How to undo all in Photoshop quickly - photoshop

What is the quickest method to undo all changes back to the source of the history?
Version: 2022

If you're talking about reverting to the previous save then just use
function revert_it()
var idRvrt = charIDToTypeID( "Rvrt" );
executeAction( idRvrt, undefined, DialogModes.NO );
You can also get the number of history states from the current document
var history = app.activeDocument.historyStates.length;
You can add revert to a shortcut menu:


Is there a way to set the timezone in Vue with the UTC code?

I'm implementing a system and I need to set the timezone for the device depending on the item selected from a list that I'm showing to the user.
This is the design the customer wants:
I managed to implement this design. The problem is how can I set the timezone in the system, using only the code from the list? (for example: "UTC-12:00")
I've been reading around and the solution proposed is to use Javascript moment library, but it doesn't allow me to change the timezone like this.
The code I tried for the Save button is this:
saveTimeZone() {
if ( this.newTimeZone ) {
moment( new Date() ).tz.setDefault( this.newTimeZone );
And the value newTimeZone is setted up when clicked the list item:
selectTimeZone( item ) {
if ( this.getTime !== item ) {
this.newTimeZone = item;
this.disableSafeBtn = false;
Does anyone have any workaround for this?

Change ICN contentViewer's tab title in split pane mode?

I need to change the "title" for each document shown in ICN Viewer, dynamically, at runtime. I'll read the new viewer tab title from the document properties
ENVIRONMENT: ICN 2.0.3 CM8.5 WAS 8.5.5
I found a PARTIAL solution by hooking "ecm.model.desktop, onChange":
aspect.after(ecm.model.desktop, 'onChange', function() {
var contentViewer = dijit.byId('contentViewer');
if (contentViewer) {
var viewerTabTitleDef = new ViewerTabTitleDef ();
contentViewer.mainTabContainer.getChildren().forEach(function(child) {
child.controlButton, child.contentViewerPane.viewerItem.item);
I was able to extend this for subsequent documents opened in the same viewer, and optimized by "removing()" the handler after this initial call. Here is the complete code:
var kill = aspect.after(ecm.model.desktop, 'onChange', function() {
var contentViewer = dijit.byId('contentViewer');
// "contentViewer" will be "unknown" unless viewer invoked
console.log('onChange: contentViewer', contentViewer);
if (contentViewer) {
console.log("new ViewerTabTitleDef()...");
var viewerTabTitleDef = new ViewerTabTitleDef ();
contentViewer.mainTabContainer.getChildren().forEach(function(child) {
// For initially opened tabs
console.log('initially opened: child', child);
viewerTabTitleDef.changeTitle(viewerTabTitleDef.self, child.controlButton, child.contentViewerPane.viewerItem.item);
aspect.after(contentViewer.mainTabContainer, 'addChild', function(child) {
// For tabs added after the viewer was opened
console.log('subsequently opened: child', child);
viewerTabTitleDef.changeTitle(viewerTabTitleDef, child.controlButton, child.contentViewerPane.viewerItem.item);
}, true);
} // end if contentViewer
}); // end aspect.after(onChange desktop)
Q: How can I change the label for a split tab (either vertical or horizontal)?
So far, I have NOT been able to find any event for any ICN/ECM widget or object variable that I can trigger on.
Thank you in advance!
Many thanks to Ivo Jonker, for his suggestion to modify the widget prototype's
"getHtmlName()" method. It worked!
I'm invoking this code from an ICN plugin. I set event handlers in my plugin's base .js file, but it actually gets invoked in the new, separate viewer window.
The original prototype looked like this:
getHtmlName: function() {
var methodName = "getHtmlName";
var displayName = this.item.getDisplayValue("{NAME}");
if (displayName == "") {
displayName =;
var htmlName = entities.encode(displayName);
return htmlName;
Per Ivo's suggestion, I overrode the prototype method like this:
myPluginDojo.viewerTabTitleDef = viewerTabTitleDef;
ecm.widget.viewer.model.ViewerItem.prototype.getHtmlName = function () {
console.log("NEW getHtmlName()...");
var displayName = myPluginDojo.viewerTabTitleDef.getTitle(this.item);
return displayName;
If i understand you correctly, you want to show a different tab-title (instead of the document title) in the navigator viewer whenever a doc is opened?
How about this:
Every document you open in the viewer is wrapped in a ecm.widget.viewer.model.ViewerItem which exposes the getHtmlName that returns the name used in the tab.
Your solution would be to implement your own getHtmlName.
Unfortunately though, the ViewerItem is constructed in the ecm.widget.viewer.ContentViewer#_open and then passed to the ecm.widget.viewer.ContentViewer#_openTab. So you'll either violate best practice by mingling with IBM private method's, or you'll go for a generic approach and just replace the ecm.widget.viewer.model.ViewerItem.prototype.getHtmlName

Map does not zoom when feature is selected on Feature Table

According to the API Feature Table API both the syncSelection and the zoomToSelection properties are true by default so I thought that meant when I selected a row the map would zoom in on the selected feature but that doesn't appear to be true. In the sample at Feature Table Sample the map centers on the selected feature but the zoom level does not change. Is there a way to make the map zoom in on the selected feature?
You can make it zoom using dojo's aspect. It will make all calls to map.centerAt in your application do the zoom too, but is maybe your best option in this case, assuming the application is simple. Something like this:
aspect.after(map, "centerAt", function(target, m) {
map.centerAndZoom(m[0], 16);
return target;
Don't forget to include dojo/aspect in your AMD includes.
I'm sure Gavin's answer works but I wound up using the code in the ZoomToSelectedFeature's menu option in Feature Table Sample as follows. (The ROUTE_ID was an attribute of the selected feature).
myFeatureTable.on("row-select", function(evt){
function zoomToRoute(routeId){
var query = new Query();
query.returnGeometry = true;
query.outFields = [ "*" ];
query.where = "ROUTE_ID = '" + routeId + "'" ;
routeFeature.selectFeatures(query, FeatureLayer.SELECTION_NEW, function(features){
var extent = graphicsUtils.graphicsExtent(features).expand(1.25);

Openerp "Save" button persists even after confirming the PO

I am not sure whether I broke the flow and introduced this bug. When I am editing a PO and confirming the PO (see Fig 2).
The changes get updated in database however the save button is still there. But the PO gets confirmed (See fig 3).
I need the save button to be replaced with "Edit" button (By default it was like that).
Can anyone suggest What could be wrong or any settings stuff??
Any help is appreciated..
In web addons-->web-static-src-->js-->view_form.js
add below lines of code:
on_button_save: function() {
var self = this;
var result = confirm("Do you want to save Record..?");
if (result==true) {
return {
self.trigger("save", result);
self.reload().then(function() {
var parent = self.ViewManager.ActionManager.getParent();
return result;
This is the default behaviour to have the save button appear as it is if you did not click it and you clicked the button on the form.
Actually i written this code for my requirement.Before saving the record should ask the conformation to save.this code may help full you to further implements ion of you are requirement.

Dojo Tree Refresh

Using Dojo 1.3, after adding a child (i.e. folder or item) to a tree, is there a way to have it reflected immediately via refresh or some other method?
From the official Dojo manual
Updating a Tree
People often ask:
how do I update a tree (adding or
deleting items?)
You can't update the
tree directly, but rather you need to
update the model. Usually the model is
connected to a data store and in that
case you need to update the data
store. Thus, you need to use a data
store that allows updates (through
it's official API), like
how do I refresh a Tree from the
This isn't supported. The store
needs to notify the tree of any
changes to the data. Currently this is
really only supported (out of the box)
by, as
setting up a client-server
source where the server notifies the
client whenever the data has changed
is quite complicated, and beyond the
scope of dojo, which is a client-only
Say, if your model has the query `{type:'continent'} - meaning any items with this property are top-level-items, then the following will model extension will monitor changes and refresh the tree's view
var dataStore = new ItemFileWriteStore( { ... });
new Tree({
store: dataStore,
model: new ForestModel({
onNewItem: function(item, parentInfo){
if(, 'type') == 'continent'){
This should in turn call childrenChanged in the tree and update it every time a new item is added.
See model reference
As an addition, if the item added is not a toplevel item, an immediate update should be doable with this statement. parent is the treenode which has had an item added to its children.
parent.state = 'UNCHECKED';
A more or less 'standard' refresh of the tree can be achieved by following. Reason for it not being added to base implementation, i think is because it will break the linkage with DnD features on a tree
dojo.declare("My.Tree", [dijit.Tree], {
// Close the store? (So that the store will do a new fetch()).
reloadStoreOnRefresh : true,
update: function() { = this.reloadStoreOnRefresh;;
// Completely delete every node from the dijit.Tree
delete this._itemNodesMap;
this._itemNodesMap = {};
this.rootNode.state = "UNCHECKED";
delete this.model.root.children;
this.model.root.children = null;
// Destroy the widget
// Recreate the model, (with the model again)
// Rebuild the tree
I've solved this WITHOUT needing the refresh.
_refreshNodeMapping: function (newNodeData) {
if(!this._itemNodesMap[newNodeData.identity]) return;
var nodeMapToRefresh = this._itemNodesMap[newNodeData.identity][0].item;
var domNode = this._itemNodesMap[newNodeData.identity][0].domNode;
//For every updated value, reset the old ones
for(var val in newNodeData)
nodeMapToRefresh[val] = newNodeData[val];
if(val == 'label')
domNode.innerHTML = newNodeData[val];