QuickBooks Desktop API connection issues when multiple users logged in - api

I am new to QuickBooks Desktop integration. I am running into an issue that I am hoping to get your help on.
I have implemented a c# console application (interface program) that connects to QuickBooks to read customer data. Here is the connection code:
sessionManager = new RequestProcessor2();
sessionManager.OpenConnection("", "Test QuickBooks Interface");
// set Auth Preferences
var prefs = sessionManager.AuthPreferences;
Ticket = sessionManager.BeginSession(QuickBooksCompanyFile, QBFileMode.qbFileOpenMultiUser);
This test application is authorized in QuickBooks. When I run this application on the same machine without QuickBooks running all is fine. It logs in and pulls customer data.
When I log into the same server with another user and start QuickBooks with another QuickBooks user in multi-user mode I get an error "Could not start QuickBooks." when running the code listed. Closing the other QuickBooks instance the code listed works again.
I need to run this program periodically to extract data from QuickBooks so it's important that other users can use QuickBooks at the same time. What am I doing wrong? I thought running the interface program Unattended and open in Muti User Mode should do it but it does not.
Thanks for any help in advance,


How does one interact with the user from a vb.net service?

I've got one for you thats been bugging me for a bit.
If you run a Windows Service as Local System, how can that service display forms or prompts on the user desktop?
I tried this in one of my previous apps and couldn't get it to work; I settled on having an 'invisible' app running in the user context to handle any user interaction. But as time has passed, I've seen some apps that have nothing more than a service running as local system and yet they produce prompts and forms on the user desktop.
Thanks in advance for any info :)

Bloomberg Anywhere and BLPAPI

I successfully developed an application through BLPAPI (Bloomberg API) on a Bloomberg Terminal machine (in Python). Unfortunately my company is thinking to switch to Bloomberg Anywhere...I will have the chance to run my application there?
With a move to Bloomberg Anywhere from open Bloomberg, you will have the same access to data that you had before. However, you will need to keep the following in mind:
Authentication will be linked to an individual person instead of a Username/Password. This means that the person who owns the Bloomberg login will need to be physically present at the machine to login using their fingerprint on the Bloomberg keyboard, a b-unit, or our newly released b-unit mobile app (for recent versions of android).
Your app will no longer be limited to running on the current machine only. You will now be able to install a Bloomberg access point and use your application on any windows machine as long as you have the person present as described above to log into the box.
Once logged in you will have data access for a few days, however if the Bloomberg anywhere user logs in to Bloomberg on a separate machine, then the machine with your python application will immediately lose access to data. To regain access, the Bloomberg anywhere user will have to re-login to the original machine.
hope this helps
Yes. Just be sure that the user logs in every so often. The API will work when a user is connected and even after they disconnect, for a while.
Yes, it should work fine, we've done some applications under BBanywhere.
The only issue I've seen which you should contemplate before going live application is ensuring that if you're moving it off the main box and it's a non-technical party using the service on a laptop or something, that the appropriate python install and dependencies are set up (ie. conda, blpapi, etc.) I've seen some people comfortable enough to run the script or app, then run on laptop or other computer under anywhere all of a sudden that doesn't work because the dependencies aren't there.

SQLException thrown on await SignInManager.ExternalSignInAsync google+

I am trying to implement google+ authentication on my MVC5 app but am struggling to get it working on my live environment.
I have generated new keys for me live site from google apis and deployed the code.
I have set anonymous authentication for my site in iis8 on my server.
When I click the Google+ login button for the first time, I get to the sign in page and can click accept. The process then waits and waits until finally it fails. The second time round, I don't get the google login, but again get loads of waiting until it fails.
The code is failing on this line with a SQLException:
var result = await SignInManager.ExternalSignInAsync(loginInfo, isPersistent: false);
"A network related or instance specific error occured while establishing a connection to the SQL server".
Now as far as I can see with that line of code, I am not trying to connect to my SQL environment. So is this connecting to google to validate? Do I need some firewall ports or IP's opened on the server?
In IIS Express on my local, everything works fine!!
Many thanks
It's impossible to give accurate advice based on your description, but i had about same issue after installed new web app template in Visual Studio (thats how i come here). Probably you forget to change computer name in your web-config/connectionStrings or you dont have sql server installed.

QuickBooks Desktop SDK - Is it possible to always open a new company file when making a call with the QuickBooks SDK?

Is it possible to always open a new instance of QuickBooks when making a call to a specific company file using the desktop SDK?
I am trying to use a server that is shared by many people to interact with QuickBooks, so it typically has a number of qb32 processes open. When I make a connection using that server, it tries to use one of those to process the request (which I don't want).
Best case is that my SDK request opens a new primary QuickBooks instance in a specific user session on the server, or that it opens it in no user session, so that it can run like a windows service.
No you can't able to open company file without quick books instant (QB32.exe) installed in local machine. and also we cant able to open two instance on different company file at a time in same machine.

Sharepoint 2010 user not found error

I am getting this error when I try to do the following:
accessing a library settings
accessing a workflow settings
accessing a list settings
accessing a task settings
I'm using SharePoint 2010 on Windows Server 2008 64-bit
I am using an Administrator account.
I recently installed the Active Directory on the server
Check the workflows. Browse to the site, and Edit in SharePoint Designer. If you click on the workflows, there may be one there that was created by a user that no longer exists, or a local user that is not in AD. Save and republish each of them, and you will probably be allright. Bumped into this when our SP admin got married, and her account changed.
A long term solution would be to have a functional account that is not tied to an individual be the login that publishes all of the workflows. Each workflow runs as the user that publishes it, so any account changes can break a workflow.