How do you incorporate WKInterfaceSKScene into a watchOS Starter Template App? - game-development

I'm trying to create a Apple Watch game using Xcode 14.2 and watchOS 9. Getting started creating a watchOS App seems pretty straight forward, and getting started creating a game project via the starter template seems easy enough. Trying to put these two together though doesn't seem to work (or is not straight foward). The documentation specifies limitations on what libraries can be used with watchOS noting WKInterfaceSKScene, but doesn't give any specific examples of how to start out a WatchOS project using this. Additionally nearly every online tutorial that I'm able to find uses Storyboards to create a watchOS game, which does not seem to be supported in the latest version of watchOS or Xcode. Can anyone provide example starter code using the watchOS App project starter that that loads with a small colored square on the screen that moves from left to right using the WKInterfaceSKScene library?
I've tried the Apple documentation, asking ChatGPT for a sample or reference links, and the below tutorials:
Make an Apple Watch Game
How to Setup a Sprite Kit based Watch OS 3 App
Animations on Apple Watch with SpriteKit
Build a Simon game for watchOS


I'm making an macOS app. Is that possible to use a different app icon on different version of OS?

I've been working on an macOS app for a while. And recently Apple released the first beta version of Big Sur, so I changed my app icon into rounded rectangle shape, just like every other apps in Big Sur.
Now I wonder if it is possible to let my app use rounded rectangle shape in macOS 11.0+, and use another icon in previous versions?
I noticed that Apple's is already doing this.
EDIT: I noticed that Apple's app icon doesn't change automatically. You have to reinstall it from the App Store.

What is the iOS to display the clock in iOS7 app development?

I am developing an iOS app in iOS 7 that requires me to display a particular time.
Though this is not a programming question exactly, can anyone suggest me the component that allows me to display the time in a nice analog clock?
Did you search Cocoa Controls for example? This is the pleace where you can find lots of cocoa visual components like clocks.

Managing an iOS app across different platforms

I have an iOS 5.0 app presently and had a few questions regarding deploying the app across multiple platform and multiple OS upgrades. I would like to know if there is a clean and configurable system that allows me to have one project handle deployment to the iPhone iOS5 and iOS6 and the latest iPad iOS without having ugly selection statements everywhere determining the platform the app is being currently run on. So I would like to know if there is a way to manage the code from a dev prespective so i can support all version/platform specific features of my app depending on what platform/version it is being currently run on (for ex. automatically switching to use the longer dimension background images if the app is being run on an iPhone 5 with iOS 6)
Is there any way to have this functionality?
I am slightly confused with your question, but I'll explain what I know. Xcode already has a way to change your app depending on what Device/iOS Version the user is running. If you use storyboards, then it will automatically resize your app content depending on whether the screen has retina support, and the size of the screen. In addition, you can have a storyboard for iPad, so that when you run the app it will use the iPad version. It also will change the app icons. Just go to the project settings and scroll down until your get to the icons and lunch images.
Now, if you mean you want to change how your app works using the source code directly, then there is no easy to way to manage it. Your best bet is to go with Storyboards, as it makes it very easy to resize content depending on what device your using.

UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() always returns UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone on iPad 4.3 Simulator?

I am new to iOS development and following along with the book "Learning Cocos2d, A Hands-on Guide to Building iOS Games with Cocos2d, Box2d, and Chipmunk".
I have noticed that the UI buttons and viking characher I have rendered in chapter 2 do not match the book... the apparent cause is that the book instructs you to use the UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() macro to determine whether you are running an iPad or an iPhone, but it appears that no matter whether I set the scheme in xcode to use iPad 4.3 or iPhone 4.3, the macro always reports that I am running on the phone, not the pad.
Is there some sort of problem with the macro? Is this because I am running only on the simulator? I do not have an actual device on which to test any of this. What am I to do when this macro fails like this?
You need to make sure that your project is configured to build a "Universal" app. An iPhone app running on the iPad will still identify its UI idiom as "iPhone".

How to convert iphone application to Android using Titanium?

I have implemented iphone application using Titanium..But I want to convert in to android application.
Is it possible doing small chnges?
There are changes, but not major changes. Here is what i would do in my case?
Understand How iPhone works and Android works. Compare them in terms
of working model and OS Architecture. This will purely give you more idea on how to make an real Android App... else you would end up cloning your iPhone feel to Android again.
List out all the components i have used in iPhone and check out the
similar component available for me to replace. { For instance,
TableView has a delete option for iPhone and not for Android }
I would remove the back button implemented in iPhone and check how i
can move between windows with the Android BackKey.
Styles and Animation i have used in iPhone will not be the same for
Android. I think they don't have full supported ones too.
For example: style:Titanium.UI.iPhone.ActivityIndicatorStyle.BIG,
maybe you experience some performance differences depending on your implementation since the javascript engine is not the same. if so, you maybe need to restructure your app to ensure a performance enhancement.