Intellij Elixir - auto complete is not working - intellij-idea

I’m using IntelliJ Community version 2022.2.2 on Windows 11, I also have the Elixir plugin installed (
But when I try an auto-complete for a native module like Enum, String and so on I get a “No suggestions” message like this:
Does anyone know how to fix that?

Go to File -> Project Structure
Check the Project tab and then you have SDK, make sure you point to correct one
Again in the Project tab go to Modules, and then Dependencies. Here again check the Module SDK whether it points to the correct location


How to check out a project from version control as a specific project type in IntelliJ IDEA?

I have a Salesforce project in GitHub that I want to check out in IntelliJ IDEA and use this as an Illuminated Cloud project. How do I do this?
I've used Eclipse with the IDE plugin before - there you can simply choose the project type and that you want to check out from the repository in one step so I think there should be a way to do this but neither me nor my colleagues are able to find it.
Any ideas?

Eclipse PDE - how to find method usages

I've just started developing my first plugin so apologies if this is obvious.
I'm trying to write a plugin that gets method usages and does something with them.
I've seen references to CallHierarchy and SearchEngine. Which is the correct one to use these days and why, when I use "Open Type", can it not be found? Is there a dependency I'm missing or something?
These classes are part of the Eclipse JDT plugins and are not normally included in the search done by Open Type.
To get 'Open Type' to look everywhere for the classes open the Preferences and go to the 'Plug-in Development' page. Select the 'Include all plug-ins from target in Java search' option.
You will also need to install the Eclipse SDK to get the source of these plug-ins. The SDK is part of the Eclipse update site for Eclipse Oxygen.

How to properly import a Play 2+ project in IntelliJ 14+ with all integrated features (run, debug, test)?

I work on a Java based Play! project for severals months now and I'd like to import it completely in IntelliJ, meaning being able to run, compile, test and debug from IntelliJ, without the need to use the command line.
According to this post from Jetbrain, it seems to be possible, if I quote the article it says clearly : "Now you don’t need to switch between IntelliJ IDEA and Play console anymore. Everything is available right from your favorite IDE.", but I can't figure out a way to achieve this for now, even if I follow the tutorial provided by Jetbrains.
Here are the steps I've been throught :
Open my fav IDE IntelliJ ;)
Go to the project list window.
Import project
Import from external model and choose SBT as suggested in Jetbrains tutorial.
option "Use auto import" checked, option "create directories for empty content roots automatically" checked. Project SDK Java 1.7
Global sbt settings : JVM From project JDK.
By now, if I try to make the project and launch it from IntelliJ, I'll get scala compiling errors related to routes object. Thanks to this post, we can understand that this happens because scala routes are located to specific folders that needs to be included in IntelliJ sources settings for this project. So next step was :
File -> Project Structure -> Modules
Add target/scala-2.10/classes:target/scala-2.10/resources_managed:target/scala-2.10/src_managed as sources folders.
But my problem remains the same, routes object being unrecognized.
Notes : I have no scala facets in my project structure configuration nor can add one.
IntelliJ provides integrated support for the Play Framework for Scala and Java. Support is currently only available in IntelliJ Ultimate Edition (see the Frameworks and Technology section).
Assuming Ultimate Edition, the setup for Play is incredibly easy. Simply create a new project by importing build.sbt, then choose Add Framework Support and choose Play 2.
Once complete, you can start and stop Play using the Play 2 Run/Debug configuration. No command line necessary.
Here is a more in depth look at IntelliJ's Play project configuration.
You could try the command play idea if you are using play or activator idea if you are using activator. That will do the magic.

How to import and run existing plugins from intellij community edition repo

I'm trying to import and run the IntelliJ git4idea (Git Integration) plugin in order to play around and contribute some of my own code.
I've pulled the Intellij community edition from the github repo, and imported the git4idea plugin as a project. I'm running the Intellij community edition
My main issue is this:
After importing all the modules, the git4idea module comes up as a general module type, and not a plugin module type.
This means that when trying to create a new run\debug configuration, I get [none] under "Use classpath of module", instead of of the ability to select the git4idea plugin. This obviously results in a "Run configuration error: no plugin module specified for configuration".
So the question is -
How can I change the general type of imported "git4idea" to plugin type?
Or better yet, what are the steps required in order to import and build/debug/run a plugin from the Intellij community edition repo?
I was able to solve this by manually reordering file directories, sorting out dependencies and editing the .iml file. The type of plugin is defined by changing type="JAVA_MODULE" to type="PLUGIN_MODULE".
This is the answer given by Dmitry Jemerov on the official Jetbrains plugin development forum:
The easiest answer to this is "don't". The IntelliJ IDEA Community
Edition project is set up to be developed as a whole, and the
dependencies are set up accordingly. If you want to hack on the Git
plugin, you simply run IDEA using the provided run configuration, it
runs with all plugins enabled, and you simply make whatever changes
you need and test them using the main run configuration.
If you really want, you can set up a new plugin module and point it to
the source code of the git4idea plugin inside the IntelliJ IDEA
Community Edition Git checkout. This is not too hard, but it's
something you'll need to do from scratch, and you can't use the
existing .iml file.
I had the same no plugin module specified for configuration issue. To work around it, instead of importing, I created a new plugin project and used the existing code directory.
when you import the intelij plugin projects
You should run the 'runIde' task in gradle.
Step-by-step instruction
Build your IDEA plugin (usually done with gradle build).
Start Intellij IDEA.
If you have any project opened, go to menu "File->Close all projects" to return to Intellij IDEA startup screen.
Install the plugin you've just built: on the left side of the "Welcome to Intellij IDEA" startup screen go to "Plugins", then click "gear" icon on the right side, it's located to the right of "Marketplace" and "Installed". From the pop-up menu select "Install Plugin from Disk...", navigate to plugin file (usually in build folder) and click "Ignore and continue" when you see the warning message saying something about signature.
Restart Intellij IDEA.
Open the folder with your IDEA plugin.
Wait until IDEA imported your Gradle project.
Put breakpoints inside your plugin code so you can debug it.
Go to menu "Run->Edit configurations".
In the "Run/Debug Configurations" window on the left side click "+".
Select "Gradle" from the pop-up menu.
On the right side change "Name" to "gradle-run-ide" (without quotes).
On the right side under "Run", inside "Tasks and arguments" field enter runIde ("i" must be capital, other letters small).
Click "OK" to save changes.
Go to menu "Run->Debug 'gradle-run-ide'".
A new, black-colored IDEA window should appear.
In this black-colored IDEA window do whatever you need to do in order to invoke methods of your plugin. When you invoke them, the first IDEA window should stop you on breakpoints you set previously.
Happy debugging.
After changing type="JAVA_MODULE" to type="PLUGIN_MODULE" in *.iml file I was getting following error -
Error running 'IdeaPlugin': Wrong SDK type for plugin module
To fix this go to -
Module Settings -> Platform settings -> SDKs.
Click on Add new SDK
Select Intellij Platform plugin SDK
For home directory select your Inetllij installation dir
Select JAVA SDK you want to use with it.
Once this is added got to Module Settings again
Module Settings -> Project settings -> project.
In Project SDK change the JAVA sdk to the SDK we just added in the above steps.
Run/Debug you plugin now.

IntelliJ 12 Grails 2.1 Configuration - Grails SDK not configured

I feel like I'm missing something simple at this point. I upgraded to grails 2.1.1 from 1.3.7 while running IntelliJ 10, recently I upgraded to IntelliJ 12 and imported all settings. Somehow in the project in IntelliJ 12, I have no grails SDK.
My Global Library has grails 2.1.1 defined with all the correct .jars included, however, the Tools menu is missing the "Grails" sub-menu, and attempting to run the app gives the error message that Grails SDK is not configured.
If I create a new project for grails, the SDK configures correctly and Grails shows in the Tools menu. What am I missing preventing me from adding the Grails SDK to this project? Thank you, community, for your time and suggestions.
You do not have to create a new project.
Had the same problem, and it took me quite some search to resolve it:
right click your Grails module
click "Add framework support"
select "Groovy"
The dropdown next to "Use library" will allow you to choose a grails library.
If the dropdown is empty press "create" and choose your grails library directory.
Grails SDK is configured then
With Intellij 16 right click on your project in the right hand project pane.
Choose Grails->Configure Grails SDK.
If you're using the grails wrapper I would point to that SDK:
/Users/your user/.grails/wrapper/2.5.2/grails-2.5.2
I have the IntelliJ 12 too, to run app i just click in 'File' -> 'Create Project', select 'Grails Project'
Click Next,
Click em Create, select the folder, who contain the Grails 2, and Voila. :-)
If you has the project before, run in project 'grails integrate-with --intellij' or run import project, and create a Grails SDK
I found a symlink that points to the latest version in:
I'm using SDKMAN 4.0.37
Pointing Intellij at that location will allow you to switch versions using sdkman.
Not really an "answer" here, but after seeing similar troubles with IDEA I went ahead and just created a new project and copied my source in and resolved my issues, if not solving the actual problem.
I am working with IntelliJ 12.0.1 ultimate.
I have installed Grails 2.3.1 on my computer, but always got errors when trying to specify it as a Grails SDK-
"failed to create library. Looks like Grails distribution in specified path is broken. Cannot determine version."
I tried with Grails 2.3.0, but got the same error.
Then, I tried my luck with Grails 2.2.4, and I could finally get it work.
Creating a New Project will actually not overwrite any existing code; just point it at your existing project directory, select Grails and open it up.
Your project will now complain that there is no Grails SDK; just point it at your Grails dist and you are good to go.
Recently, I've encountered a similar type of issue. I have the grails SDK folder, but OK Button not enabled when trying to configure from the project. Then we have installed the Grails Plugin in IntelliJ. Then OK Button enabled and grails SDK is configured into project.