacts:paths setting (this seems to be incredibly robust - regardless of the format I use, the Runner seems to have no problem parsing it and finding the files to upload).
Taking a cue from this question I created a new project with a very simple build job to upload a single file:
- build
stage: build
- echo "Test" > test.txt
- test.txt
About 50% of the time this job hangs on the uploading of the artifacts and I have to cancel it. The other half of the time it fails in exactly the same way as the my previous project:
After countless hours working on this, it seems that ultimately the issue was that our internal Web Application Firewall was blocking some part of the transfer of artefacts to the server, or the response back from it. With the WAF reconfigured not to block traffic from the machine running the GitLab Runner, the artefacts are successfully uploaded and the job succeeds.
This would have been significantly easier to diagnose if the logging from GitLab was better. As per my comment on this issue, it should be possible to see the content of the response from the GitLab server after uploading artefacts, even when the response code is 200.
What's strange - and made diagnosing the issue even harder - is that when I worked through the issue with the admin of our GitLab instance, digging through logs and running it in debug mode, the artefact upload process was uploading something successfully. We could see, for example, the GitLab Runner's log had been uploaded to the server. Clearly the WAF's blocking was selective and didn't block everything in both directions.

How to find more detail gitlab runner log?

In my failed GitLab Pipeline , there is nothing useful message in the logs ,where can i find more useful message of how the building failed?

MLflow Artifacts Storing But Not Listing In UI

I've run into an issue using MLflow server. When I first ran the command to start an mlflow server on an ec2 instance, everything worked fine. Now, although logs and artifacts are being stored to postgres and s3, the UI is not listing the artifacts. Instead, the artifact section of the UI shows:
Loading Artifacts Failed
Unable to list artifacts stored under <s3-location> for the current run. Please contact your tracking server administrator to notify them of this error, which can happen when the tracking server lacks permission to list artifacts under the current run's root artifact directory.
But when I check in s3, I see the artifact in the s3 location that the error shows. What could possibly have started causing this as it used to work not too long ago and nothing was changed on the ec2 that is hosting mlflow?
I found the answer. The error was that mlflow could not find boto3, so a conda installation of that worked. The logs for this were buried and hard to find in stdout.

gitlab: Is there a way to http access an artifact during a job, rather than after?

I'm trying to run a pipeline with two stages. The first stage creates a zip file and the second stage executes a http curl POST for that file. If the curl succeeds, the pipeline is completed.
The problem is that gitlab only exposes the zip file AFTER the pipeline has completed - which means the zip file from the previous pipeline gets sent instead.
I've tried using artifacts and dependencies, but it seems the http url is only exposed for completed pipelines. I tried using the url of the specific job that executed the build stage, but it didn't work either.
Does anyone know how to access an artifact by URL, before pipeline completion?
i was unable to find a way to access the artifact remotely before the pipeline had completed. sad face.
i have a workaround though - i moved the deploy stage to a separate pipeline. so the first pipeline just executes the build (generating the artifacts) and then triggers the second pipeline. the second pipeline is then able to access the artifacts of the first pipeline and it just executes a deploy stage. happy face.