Substring and CharIndex in SQL Server - sql

I have a problem in my SQL Server query.
I have a record
and another record
I need to get a substring from each record to be 01-02-003 and 02-01-03

this will work only when static string Lorem or Ipsum
DECLARE #Q1 NVARCHAR(mAX) = '(01Lorem:02Ipsum:003Lorem)';
SET #Q1 =SUBSTRING(#Q1, CHARINDEX('(',#Q1) +1 , CHARINDEX(')',#Q1) -2);
SET #Q1 =REPLACE(#Q1, 'Lorem','');
SET #Q1 =REPLACE(#Q1, 'Ipsum','');


sql server concating or replacing, which one is better (faster)

I have to generate a very long procedure every time for a reporting system, so i created a template for my procedure and replacing the parts are needed to, but i could do it with Concat or +(&)
for example:
set #query = '... and (
set #query = replace(#query,'--#InnerQueries',#otherValues)
set #query += ' and exists (...)'
if(#xxx is not null)
set #query += 'and not exists (...)'
with replace approach it's more readable and maintainable for me, but for sake of optimization, what about Concat and attaching string together?
with replace: there are a lot of searching but less string creation
and with concat: lot's of string creation but no searching
so any idea?
I assume you're talking about using CONCAT or REPLACE to build an SQL then run it. If ultimately you'll process fewer than 100 REPLACEments, I'd go with that approach rather than CONCAT because it's more readable.
If however, you're talking about using concat/replace to create report output data and you will e.g. be carrying out 100 REPLACE operations per row on a million rows, I'd do the CONCAT route
update 2:
there could be something missing here:
if i change first variable :#sourceText_Replace
to a max value of 8000 character, and continue to add to it:
set #sourceText_Replace += '8000 character length'
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
it works fine, even if go up until: 16384017 character length
so any idea here is as good as mine
orginal answer:
to summarize (and if i didnt make any mistakes):
if you are searching in a long text, dont even think about using replace, it took seconds not milliseconds, but for concat obviously does not make any difference
in the blew code, in first try(small text), i just used variables default values and did not append to them,
but for second try(long Text) , i just append result from previous loop run
for long text, i did not bothered to run the loop more than 20 time, because it took over minutes.
smallText: set #destSmallText_Replace =
longText: set #destSmallText_Replace +=
here is the code for test:
drop table if exists #tempReplace
drop table if exists #tempConcat
create table #tempReplace
[txt] nvarchar(max) not null
create table #tempConcat
[txt] nvarchar(max) not null
declare #sourceText_Replace nvarchar(max) = 'small1 text to replace #textToBeReplaced after param text'
declare #text_Replace nvarchar(max) = #sourceText_Replace
declare #textToSearch nvarchar(max) = '#textToBeReplaced'
declare #textToReplace nvarchar(max) = 'textToBeReplaced'
declare #concat_Start nvarchar(max) = 'small1 text to replace'
declare #concat_End nvarchar(max) = 'after param text'
declare #text_Concat nvarchar(max) = #concat_Start
declare #whileCounter int =0
declare #maxCounter int = 5
declare #startTime datetime = getdate();
declare #endTime datetime = getdate();
set #startTime = getDate();
while(#whileCounter <=#maxCounter)
--long text
set #text_Replace += replace(#sourceText_Replace,#textToSearch,#textToReplace + convert(nvarchar(10), #whileCounter)) + #textToSearch
--small text
--set #text_Replace = replace(#sourceText_Replace,#textToSearch,#textToReplace + convert(nvarchar(10), #whileCounter)) + #textToSearch
--print #destSmallText_Replace
insert into #tempReplace values(#text_Replace)
set #whileCounter+=1
set #endTime = getDate();
print 'passedTime ' + Convert(nvarchar(20), DATEPART(millisecond, #endTime) - DATEPART(millisecond, #startTime))
set #whileCounter = 0;
set #startTime = getDate();
while(#whileCounter <=#maxCounter)
set #text_Concat += concat(#concat_Start,#textToReplace + convert(nvarchar(10), #whileCounter),#concat_End) + #textToSearch
--print #sourceSmallText_Concat
insert into #tempConcat values(#text_Concat)
set #whileCounter+=1
set #endTime = getDate();
print 'passedTime ' + Convert(nvarchar(20), DATEPART(millisecond, #endTime) - DATEPART(millisecond, #startTime))

How can I write this SQL while loop code to get an XML results in one line instead of 3 separate lines?

I'm trying to get all this XML result in one line instead of 3 for each column
DECLARE #ii INT = 10;
DECLARE #String1 NVARCHAR(4000);
SET #String1 = '';
WHILE(#ii <= 18)
SET #String1 = (#String1 + 'SELECT LoanNumber = ''Complaint'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),#ii)+'-Call1'' , LoanStatus=''Compliants'' , LoanStatusDate = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
SELECT LoanNumber = ''Complaint'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),#ii)+'-Call2'', LoanStatus=''Compliants'' , LoanStatusDate = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
SELECT LoanNumber = ''Complaint'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),#ii)+'-Call3'', LoanStatus=''Compliants'' , LoanStatusDate = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)')
IF #ii != 18
SET #string1 = #string1 + ' UNION '
SET #string1 = #string1 + 'FOR XML PATH (''Loan''),ROOT(''Loans'') '
SET #ii = #ii+1
EXEC sp_executesql #String1
I want something like this:
<LoanNumber>Complaint10-Call2 <LoanStatus>Compliants<LoanStatusDate>2019-01-18
Instead of the result that you get when you execute the code I provided. I appreciate your help.
This might be wild guessing, but I've got the feeling, that I understand, what this is about:
if you run the code you will see the result. no input data is needed .
I just want the structure of the xml outcome to all be on one line for
one set of each loop
Your provided code leads to this:
<!-- more of them-->
This is perfectly okay, valid XML.
But you want the result
outcome to all be on one line for one set of each loop
Something like this?
<!-- more of them-->
There is a big misconception I think... XML is not the thing you see. The same XML can look quite differently, without any semantic difference:
Check this out:
DECLARE #xmltable table(SomeXml XML)
--the whole in one line
--all <a>s in one line
--each element in one line
--white space going wild...
--now check the results
SELECT * FROM #xmltable;
This means: How the XML appears is a matter of the interpreter. The same XML opened with another tool might appear differently. Dealing with XML means dealing with data but not with format... The actual format has no meaning and should not matter at all...
Starting with SQL-Server 2016 you might have a look at JSON, if you need a tiny format:
DECLARE #somedata table(SomeValue VARCHAR(100),SomeStatus VARCHAR(100),SomeDate DATE);
The result comes in one line:

SQL HTML email showing blank when one table has no results

The following code sends 2 diferent tables based on an sql query through the function sp_send_dbmail , the catch is , if both tables return results , the email shows up without any problem , perfectly. If one of the tables has NO results, the email comes up completly blank.
How can i fix this?
declare #tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX);
set #tableHTML = N'Este foi o resultado de Faturas Emitidas: <br><br><table border ="1">' +
N'<tr><th>Documento</th></tr>' +
cast (( select td = cc.tx
from cc
for xml path ('tr'),type) as nvarchar(max)) +
N' </table><table border ="1"><tr><th>Valor Total Vencido</th></tr>'
cast (( select td =
from fx
for xml path ('tr'),type) as nvarchar(max)) +
EXEC sp_send_dbmail
#profile_name ='xx_SqlMail',
#recipients ='',
#subject ='Resumo',
#body =#tableHTML,
I would suspect that part of your query is returning a NULL value. Concatenating any value with a NULL will always result in NULL.
SELECT 'A' + NULL + 'B' will return NULL.
As you are doing multiple concatenations it would mean that if any value is NULL then #tableHTML will be NULL. Try wrapping your selects in an ISNULL().
select ISNULL(td, '') = cc.tx ...
Any table in your concatenation that returns a NULL will make the entire concatenation NULL.
To resolve this, just wrap each section that could potentially be NULL with an ISNULL().
I had a similar issue where I was running two separate queries and building two tables that I wanted to include in the body of the email. One would occasionally return no values and the email would come back blank. Using ISNULL fixed it for me.
See the code below for an example of what I did:
set #tablesHTML = **ISNULL**(#tableOneHTML,'NO RESULTS')
+ **ISNULL**(#tableTwoHTML,'NO RESULTS')
exec XXXXXX.[XXX].[sp_send_dbmail]
,#recipients = #EmailRecipients
,#copy_recipients= #EmailCopyRecipients
,#subject = 'Email Subject Here'
,#body = #tablesHTML
,#body_format = 'HTML'

Stripping out the text string before and after # symbol

Am stuck here and would greatly appreciate any help!
R:£30 AT:63 RT:0 D .ADD £400 #63 WK
SQL Task:
1 - retrieve 400 (find symbol # and take as many characters going left until reached £ symbol)
2 - retrieve 63 (find # symbol and get as many characters until found " " or "W"
just use charIndex and substring. The example below is assuming that there can be £ after the # as well. Basically, splitting the string at #, for the 2nd part, i'm going from # to ' '. the first part, reserve it, find £, then reverse it back.
declare #col varchar(500)
set #col = 'R:£30 AT:63 RT:0 D .ADD £400 #63 WK'
declare #p1 varchar(500),#p2 varchar(500) --split col into 2 at #
set #p1 = (reverse(substring(#col,1,CHARINDEX('#',#col)-1))) -- i will reverse here
set #p2 = (substring(#col,CHARINDEX('#',#col)+1,LEN(#col)))
select #p1 p1, #p2 p2
,ltrim(rtrim(reverse(substring(#p1,1,CHARINDEX('£',#p1)-1)))) p1Final -- do the same thing as we did to p1 and reserse it
--also do a trim left and right to get rid of extra spaces
,ltrim(rtrim(SUBSTRING(#p2,1,charIndex(' ',#p2)))) p2Final --this one should be self explanatory if you get the first one :)
You can also use the patindex function that can look for a pattern.
declare #col varchar(50)
set #col='R:£30 AT:63 RT:0 D .ADD £400 #63 WK'
select substring(#col,patindex('% £% #%',#col)+2,charindex('#',#col)-(patindex('% £% #%',#col)+3))
select substring(#col,charindex('#',#col)+1,charindex(' ',reverse(#col))-1)
Not sure about the efficiency, but to get you started
For 1: I reversed the string and manipulated it and then reversed the result back
declare #s varchar(500) = 'R:£30 AT:63 RT:0 D .ADD £23 £400 #63 WK'
declare #sRev varchar(500) = REVERSE(#s)
declare #stemp varchar(500)
declare #ampIndRev int, #AfterAmpIndRev int
set #ampIndRev = CHARINDEX( '#',#sRev,1)
set #AfterAmpIndRev = charindex('£',#sRev, #ampIndRev)
set #stemp = SUBSTRING(#sRev, #ampIndRev + 1, #AfterAmpIndRev-#ampIndRev-1)
set #stemp = REVERSE(Ltrim(#stemp))
select #stemp
For 2 (I assumed that you need to look for W only if there is no space):
declare #s varchar(500) = 'R:£30 AT:63 RT:0 D .ADD £400 #63 WK'
declare #ampInd int, #AfterAmpInd int
set #ampInd = CHARINDEX( '#',#s,1)
set #AfterAmpInd = CHARINDEX(' ',#s,#ampInd)
if #AfterAmpInd = 0
set #AfterAmpInd = CHARINDEX('W',#s,#ampInd)
select SUBSTRING(#s, #ampInd + 1, #AfterAmpInd-#ampInd-1)

How to remove links from text with SQL

I need to clean up a database by removing links from tables. So for column entry like this:
Thank you for the important information<br />Read More Here<br /> This is great.
i need to remove the entire link, so it would end up like this:
Thank you for the important information<br /><br /> This is great.
Is there a way to do this with a single UPDATE statement?
For extra credit, is there a way to remove the HTML semantics from the link, while leaving the content in the text?
Just try to find the starting and ending of the hrefj and replace it with a single space.
declare #StringToFix varchar(500)
set #StringToFix = 'Thank you for the important information<br /><a href="">Read More'
select REPLACE(
, Substring(#StringToFix
, CHARINDEX('<a href=', #StringToFix) -- Starting Point
-- End Point - Starting Point with 4 more spaces
, CHARINDEX('</a>', #StringToFix)
- CHARINDEX('<a href=', #StringToFix) +4 )
, ' '
) as ResultField
If all the links are done in a very consistent way than you can just use a regex replace of
'\<a href.*?\</a\>'
to an empty string.
I don't have SQL Server instance handy but the query in oracle would look something like:
update table
set col1 = REGEXP_REPLACE(col1,'\<a href.*?\</a\>', '', 1, 0, 'in');
I want share my sql script that remove ahref tag from text but leave anchor text.
Source text:
Visit Google, then Bing
Result text:
Visit Google, then Bing
declare #str nvarchar(max) = 'Visit Google, then Bing'
declare #aStart int = charindex('<a ', #str)
declare #aStartTagEnd int = charindex('>', #str, #aStart)
DECLARE #result nvarchar(max) = #str;
set #result = replace(#result, '</a>', '')
select #result
WHILE (#aStart > 0 and #aStartTagEnd > 0)
declare #rep1 nvarchar(max) = substring(#result, #aStart, #aStartTagEnd + 1 - #aStart)
set #result = replace(#result, #rep1, '')
set #aStart = charindex('<a ', #result)
set #aStartTagEnd = charindex('>', #result, #aStart)
select #result