cmake target_sources() - all targets - cmake

In my project, I have a top-level CMakeLists.txt with several add_executable() calls, defining several targets, T1, T2, ..., Tn. I have m subdirectories, each with their own CMakeLists.txt, each consisting of n lines, like so:
target_sources(T1 ...)
target_sources(T2 ...)
target_sources(Tn ...)
These lines are identical except for the target name.
Whenever I want to add a new executable, I have to add a new target_sources() line to m separate CMakeLists.txt files. Also, whenever a new source file gets added to one of those m subdirectories, I have to add an entry to each of the n lines in that CMakeLists.txt file. This is quite laborious.
Is there a better way to do this? I tried to look through the target_sources documentation, but couldn't find an obvious solution.


How can I understand when something is a variable or a value?

Not sure how to perfectly word this from the title, but I am new to CMake and slowly progressing through the online tutorial.
I am up to Step 4 and sometimes find it confusing when mixing passed values that in my eyes are strings, and thus in all programming languages I expect them to have quotation marks or some sort around them. However sometimes I create new targets with the same names. I will elaborate with an example. I reworded some things from the tutorial to make it a bit more clear for me to see what they actually do.
In the root CMakeLists.txt I have this file,
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
project(My_Project VERSION 1.0)
add_library(tutorial_compiler_flags INTERFACE)
target_compile_features(tutorial_compiler_flags INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" TRUE)
configure_file(src/ src/sqrt.h)
list(APPEND EXTRA_LIBS MathFunctions)
add_executable(compute_square_root src/sqrt.cxx)
target_link_libraries(compute_square_root PUBLIC ${EXTRA_LIBS} tutorial_compiler_flags)
target_include_directories(compute_square_root PUBLIC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src")
Inside of MathFunctions I have
add_library(MathFunctions mysqrt.cxx)
target_include_directories(MathFunctions INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
Here is where the confusion can come from. Notice that in
MathFunctions is kind of treated as a string in my eyes, because it is now looking for the directory current_location/MathFunctions. However inside of of the MathFunctions CMakeLists.txt it now creates a target with the exact same spelling from the line "add_library(MathFunctions mysqrt.cxx)", this is then immediately referenced afterwards from the "target_include_directories(MathFunctions, ...".
Here, target_include_directories is referring to the target MathFunctions we just created. Now, when we leave that CMakeLists.txt we now have another line "list(APPEND EXTRA_LIBS MathFunctions)". Now I some confusion, like, is this MathFunctions referring to the target we just made? Is it a string called "MathFunctions"? In the documentation for target_link_libraries it says that it has to be a target created by add_library so I assume it is referring to the previous add_library(MathFunctions ...) call. I find the scoping weird here too, since we are referring to something that was made from a child, inside a different call.
Do we have certain rules in CMake for this kind of behaviour? THanks
All command parameters are treated as strings in cmake. Parameters are separated by whitespace unless quoted. The exact effect of a parameter depends on the command.
The following commands have the same effect:
In the case of add_library the first parameter is treated as the target name. CMake internally keeps track of targets and stores several pieces of information for them. The target name MathFunctions is entirely unrelated to the name of the subdirectory added via add_subdirectory; you could rename the directory to FooBar and use add_subdirectory(FooBar) and nothing would change.
There are several commands you pass the target name to to modify the properties of the cmake target as well as commands that treat the name of cmake targets specially e.g.:
target_include_directories: the target to modify the [INTERFACE_]INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property for is passed
target_link_directories: the target to modify the [INTERFACE_]LINK_DIRECTORIES property for is passed
set_target_properties: One or more targets to set properties for are passed
target_link_libraries: The cmake target linked to is passed. Furthermore cmake library targets may be specified as libraries to be linked to the target.
add_test: If you use the name of a cmake target in the COMMAND part, the test logic uses the path to the target instead.
As for scope:
Variable values you write are actually set for the current scope only, but reading variables cmake looks into ancestor scopes, unless a variable is found in the current scope. CMake targets are visible in the whole cmake project though from the point of the parsing of the command creating the target(add_library, add_executable, add_custom_target): cmake targets are "global objects". (Exceptions exist for imported libs and alias targets, but that's probably nothing relevant to you right now.)

CMake rule to copy one of multiple identically-named files

Let's say we have a project like this:
+ +-header.h <-- copy if updated
+ +-header.h <-- copy if updated
+ +-ni
+ +-header.h <-- copy if updated
+-header.h <-- to here
We have three possible candidates for header.h, but one final location; we're not using symbolic links for reasons. Note that there are actually around 350 header files with just a few duplicates, so listing each individually is troublesome, especially if these subdirectories update their header files. Currently, we do this unconditional copy:
file(glob_recurse HEADERS foo/*.h)
However, this rule only runs when we do a CMake rebuild and not when only header files change, so I would like to get this working for header file changes alone.
Now, looking at this answer I try something like this:
file(glob_recurse HEADERS foo/*.h)
foreach(file_i ${HEADERS})
get_filename_component(barename, ${file_i} NAME)
OUTPUT target/${barename}
ARGS -E copy ${file_i} target
endforeach( file_i )
However, CMake complains with the error:
CMake Error: Attempt to add a custom rule to output "target/header.h" which already has a custom rule.
I understand why I get the error, but I cannot think of any way to do what I want to do.

In CMake how do I deal with generated source files which number and names are not known before?

Imagine a code generator which reads an input file (say a UML class diagram) and produces an arbitrary number of source files which I want to be handled in my project. (to draw a simple picture let's assume the code generator just produces .cpp files).
The problem is now the number of files generated depends on the input file and thus is not known when writing the CMakeLists.txt file or even in CMakes configure step. E.g.:
>>> code-gen uml.xml
generate class1.cpp..
generate class2.cpp..
generate class3.cpp..
What's the recommended way to handle generated files in such a case? You could use FILE(GLOB.. ) to collect the file names after running code-gen the first time but this is discouraged because CMake would not know any files on the first run and later it would not recognize when the number of files changes.
I could think of some approaches but I don't know if CMake covers them, e.g.:
(somehow) define a dependency from an input file (uml.xml in my example) to a variable (list with generated file names)
in case the code generator can be convinced to tell which files it generates the output of code-gen could be used to create a list of input file names. (would lead to similar problems but at least I would not have to use GLOB which might collect old files)
just define a custom target which runs the code generator and handles the output files without CMake (don't like this option)
Update: This question targets a similar problem but just asks how to glob generated files which does not address how to re-configure when the input file changes.
Together with Tsyvarev's answer and some more googling I came up with the following CMakeList.txt which does what I want:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
set(IN_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/input.txt")
COMMAND python3 "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/code-gen" "${IN_FILE}"
add_executable(generated main.cpp ${GENERATED_FILES})
It turns an input file (input.txt) into output files using code-gen and compiles them.
execute_process is being executed in the configure step and the set_property() command makes sure CMake is being re-run when the input file changes.
Note: in this example the code-generator must print a CMake-friendly list on stdout which is nice if you can modify the code generator. FILE(GLOB..) would do the trick too but this would for sure lead to problems (e.g. old generated files being compiled, too, colleagues complaining about your code etc.)
PS: I don't like to answer my own questions - If you come up with a nicer or cleaner solution in the next couple of days I'll take yours!

CMake: Managing a list of source files

The problem I'm having at the moment is that I simply wish to manage my list of source files by grabbing everything and removing the few odds and ends that I do not need. I was hoping that Cmake provided nice built-in tools for this.
So I might start with:
file(GLOB A "Application/*.cpp")
I feel like I want to create another list of files to be removed and I want to tell CMake: Remove from list A items that are in list B.
If this were Python I might do something like:
C = [f for f in A if f not in B]
I may have screwed that syntax up but I'm wondering if there is built-in support for managing these lists of files in a more elegant way?
Even if I could do something like my Python example, A is list of absolute paths so constructing B is clunky.
And why absolute paths anyway? It seems like this will break your build as soon as you relocate the source.
You can do that by using the list command with the REMOVE_ITEM option:
list(REMOVE_ITEM <list> <value> [<value> ...])
Have a look:
file(GLOB FOO *)
set (ITEMS_TO_REMOVE "item;item2;item3")
message(STATUS "FOO is ${FOO}")
message(STATUS "FOO is now ${FOO}")
Keep in mind that the paths returned by file(GLOB) are absolute, you might want to build your list of items to remove by prepending ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} to each one of them:
If you like Python, you can generate your list of source files with execute_process. There is also possiblity to work with lists.
But I would recommend you to "hardcode" your list of source files.
File command documentation states:
We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files from your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is added or removed then the generated build system cannot know when to ask CMake to regenerate.

CMake: collecting libraries

I am using CMake to build a simple C++ project, hereafter named P. The structure of P is quite simple:
I would like to collect the libraries in package1, package2, ... in a variable called P_LIBS.
In a first attempt, I tried to collect the libraries available in package1, package2, ... in the variable called P_LIBS initially set in the src/CMakeLists.txt file. However, the updates to P_LIBS made in the CMakeLists.txt of the subfolders are not propagated to the parent folder.
I would rather not write a list of libraries in the main CMakeLists.txt file. I would rather modify such variable while moving in the directory tree.
After a search on the internet I could not find any valid suggestion. If I look at the various Find files, I only see long listings of libraries in their main CMakeLists.txt file.
Is there a way to do what (I hope) I explained above?
Thanks to sakra's link I was able to 'propagate' names up to the parent folder. However, the names I add to the P_LIBS variable are later interpreted as 'library' names, not as reference to CMake targets. In other words, if
P_LIBS = {a, b}
the 'a' and 'b' are interpreted as the library names, i.e. CMake generates:
gcc [...] -l a -o exe
instead of
gcc [...] /path/to/a.o -o exe
(.o or other extensions)
You are propably constructing the targets list as a string, try to make them a list instead. For example:
# in package1/CMakeLists.txt