Kotlin: How to detect 'date change'? - kotlin

I will use Timer() to execute function by 5 minutes in Kotlin.
And when I execute function by 5m, if a day passed,I want count var to be 0.
So my idea was
declare two vars
var todayDate = LocalDate.now() // 2019-09-23
var todayCount:Int = 0
After that I will check this vars in 5 minutes by using Timer()
Then todayDate value differs from previous todayDate, then I can detect date change.
However, I don't know how to compare current todayDate and previous todayDate.
Any idea? or is there any other way to know day change?

For your specific question about comparing dates you can use the isEqual() method on your LocalDate instance (docs). Something like the following would likely do what you want:
// initial state
var todayDate = LocalDate.now()
var todayCount = 0
// in each timer iteration:
val now = LocalDate.now()
if (!todayDate.isEqual(now)) {
// it's a new day
todayCount = 0
todayDate = now
} else {
// it's the same day
However if you're talking about Android and using its Timer class, you need to be aware that that runs on a background thread and you will need to persist your todayDate and todayCount values somewhere (which could be app preferences, your app DB, etc.).


Kotlin SimpleDateFormat parse wrong timezone

My mobile timezone was GMT+7, I have a code to convert a specific date time(GMT+0) to a specific timezone(GMT+3):
var strDate = "2020-07-10 04:00:00+0000"
var result: Date?
var dateFormatter = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ")
dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Jerusalem")
result = dateFormatter.parse(strDate)
The problem is result always return "Fri Jul 10 11:00:00 GMT+07:00 2020"
But I expected it will return date object "Fri Jul 10 07:00:00 GMT+03:00 2020", any idea what's wrong with my code?
It's recommended to use java.time and stop using java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar along with java.text.SimpleDateFormat because of problems like this one.
In your code, the target time zone is obviously not applied to the date but it isn't obvious why it isn't.
A different problem might be pattern you are using because your example String does not contain any unit of time smaller than seconds but the pattern tries to consider .SSS (which made the code fail in the Kotlin Playground).
Switch to java.time and handle this with modern classes, such as OffsetDateTime for parsing this String (it doesn't contain information about a specific time zone, just an offset of zero hours) and ZonedDateTime as the target object (this considers a real time zone which may have different offsets depending things like Daylight Saving Time).
You could do it like this:
import java.time.ZoneId
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
fun main() {
// this example is in UTC (+0000 --> no offset / offset of 0 hours)
var strDate = "2020-07-10 04:00:00+0000"
// create a formatter that can parse Strings of this pattern
// ([] represents optional units to be parsed)
var dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("uuuu-MM-dd HH:mm:ss[.SSS]Z")
// and parse the String to an OffsetDateTime using this formatter
var resultOfParsing = OffsetDateTime.parse(strDate, dateFormatter)
// then print the parsed result
// create the target time zone
var timeZone = ZoneId.of("Asia/Jerusalem")
// then use the target zone for a zone shift
var jerusalemTime: ZonedDateTime = resultOfParsing.atZoneSameInstant(timeZone)
// and print the result
// you could use your formatter defined above for a differently formatted output, too
which outputs (including all intermediate results):
2020-07-10 07:00:00.000+0300

Moment JS seemingly returning random date

Moment JS is returning a random date.
I am trying to create a calendar in a react-native project. I created this loop to count back the days from today's date. I have attached my console and tried to clearly show how I tried to debug this.
The subtract method seems not to recognise the loop and the i value seems to stay at 16.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is the code that is causing all the fussThis is the output in the console
Per Moment.js, moments are mutable. Clone the moment before performing date math
You'll need to create a new moment instance or clone the existing one when performing operations like .add(), .subtract(), etc.
const moment = require("moment");
const today = moment();
// count back N days
const N = 3;
let i = 1;
let days = [];
// #1 - Create a new moment instance from today and add -i days
while (i <= N) {
const day = moment(today).add(-i, "days");
console.log("Approach #1");
console.log({ days });
// #2 - A moment is mutable. So we use add() to mutate today by -1 days each iteration, clone the instance, and push to array
i = 0;
days = [];
while (i < N) {
const day = today.add(-1, "days").clone();
console.log("Approach #2");
console.log({ days });

How do you compare selector attributes in Testcafe?

I'm trying to compare the date of videos on a webpage to today's date. If the difference between the two dates is more than X days, report back as false.
The videos on the webpage have a tag in them which uses the format yyyy-mm-dd
I've got a selector set up to find the videos const videoDate = Selector('OPTA-video').withAttribute('data-secondary-time')
Now how do I set a variable to today's date and compare the two? I'm completely stuck!
I was using Katalon Studio before and here's the groovy script that did the same job:
String videoDate = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject('OPTA-video'), 'data-secondary_time')
LocalDate todaysDate = LocalDate.now()
LocalDate videoDateParsed = LocalDate.parse(videoDate, dtf)
if (ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(videoDateParsed, todaysDate) > 1) {
KeywordUtil.markFailed('The videos are 2+ days old.')
} else {
KeywordUtil.logInfo('The videos are up to date.')
You can use the getAttribute TestCafe method to access an attribute value. Then, parse the attribute value into the JavaScript Date object:
String videoDate = Selector('OPTA-video').getAttribute('data-secondary-time');
Date videoDateParsed = Date.parse(videoDate);
Date todaysDate = Date.now()
In the following thread you can find how to compare Date objects.
This is one of the scripts that I am using.
//getting your XPath test value into a string
String ann_time =
//converting time to simple date format
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('HH:mm')
Date sdf_anntime = sdf.parse(new String(ann_time))
//getting Current time
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatGmt = new SimpleDateFormat('HH:mm')
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatLocal = new SimpleDateFormat('HH:mm')
currDate = dateFormatLocal.parse(dateFormatGmt.format(new Date()))
// time gap in long format
long duration = currDate.getTime() - sdf_anntime.getTime()
//time gap to mins
long diffInMinutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(duration)
//compare time gap with globale variable
if (diffInMinutes < GlobalVariable.News_updated_time) {
log.logInfo("system is getting updated,last updated "+ diffInMinutes + "min ago")
} else {
CustomKeywords.'errorMessage.logFailed.markStepFailed'('from 1 h, system was not updated')
log.logInfo('from '+ diffInMinutes+ 'h, system was not updated')

Siebel Business(E-script) Service Calculate Expiry Date

I have a requirement to create a business service function to calculate expiry date , 2 weeks from a date field in Siebel.
I have written the code in Java which is
public static Date checkexpiry(Date Datefield)
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -14);
Date twoWeeksToExpiry = cal.getTime();
return twoWeeksToExpiry;
if current date is equal to twoWeeksToExpiry {do .....}
So how can I re-write this code on Siebel using a business service particularly E-script.
The whole idea is have an output Yes is its 2 weeks before a date field in Siebel.
This will later be used in a work flow.
OK so have started Migrating my Java coding skills to Siebel E-Script I came up with this.
function ExpiryNotification(Inputs,Outputs)
var expiryDate = Inputs.GetProperty("DateField");
var eDate= new Date(expiryDate);
var notificationdate = eDate-14;
var currentdate = Today();
if (currentdate==notificationdate){
Outputs.SetProperty("Notification", "Y")
else {
Outputs.SetProperty("Notification", "N")
However I did not use the Business Service ..I used a calculated field on my Business Component.
The calculated Fields
1 twoWeeksToExpiry = Datefield-14
Notification = IIf (Today()==[twoWeeksToExpiry], "Y", "N")
So this solved the problem without scripting,
Will appreciate any suggestions on my scripting thou I didn't use it.

Multiple API calls simultaneously in marionetteJS

I use forcast api to get weather data. In marionette I use model to define API rulRoot as
var weatherApi = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: function(){
return '/api/web/forecast?lat='+ this.get("lat") + '&long=' + this.get("lng") +'&time=' + this.get("timeStamp") + '&units='+this.get("units");
Then I instantiate as
weatherApiGddObj = new weatherApiInstance();
I used this object to fetch api call response. Now want I want is to make multiple api call simultaneously like from today to next 30 days, So If I do one after another then It'll take lot of time to get all response. How do I do this with marionette?
It would be good to have a method that allows you to grab data for the range of days in one request. But according to your conditions I'd do it like this:
var date, startDate = someTimestamp, day = 86400,
endDate = startDate + day * 30, promises=[];
for(date = startDate; date < endDate; date += day){
weatherApiGddObj.set('timestamp', date);
var data = Array.slice.call(arguments);
I suggest you to read about Deferred Object