How to use def variable in karate path - karate

path api/V1/projects/#(projectId)/surveys/#(surveyId)
If i am using above path, it is ignoring everything after first occurrence of #.
Trying to test get and patch api

Please do this:
* path 'api/V1/projects', projectId, 'surveys', surveyId
* path 'api/V1/projects/' + projectId + '/surveys/' + surveyId
* path `api/V1/projects/${projectId}/surveys/${surveyId}`
Take some time to read the documentation. It will save you a lot of time:


use parameter as date in execute script

I am working on execute Script processor in nifi. I declared lastdate
as 2020-12-21 and I am trying to use this attribute in execute script
(groovy) file to fetch data from oracle.
In oracle it gave me the correct result. In nifi go to failure.
My code (script body):
def last_data = flowFile.getAttribute('last_date')
query = "select t.* from mytable where r.mydate > " + last_date + ",'yyyy-mm-dd')
Hehe, your variable is last_datA and you concatene last_datE.
I thinks that it buddy :)

Removing quotes from param values in karate request

Scenario: I get response from a karate request which is in the form as below:
idValues = ["123:ABCD-F", "345:CFGB-F", "678:DERF-F"]
I then need to make a further request in a scenario where the values from array above is passed in karate's request * param as below:
Given path 'users','details'
* param = 123:ABCD-F, 345:CFGB-F, 678:DERF-F
When method get
Then status 200
Issue: I need to send this list of ids as comma separated values without the " quotes to the param keyword. If the values are passed to params with quotes, karate further encloses the ids within quotes (which is the correct behaviour i think) and because of this i do not get the expected response.
Wanted to know if there is a way to:
1. Take the values out of the array, remove the quotes from start and end.
2. Pass these as comma separated values to `param' keyword (as shown in the example above).
2 suggestions.
karate.forEach() can do any kind of conversion you want. Here is an example. If you find this too ugly, use Java (search the docs for Java Interop):
* def idValues = ["123:ABCD-F", "345:CFGB-F", "678:DERF-F"]
* def fun = function(x, i){ var s = karate.get('temp'); if (i) x = ',' + x; karate.set('temp', s + x) }
* def temp = ''
* karate.forEach(idValues, fun)
* print temp
param will always encode, and as you said - it is the right behavior. So use url and manually concatenate the path you need. Refer this answer for more:

How can I set base API? I see double quotes getting added from the first API's response

Given path '/api/metrics/product/ABC'
When method get
* def id = get response
* print id
* def basePathProducts = '/another/api/' + id + '/param'
Given path basePathProducts
When method GET
Then status 200
12:59:28.447 [main] INFO - [print] "5ca627bf3edd851238e59c9e" Apr 16, 2019 12:59:28 PM org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingInterceptor log SEVERE: 2 * Sending client request on thread main 2 > GET
I think you are overcomplicating things and you missed that the path syntax is designed for what you commonly need to do.
Don't def basePathProducts and do this, see how the id variable can be easily plugged into a path:
Given path 'another', 'api', id, 'param'
Your post is really hard to comprehend.
Try using
Given url yourURLVariable + 'another/api/'+ id + '/param'
Refer to this for more information :
Edit :
There is a problem with your parameter.
* def id = "5ca627bf3edd851238e59c9e"
* print id
Gives :
13:24:19.783 [print] 5ca627bf3edd851238e59c9e
So your variable id is "5ca627bf3edd851238e59c9e" instead of 5ca627bf3edd851238e59c9e
* def newresp = function(id){ return id.slice(1, -1); }
* def id = newresp(response)
I added these to remove the first and last characters from the response which is the double quotes in my case. Thanks for responding guys!

How to get id in responseHeaders location?

For my POST request, in responseHeaders I get 1 < location: /users/123
I would like to print only the id > 123.
When I do * print responseHeaders['location'][0] in my feature file, I get users/123. How I can get only the id?
This is not really a Karate question is it :P
Try this:
* def location = responseHeaders['location'][0]
* def userId = location.substring(location.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
* print userId
That's right, all the power of JavaScript (or even Java via Java interop) is available to you in Karate !

Update field in table for all records using a select statement

A previous developer created a table that stores the absolute path to files in our server. I want to convert them to relative paths instead.
I already wrote the portion that properly strips the string down to a relative path. My issue is understanding how to basically update each record, with a new version of its own string.
Here is what I originally tried:
UPDATE LFRX_Attachments
SET [File] = (SELECT TOP 1 SUBSTRING([File], PATINDEX('%Files\%', [File]) + 6, LEN([File]))
FROM LFRX_Attachments A
WHERE [Type] = 4 AND AttachmentId = A.AttachmentId)
However, this tanked in epic fashion by just overwriting every record to have the value of the first record in the table. Any suggestions?
UPDATE LFRX_Attachments
SET [File] = SUBSTRING([File], PATINDEX('Files\', [File]) + 6, LEN([File]))
WHERE [Type] = 4
From a readability/maintenance standpoint, you're better off selecting for the data you want to alter, then iterating through the result set and updating each record separately.
Does this work for you?
UPDATE LFRX_Attachments SET [File] = SUBSTRING([File], PATINDEX('Files\', [File]) + 6, LEN([File]))