ExoPlayer - Player is accessed on the wrong thread with RxJava2 - kotlin

From past developers, I got a large library, which is built on the basis of ExoPlayer, which allows you to listen to audio books.
Everything worked fine until the library itself had to update the version of ExoPlayer to a newer one (this was very important)
In short: there is a small interface that has a ProgressBar showing how many seconds the audio has already been playing. Here is the code for this:
private lateinit var mExoPlayer : ExoPlayer
private val compositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable()
private val currentTrackProgress = MutableLiveData<Long>()
private var currentTrackProgressDisposable : Disposable? = null
private val playbackProgressObservable : Observable<Long> =
Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).map {
////////////////////// So many code here
////////////////////// Somewhere there is a call to the "createExoPlayer()" function
private fun createExoPlayer() {
mExoPlayer = ExoPlayer.Builder(this).build()
mExoPlayer.addListener(object : Player.Listener {
override fun onIsPlayingChanged(isPlaying : Boolean) {
if (isPlaying) {
currentTrackProgressDisposable = playbackProgressObservable.subscribeBy(
onError = { error ->
Log.d("error", error.toString())
onNext = { progress ->
currentTrackProgress.value = progress
mExoPlayer.playWhenReady = true
Before updating ExoPlayer version, everything worked fine, but after updating to the latest version, an error began to appear in onError:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Player is accessed on the wrong thread.
Current thread: 'RxComputationThreadPool-1'
Expected thread: 'main'
What could be the reason for this and how to fix it? After all, I didn’t even update the RxJava2 version, but only updated ExoPlayer


Kotlin: Read bluetooth data real time

So I'm fairly new to Kotlin and Bluetooth, I am making and Android app to read the data from my Arduino sensors in real time so that track of the current readings of each sensor. Right now my read works and I have tried using Handler to keep reading but my problem is that when it keeps reading it also lags the application, it doesn't crash or anything and reads fine, but inputting texts and going to other activities takes a while, so I can confidently say that it must be my Handler that's lagging the application. So my question, is there a better way of making handler not lag my app but still read the sensors? Or is there other ways that I can use other than Handler?
companion object {
var m_myUUID: UUID = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")
var m_bluetoothSocket: BluetoothSocket? = null
lateinit var m_progress: ProgressDialog
lateinit var m_bluetoothAdapater: BluetoothAdapter
var m_isConnected: Boolean = false
lateinit var m_address: String
private val mmBuffer: ByteArray = ByteArray(1024)
private const val TAG = "MY_APP_DEBUG_TAG"
var buffer = ByteArray (1024)
var bytes: Int = 0
lateinit var arrVal: Array<String>
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
m_address = intent.getStringExtra(BluetoothActivity.EXTRA_ADDRESS)!!
val handler = Handler()
val runnable = object : Runnable{
override fun run() {
handler.postDelayed(this, 2000)
Log.e("Thread", runnable.run().toString())
val intent = Intent(this, MainActivity::class.java)
}, 5000)
Here is oncreate() where I have placed the Handler runnable and companion object arrVal so I can just use the variable in other activities to display the data.
private fun readSensors() {
val bluetoothSocketInputStream = m_bluetoothSocket!!.inputStream
val delim = ","
var readMessage: String = ""
//Loop to listen for received bluetooth messages
while (!(readMessage.contains('*'))) {
try {
bytes = bluetoothSocketInputStream.read(buffer)
readMessage = String(buffer, 0, bytes)
arrVal = readMessage.split(delim).toTypedArray()
} catch (e: IOException) {
Here is my function for reading the sensors.
Handler is not a Thread. See handler constructor source code, it is attached to Looper of the current thread. So your code in Runnable is posted to message queue of main thread and executed from there.
To prevent main thread from freezing, you have to do all IO and CPU consuming operations on separate threads.
Java high level API to do this is called Executors.
Kotlin way is Coroutines.
You can archive expected behaviour with Handler API (by creating a thread with looper and using Handler to post messages to that thread) but don't waste your time on this.

Why compose ui testing's IdlingResource is blocking the main thread?

I've written a "minimal" AS project to replicate my the problem I'm facing. Here's the gh link.
I'm trying to write an end-to-end ui test in my compose-only project. The test covers a simple sign-in -> sync data -> go to main view use case.
Here's the whole test:
class ExampleInstrumentedTest {
#get:Rule(order = 1)
val hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)
#get:Rule(order = 2)
val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>()
lateinit var dao: DummyDao
val isSyncing = mutableStateOf(false)
fun setup() {
runBlocking {
composeTestRule.activity.isSyncingCallback = {
synchronized(isSyncing) {
isSyncing.value = it
object : IdlingResource {
override val isIdleNow: Boolean
get() {
synchronized(isSyncing) {
return !isSyncing.value
fun runsTheStuffAndItWorks() {
.onNodeWithText("login", ignoreCase = true, useUnmergedTree = true)
composeTestRule.onRoot().printToLog("not in the list")
.onNodeWithTag("the list", useUnmergedTree = true)
The test runs "alright" up to the point where it should be waiting for the sync worker to finish its job and finally navigate to the "main composable".
Unfortunately, the test seems to be blocking the device's ui thread when the idling resource is not idle, finishing the test immediately as the idling resource does become idle.
I've tried using Espresso's IdlingResource directly, which also didn't work, showing similar results. I've tried adding compose's IdlingResource in different points as well, but that also didn't work (adding one between navigation calls also blocks the UI thread and the test fails even sooner).
What am I doing wrong here? Am I forgetting to setup something?

CoroutineScope is skipped

For some reasom my CoroutineScope just stopped working, though, nothing crucial has been changed and errors don't show up. The program skips it and my progress bar remains unchanged. Do you have any idea what could have possibly caused this issue?
class HomeFragment : BaseFragment(R.layout.fragment_home) {
private var todayEventsCount: Int = 0
private var todayCheckedEventsCount: Int = 0
private val mHandler = Handler()
private var mAdapter: FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<EventModel, EventsHolder>? = null
private lateinit var mRunnable: Runnable
private lateinit var barList: ArrayList<BarEntry>
private lateinit var barDataSet: BarDataSet
private lateinit var barData: BarData
override fun onResume() {
override fun onPause() {
todayCheckedEventsCount = 0
private fun initFields() {
val progress: ProgressBar = ev_progress_bar
val text: TextView = count
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
mRunnable = Runnable {
if (mAdapter?.itemCount != 0) {
todayEventsCount = mAdapter?.itemCount!!
for (i in 0 until todayEventsCount) {
if (mAdapter?.getItem(i)!!.checked == "1") {
progress.progress = todayCheckedEventsCount
text.text = progress.progress.toString() + "/" + progress.max.toString()
todayCheckedEventsCount = 0
mHandler.postDelayed(mRunnable, 30)
There's no point in posting runnables if you're using a coroutine. Half the reason coroutines exist is to avoid this messy nested juggling of callbacks. There are also a few errors I see in your coroutine:
It runs on Dispatchers.IO, even though it never does anything blocking.
It runs on a throwaway CoroutineScope that is never cancelled. You should never use the CoroutineScope() constructor if you're not immediately assigning it to a variable or property through which you can cancel it at the appropriate time. You should be using viewLifeCycleOwner.lifecycleScope instead, since it's already set up to automatically cancel at the appropriate time to avoid crashes.
Your runnables you're posting are not canceled at the appropriate time, so even if you use the appropriate scope, they can still cause crashes. But as mentioned above, you don't need them in a coroutine.
(mAdapter?.itemCount != 0) will evaluate to true even if mAdapter is null, which will promptly cause a crash when you use mAdapter!!.
Fixed code looks like this. If this still doesn't do anything, you'll want to check to make sure your adapter is not null at the time this is called.
private fun initFields() {
val progress: ProgressBar = ev_progress_bar
val text: TextView = count
viewLifeCycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
val adapter = mAdapter ?: return
while (true) {
if (adapter.itemCount != 0) {
todayEventsCount = adapter.itemCount
for (i in 0 until todayEventsCount) {
if (adapter.getItem(i).checked == "1") {
progress.progress = todayCheckedEventsCount
text.text = progress.progress.toString() + "/" + progress.max.toString()
todayCheckedEventsCount = 0
I didn't try to follow your logic of what these todayEventsCount and todayCheckedEventsCount properties are. They probably should be locally defined variables in the coroutine.
You're also going to need some condition in the while loop that breaks you out of it. I didn't look closely enough to see what that condition should be. Your original code doesn't break the loop of reposting the runnable forever.

Why are these log statements not printing?

I'm building an object detection application (in Kotlin, for Android). The application uses CameraX to build a camera preview and Google ML to provide machine learning expertise. Just for reference; I used this CameraX documentation and this this Google ML Kit documentation.
I'm currently attempting to print Log.d("TAG", "onSuccess" + it.size) to my IDE console in order to determine if .addonSuccessListener is actually running. If it does, it should print something along the lines of onSuccess1. However, this isn't the case. Infact, it isn't even printing the Log statement from the .addOnFailureListener either, which really confuses me as I'm not even entirely sure the objectDetector code is even running. What really puzzles me is that I have relatively completed the same project in Java and have not faced this issue.
I did have someone point out that within my YourImageAnalyzer.kt class, if mediaImage is null, then I won't see anything logging. However, upon my own debugging (this is actually my very first time debugging), I was unable to find out if my first sentence of this paragraph is true or not. I suppose this issue may provide a lead into how I'll resolve this issue, and also learn how to properly debug.
Here is my YourImageAnalyzer.kt class, and I will also add the code for my MainActivity.kt class below as well.
private class YourImageAnalyzer : ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val mediaImage = imageProxy.image
if (mediaImage != null) {
val image =
InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees)
val localModel = LocalModel.Builder()
val customObjectDetectorOptions =
val objectDetector =
objectDetector //Here is where the issue stems, with the following listeners
.addOnSuccessListener {
Log.i("TAG", "onSuccess" + it.size)
for (detectedObjects in it)
val boundingBox = detectedObjects.boundingBox
val trackingId = detectedObjects.trackingId
for (label in detectedObjects.labels) {
val text = label.text
val index = label.index
val confidence = label.confidence
.addOnFailureListener { e -> Log.e("TAG", e.getLocalizedMessage()) }
.addOnCompleteListener { it -> imageProxy.close() }
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var cameraProviderFuture: ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider>
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
cameraProviderFuture = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(this)
cameraProviderFuture.addListener(Runnable {
val cameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get()
}, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this))
fun bindPreview(cameraProvider: ProcessCameraProvider) {
val previewView = findViewById<PreviewView>(R.id.previewView)
var preview : Preview = Preview.Builder()
var cameraSelector : CameraSelector = CameraSelector.Builder()
var camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this as LifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, preview)
You are not binding your ImageAnalysis use case. Something in the line of:
val imageAnalysis = ImageAnalysis.Builder()
.setTargetResolution(Size(1280, 720))
and then;
imageAnalysis.setAnalyzer(executor, YourImageAnalyzer())
cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this as LifecycleOwner, cameraSelector, imageAnalysis, preview)
Also a suggestion as a bonus:
You should get your LocalModel.Builder() out of analyze as this is called each time an image arrives. You do not need to execute this code piece each time as it will make your analysis slower.
So move this code:
val localModel = LocalModel.Builder()
to just below of the class private class YourImageAnalyzer : ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {.

CUBA Platform push messages from backend to UI

i was wondering if it is possible to send messages from the backend (for example a running task that receives information from an external system) to the UI. In my case it needs to be a specific session (no broadcast) and only on a specific screen
plan B would be polling the backend frequently but i was hoping to get something more "realtime"
I was trying to work something out like this, but i keep getting a NotSerializableException.
class StorageAccess : Screen(), MessageListener {
private lateinit var stationWSService: StationWebSocketService
private lateinit var notifications: Notifications
private fun onInit(event: InitEvent) {
private fun onStationPickerValueChange(event: HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<StorageUnit>) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent()
current.userSession.id ?: return
val prevValue = event.prevValue
if (prevValue != null) {
val value = event.value ?: return
stationWSService.listen(current.userSession.id, value, this)
override fun messageReceived(message: String) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent()
current.access {
private fun onAfterDetach(event: AfterDetachEvent) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent()
current.userSession.id ?: return
-- The callback interface
interface MessageListener : Serializable {
fun messageReceived(message: String);
-- The listen method of my backend service
private val listeners: MutableMap<String, MutableMap<UUID, MessageListener>> = HashMap()
override fun listen(id: UUID, storageUnit: StorageUnit, callback: MessageListener) {
val unitStationIP: String = storageUnit.unitStationIP ?: return
if (!listeners.containsKey(unitStationIP))
listeners[unitStationIP] = HashMap()
listeners[unitStationIP]?.set(id, callback)
The Exception i get is NotSerializableException: com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.WebNotifications which happens during adding the listener to the backend: stationWSService.listen(current.userSession.id, value, this)
as far as i understand this is the place where the UI sends the information to the backend - and with it the entire status of the class StorageAccess, including all its members.
is there an elegant solution to this?
There is an add-on that solves exactly this problem: https://github.com/cuba-platform/global-events-addon