How do I make VSCode have permissions to edit my apache2 directory - ssh

I can't seem to find a way to make visual studio code have root access on my azure server
I tried to change the index.html file on var/www/html/index.html on vscode but instead I got this error Failed to save 'index.html': Unable to write file 'vscode-remote://ssh-remote+"serverip"/var/www/html/index.html' (NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/www/html/index.html')
the error:


Vuetify installation asking for permissions for a System's folder

I'm trying to install Vuetify on Windows but I was getting permission errors, so I ran a new terminal as an Admin. With this new terminal I got a new permission error after selecting the "Default" preset:
ERROR Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\WMI\RtBackup'
This folder is only allowed to the System, so I do not have any permission by default.
Is It really necessary to change the permissions on this folder for Vuetiy? It seemes to me a bit weird.
Here a screenshot of the error:
If I ran this not being an administrator I get the error:
ERROR Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir 'C:\Users\$USER\Local settings'
You are running npm in the system folder. system folder is reserved for windows purposes only and is not for anything else. You might have noticed that when you install a new application like msoffice or kerbal space program or anything else, all those doesn't go to system32. it goes to a different folder in c drive named program files. If you mess up system32 then the computer will not start.
What you should do is, switch to any other drive like d drive in your system and then create a folder, give it a name, say 'myprojects', and then run the npm command over there. If you don't have any other drive in the system then create a new folder in the desktop name it as myprojects and then run npm commands.
Seems like you are just into the process of getting started with vue, what you are facing are just initial hurdles, keep learning. :)
How to install vue:

Local npm module cannot be found

In a React Boilerplate project, I am trying to use a local module, but getting:
ERROR in ./node_modules/react-sortable-tree-theme-file-explorer/dist/main.js
Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/username/Documents/project/node_modules/react-sortable-tree-theme-file-explorer/dist/main.js'
Both paths do exist:
$ ls node_modules/react-sortable-tree-theme-file-explorer/dist/main.js
$ ls /Users/username/Documents/project/node_modules/react-sortable-tree-theme-file-explorer/dist/main.js
/Users/username/Documents/project/node_modules/react-sortable-tree-theme-file-explorer/dist/main.js I can't figure out what the complaint is. The paths and files DO EXIST. I used npm link initially, but that never worked, and so I also tried npm install ../react-sortable-tree-theme-file-explorer but it gives the exact same results.
I am importing the package as in:
import FileExplorerThemeBase from "react-sortable-tree-theme-file-explorer";

NPM permission error installing modules for material design

So, I really want to get started using material design. I'm using their getting started guide ( Everything worked until the part where I have to install the modules. There I got the error:
gyp ERR! stack Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/home/paul/Code/Material_Design_Test/Test4/node_modules/node-sass/build'
And then because of this the npm start command did not work either.
I've tried running it with sudo, same error. Tried to give me ownership of the folders, as sudo. Nothing worked.
you may run with sudo mode or else give the folder ownership with your user account and try to run it again
chown -R yourusername:yourusername directory

react-native run-android giving error without sudo on mac

How to run react-native without sudo on Mac?
It give me this error every time permission denied.
Is there any solution to run it without sudo?
Error log
EACCES: permission denied, open '/Me/newone/cc-react-

permission denied trying to uninstall alfresco

I'm trying to uninstall alfresco community so I can reinstall it. When I try running (as root)
I get sudo:
unable to execute ./uninstall: Permission denied
The reason I'm trying to uninstall it is because I'm getting a permission denied error when trying to start the service:
sudo service alfresco start
/etc/init.d/alfresco: line 10: /opt/alfresco-community/ Permission denied
Since getting these errors, I've tried changing the permissions to 777 recursively, but that isn't changing anything.
Any ideas on how I can uninstall alfresco and start over?