File pickup from ftp directory - mule

I have deployed an application in CloudHub with the FTP connector at the event source. It picks up the file whenever a file is dropped in the FTP directory. If I deploy application 0.1v and 2 workers, and a file arrives from the FTP directory, how should the application react?
Anyone could explain the above scenario?


How to upload set of all the files in folder on flowForce server using system ftp store method?

I have setup flow force server in my local pc and I was able to run couple of sample jobs. Then I try to setup FTP store job by providing required details. I was also able to upload specific file in to FTP server as well.
But now I need to know whether there is a possibility to upload all the files in particular folder in to target folder in FTP server. Appreciate if someone who have knowledge above flowforce server can share their thoughts about this.

How to add resource files in in /src/main/resource after deploying mule application in mmc

I have just deployed for the first time a mule application in Mule management console(MMC),after deploying I want to add csv file in src/main/resourses/input folder. where can I find path and add csv file to that path.
You can see the below image for details.
In other words,
Click on Servers tab --> Server --> Files tab --> apps --> Select your application --> classes --> Click on New File button --> Upload file.
But I suggest, keep your file in some other location and read it instead of keeping with in application folder structure.Problem is if you re-deploy the app from MMC, whatever files you have added manually from MMC will be deleted as MMC will take application from repository and deploy into server whenever you do re-deploy.
{MULE_HOME}/apps/{my app}/classes/{input folder}
Any folders under src/main/resourses will reside under the classes folder found in your app folder, which is under the apps folder of the standalone Mule server.
You could look at this path

Persistent Axis2 Service Files

I deployed an instance on Axis2 within my JBoss EAP 6.2 server. However, the only way I can add my service files are through the online admin console. This is a problem because when I add them through the console they are added to a random folder within standalone/tmp/vfs. So when I stop and start my server again I lose my reference and I need to re-add them through the console. How can I set it up so that I do not need to re-add my service files every time I start my server?
You can prepackage them inside your war under /WEB-INF/services so that they are automatically deployed with the war file.
The services.list file in the same directory is a text file listing your aar files ... one per line
The aar files are just zipped Axis archives. They contain a META-INF directory with your wsdl, any xsd files and an Axis2 services.xml service configuration file describing the service.

How to read/get ini file path in WCF published folder

I'm writing a WCF service which suppose to get it's data connection to sql server from config file.
Where should I place the config file and how can I get it's path so every time the service will run it will go to the specific program application published folder and read the file from there.
when I publish the service I create a folder and in it there is XXX.svc file, Web.config file and bin folder.

How to deploy war file in amazon AWS apache tomcat and access using domain name

I want to access the application through the domain name. For Example For the same i have placed my web app in ROOT folder of the apache tomcat in AWS, and i can access the app.
But i want to deploy the war file and access the application. If i put the war file in ROOT folder i am not able to access the application. Cab you please help me out on this like where to put the war file in apache tomcat folder in AWS
and if i have 2 application like client application and webservcie application. Where to deploy these 2 appliation so that whenever request comes from client it should call the webservice and gives the response back.
Can you please help me out in configuring my application in AWS apache tomcat.