Numpy array muliplication - numpy

I have two input arrays and one output array like this:
I want to do the following calculation:
for i in range(3):
#res=array([ 231., 594., 1957.])
Can I do it without doing for loop since for loop will take alot of time in larger size matrix
so the goal is to acheive quicker method

The most intuitive way to do it is probably via np.einsum:
res = np.einsum('ki,kl,li->i', u, M, u)

Sticking with matmul, you are treating the last dimension of u as a 'batch', the one you iterate over in the loop. If we reshape u to be 3d, with that batch dimension first:
In [430]: u1 = u.T[:,None,:]; u2 = u.T[:,:,None]
In [431]: u1#M#u2
array([[[ 231]],
[[ 594]],
This is (3,1,1), with that batch dimension first, and matrix product in the last 2 dimension. We can squeeze those out:
In [432]: np.squeeze(u1#M#u2)
Out[432]: array([ 231, 594, 1957])
The matmul is working with (n,1,3), (3,3), and (n,3,1) to produce (n,1,1), with sum-of-products on the share 3.


Numpy: stack arrays whose internal dimensions differ

I have a situation similar to the following:
import numpy as np
a = np.random.rand(55, 1, 3)
b = np.random.rand(55, 626, 3)
Here the shapes represent the number of observations, then the number of time slices per observation, then the number of dimensions of the observation at the given time slice. So b is a full representation of 3 dimensions for each of the 55 observations at one new time interval.
I'd like to stack a and b into an array with shape 55, 627, 3. How can one accomplish this in numpy? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
To follow up on Divakar's answer above, the axis argument in numpy is the index of a given dimension within an array's shape. Here I want to stack a and b by virtue of their middle shape value, which is at index = 1:
import numpy as np
a = np.random.rand(5, 1, 3)
b = np.random.rand(5, 100, 3)
# create the desired result shape: 55, 627, 3
stacked = np.concatenate((b, a), axis=1)
# validate that a was appended to the end of b
print(stacked[:, -1, :], '\n\n\n', a.squeeze())
This returns:
[[0.72598529 0.99395887 0.21811998]
[0.9833895 0.465955 0.29518207]
[0.38914048 0.61633291 0.0132326 ]
[0.05986115 0.81354865 0.43589306]
[0.17706517 0.94801426 0.4567973 ]]
[[0.72598529 0.99395887 0.21811998]
[0.9833895 0.465955 0.29518207]
[0.38914048 0.61633291 0.0132326 ]
[0.05986115 0.81354865 0.43589306]
[0.17706517 0.94801426 0.4567973 ]]
A purist might use instead np.all(stacked[:, -1, :] == a.squeeze()) to validate this equivalence. All glory to #Divakar!
Strictly for the curious, the use case for this concatenation is a kind of wonky data preparation pipeline for a Long Short Term Memory Neural Network. In that kind of network, the training data shape should be number_of_observations, number_of_time_intervals, number_of_dimensions_per_observation. I am generating new predictions of each object at a new time interval, so those predictions have shape number_of_observations, 1, number_of_dimensions_per_observation. To visualize the sequence of observations' positions over time, I want to add the new positions to the array of previous positions, hence the question above.

Numpy - many matrices to same vector

Is there an efficient way to multiply many different rotation matrices to the same vector?
Right now I am doing the following, extremely slow procedure
for i, rm in enumerate(ray_rotation_matrices):
scan_point = rm * np.vstack([scale, 0, 0, 1])
scan_points[i] = np.hstack(scan_point[:3])
Each rm is a 4x4 matrix for homogenous coordinates. Can I somehow broadcast, but how do I make sure it applies matrix multiplication and not element wise product?
I want to get rid of the for loop...
Use one large array and the matrix multiplication operator #. It is vectorized out of the box. Example:
# a stack of five 4x4 matrices
>>> m = np.random.random((5, 4, 4))
>>> v = np.random.random((4,))
# all five matrix vector products in one go
>>> m#v
array([[1.08929927, 0.98770373, 1.0470138 , 1.266117 ],
[0.71691193, 0.68655178, 1.25601832, 1.22123406],
[1.3964922 , 1.02123137, 1.03709715, 0.72414757],
[0.9422159 , 0.84904553, 0.8506686 , 1.29374861],
[1.02159382, 1.36399314, 1.06503775, 0.56242674]])
# doing it one-by-one gives the same answer
>>> [mi#v for mi in m]
[array([1.08929927, 0.98770373, 1.0470138 , 1.266117 ]), array([0.71691193, 0.68655178, 1.25601832, 1.22123406]), array([1.3964922 , 1.02123137, 1.03709715, 0.72414757]), array([0.9422159 , 0.84904553, 0.8506686 , 1.29374861]), array([1.02159382, 1.36399314, 1.06503775, 0.56242674])]

gather values from 2dim tensor in tensorflow

Hi tensorflow beginner here... I'm trying to get the value of a certain elements in an 2 dim tensor, in my case class scores from a probability matrix.
The probability matrix is (1000,81) with batchsize 1000 and number of classes 81. ClassIDs is (1000,) and contains the index for the highest class score for each sample. How do I get the corresponding class score from the probability matrix using tf.gather?
class_ids = tf.cast(tf.argmax(probs, axis=1), tf.int32)
class_scores = tf.gather_nd(probs,class_ids)
class_scores should be a tensor of shape (1000,) containing the highest class_score for each sample.
Right now I'm using a workaround that looks like this:
class_score_count = []
for i in range(probs.shape[0]):
prob = probs[i,:]
class_score = prob[class_ids[i]]
class_scores = tf.stack(class_score_count, axis=0)
Thanks for the help!
You can do it with tf.gather_nd like this:
class_ids = tf.cast(tf.argmax(probs, axis=1), tf.int32)
# If shape is not dynamic you can use probs.shape[0].value instead of tf.shape(probs)[0]
row_ids = tf.range(tf.shape(probs)[0], dtype=tf.int32)
idx = tf.stack([row_ids, class_ids], axis=1)
class_scores = tf.gather_nd(probs, idx)
You could also just use tf.reduce_max, even though it would actually compute the maximum again it may not be much slower if your data is not too big:
class_scores = tf.reduce_max(probs, axis=1)
you need to run the tensor class_ids to get the values
the values will be a bumpy array
you can access numpy array normally by a loop
you have to do something like this :
predictions =, 1), feed_dict={x: X_data})
predictions variable has all the information you need
tensorflow only returns those tensor values which you run explicitly
I think this is what the batch_dims argument for tf.gather is for.

How does tensorflow batch_matmul work?

Tensorflow has a function called batch_matmul which multiplies higher dimensional tensors. But I'm having a hard time understanding how it works, perhaps partially because I'm having a hard time visualizing it.
What I want to do is multiply a matrix by each slice of a 3D tensor, but I don't quite understand what the shape of tensor a is. Is z the innermost dimension? Which of the following is correct?
I would most prefer the first to be correct -- it's most intuitive to me and easy to see in the .eval() output. But I suspect the second is correct.
Tensorflow says that batch_matmul performs:
out[..., :, :] = matrix(x[..., :, :]) * matrix(y[..., :, :])
What does that mean? What does that mean in the context of my example? What is being multiplied with with what? And why aren't I getting a 3D tensor the way I expected?
You can imagine it as doing a matmul over each training example in the batch.
For example, if you have two tensors with the following dimensions:
a.shape = [100, 2, 5]
b.shape = [100, 5, 2]
and you do a batch tf.matmul(a, b), your output will have the shape [100, 2, 2].
100 is your batch size, the other two dimensions are the dimensions of your data.
First of all tf.batch_matmul() was removed and no longer available. Now you suppose to use tf.matmul():
The inputs must be matrices (or tensors of rank > 2, representing
batches of matrices), with matching inner dimensions, possibly after
So let's assume you have the following code:
import tensorflow as tf
batch_size, n, m, k = 10, 3, 5, 2
A = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=(batch_size, n, m)))
B = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=(batch_size, m, k)))
tf.matmul(A, B)
Now you will receive a tensor of the shape (batch_size, n, k). Here is what is going on here. Assume you have batch_size of matrices nxm and batch_size of matrices mxk. Now for each pair of them you calculate nxm X mxk which gives you an nxk matrix. You will have batch_size of them.
Notice that something like this is also valid:
A = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=(a, b, n, m)))
B = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=(a, b, m, k)))
tf.matmul(A, B)
and will give you a shape (a, b, n, k)
You can now do it using tf.einsum, starting from Tensorflow 0.11.0rc0.
For example,
M1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2,3,4]))
M2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([5,4]))
N = tf.einsum('ijk,lk->ijl',M1,M2)
It multiplies the matrix M2 with every frame (3 frames) in every batch (2 batches) in M1.
The output is:
[array([[[ 0.80474716, -1.38590837, -0.3379252 , -1.24965811],
[ 2.57852983, 0.05492432, 0.23039417, -0.74263287],
[-2.42627382, 1.70774114, 1.19503212, 0.43006262]],
[[-1.04652011, -0.32753903, -1.26430523, 0.8810069 ],
[-0.48935518, 0.12831448, -1.30816901, -0.01271309],
[ 2.33260512, -1.22395933, -0.92082584, 0.48991606]]], dtype=float32),
array([[ 1.71076882, 0.79229093, -0.58058828, -0.23246667],
[ 0.20446332, 1.30742455, -0.07969904, 0.9247328 ],
[-0.32047141, 0.66072595, -1.12330854, 0.80426538],
[-0.02781649, -0.29672042, 2.17819595, -0.73862702],
[-0.99663496, 1.3840003 , -1.39621222, 0.77119476]], dtype=float32),
array([[[ 0.76539308, 2.77609682, -1.79906654, 0.57580602, -3.21205115],
[ 4.49365759, -0.10607499, -1.64613271, 0.96234947, -3.38823152],
[-3.59156275, 2.03910899, 0.90939498, 1.84612727, 3.44476724]],
[[-1.52062428, 0.27325237, 2.24773455, -3.27834225, 3.03435063],
[ 0.02695178, 0.16020992, 1.70085776, -2.8645196 , 2.48197317],
[ 3.44154787, -0.59687197, -0.12784094, -2.06931567, -2.35522676]]], dtype=float32)]
I have verified, the arithmetic is correct.
tf.tensordot should solve this problem. It supports batch operations, e.g., if you want to contract a 2D tensor with a 3D tensor, with the latter having a batch dimension.
If a is shape [n,m] b is shape [?,m,l], then
y = tf.tensordot(b, a, axes=[1, 1]) will produce a tensor of shape [?,n,l]
It is simply like splitting on the first dimension respectively, multiply and concat them back. If you want to do 3D by 2D, you can reshape, multiply, and reshape it back. I.e. [100, 2, 5] -> [200, 5] -> [200, 2] -> [100, 2, 2]
The answer to this particular answer is using tf.scan function.
If a = [5,3,2] #dimension of 5 batch, with 3X2 mat in each batch
and b = [2,3] # a constant matrix to be multiplied with each sample
then let def fn(a,x):
return tf.matmul(x,b)
initializer = tf.Variable(tf.random_number(3,3))
h = tf.scan(fn,outputs,initializer)
this h will store all the outputs.

Create color histogram of an image using tensorflow

Is there a neat way to compute a color histogram of an image? Maybe by abusing the internal code of tf.histogram_summary? From what I've seen, this code is not very modular and calls directly some C++ code.
Thanks in advance.
I would use tf.unsorted_segment_sum, where the "segment IDs" are computed from the color values and the thing you sum is a tf.ones vector. Note that tf.unsorted_segment_sum is probably better thought of as "bucket sum". It implements dest[segment] += thing_to_sum -- exactly the operation you need for a histogram.
In slightly pseudocode (meaning I haven't run this):
binned_values = tf.reshape(tf.floor(img_r * (NUM_BINS-1)), [-1])
binned_values = tf.cast(binned_values, tf.int32)
ones = tf.ones_like(binned_values, dtype=tf.int32)
counts = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(ones, binned_values, NUM_BINS)
You could accomplish this in one pass instead of separating out the r, g, and b values with a split if you wanted to cleverly construct your "ones" to look like "100100..." for red, "010010" for green, etc., but I suspect it would be slower overall, and harder to read. I'd just do the split that you proposed above.
This is what I'm using right now:
# Assumption: img is a tensor of the size [img_width, img_height, 3], normalized to the range [-1, 1].
with tf.variable_scope('color_hist_producer') as scope:
bin_size = 0.2
hist_entries = []
# Split image into single channels
img_r, img_g, img_b = tf.split(2, 3, img)
for img_chan in [img_r, img_g, img_b]:
for idx, i in enumerate(np.arange(-1, 1, bin_size)):
gt = tf.greater(img_chan, i)
leq = tf.less_equal(img_chan, i + bin_size)
# Put together with logical_and, cast to float and sum up entries -> gives count for current bin.
hist_entries.append(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.logical_and(gt, leq), tf.float32)))
# Pack scalars together to a tensor, then normalize histogram.
hist = tf.nn.l2_normalize(tf.pack(hist_entries), 0)
might be what you are looking for...
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