Unnormalizing in Knuth's Algorithm D - division

I'm trying to implement Algorithm D from Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2" in Rust although I'm having trouble understating how to implement the very last step of unnormalizing. My natural numbers are a class where each number is a vector of u64, in base u64::MAX. Addition, subtraction, and multiplication have been implemented.
Knuth's Algorithm D is a euclidean division algorithm which takes two natural numbers x and y and returns (q,r) where q = x / y (integer division) and r = x % y, the remainder. The algorithm depends on an approximation method which only works if the first digit of y is greater than b/2, where b is the base you're representing the numbers in. Since not all numbers are of this form, it uses a "normalizing trick", for example (if we were in base 10) instead of doing 200 / 23, we calculate a normalizer d and do (200 * d) / (23 * d) so that 23 * d has a first digit greater than b/2.
So when we use the approximation method, we end up with the desired q but the remainder is multiplied by a factor of d. So the last step is to divide r by d so that we can get the q and r we want. My problem is, I'm a bit confused at how we're suppose to do this last step as it requires division and the method it's part of is trying to implement division.
(Maybe helpful?):
The way that d is calculated is just by taking the integer floor of b-1 divided by the first digit of y. However, Knuth suggests that it's possible to make d a power of 2, as long as d * the first digit of y is greater than b / 2. I think he makes this suggestion so that instead of dividing, we can just do a binary shift for this last step. Although I don't think I can do that given that my numbers are represented as vectors of u64 values, instead of binary.
Any suggestions?


Algorithms for factorizing a 30 decimal digit number

My professor has given me an RSA factoring problem has assignment. The given modulus is 30 decimal digits long. I have been searching a lot about factoring algorithms. But it has been quite a headache to choose one for my given requirements. Which all algorithms give better performance for 30 decimal digit numbers?
Note: So far I have read about Brute force approach and Quadratic Sieve. The latter is complex and the former time consuming.
There's another method called Pollard's Rho algorithm, which is not as fast as the GNFS but is capable of factoring 30-digit numbers in minutes rather than hours.
The algorithm is very simple. It stops when it finds any factor, so you'll need to call it recursively to obtain a complete factorisation. Here's a basic implementation in Python:
def rho(n):
def gcd(a, b):
while b > 0:
a, b = b, a%b
return a
g = lambda z: (z**2 + 1) % n
x, y, d = 2, 2, 1
while d == 1:
x = g(x)
y = g(g(y))
d = gcd(abs(x-y), n)
if d == n:
print("Can't factor this, sorry.")
print("Try a different polynomial for g(), maybe?")
print("%d = %d * %d" % (n, d, n // d))
rho(441693463910910230162813378557) # = 763728550191017 * 578338290221621
Or you could just use an existing software library. I can't see much point in reinventing this particular wheel.

Is this O(N) algorithm actually O(logN)?

I have an integer, N.
I denote f[i] = number of appearances of the digit i in N.
Now, I have the following algorithm.
FOR i = 0 TO 9
FOR j = 1 TO f[i]
k = k*10 + i;
My teacher said this is O(N). It seems to me more like a O(logN) algorithm.
Am I missing something?
I think that you and your teacher are saying the same thing but it gets confused because the integer you are using is named N but it is also common to refer to an algorithm that is linear in the size of its input as O(N). N is getting overloaded as the specific name and the generic figure of speech.
Suppose we say instead that your number is Z and its digits are counted in the array d and then their frequencies are in f. For example, we could have:
Z = 12321
d = [1,2,3,2,1]
f = [0,2,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
Then the cost of going through all the digits in d and computing the count for each will be O( size(d) ) = O( log (Z) ). This is basically what your second loop is doing in reverse, it's executing one time for each occurence of each digits. So you are right that there is something logarithmic going on here -- the number of digits of Z is logarithmic in the size of Z. But your teacher is also right that there is something linear going on here -- counting those digits is linear in the number of digits.
The time complexity of an algorithm is generally measured as a function of the input size. Your algorithm doesn't take N as an input; the input seems to be the array f. There is another variable named k which your code doesn't declare, but I assume that's an oversight and you meant to initialise e.g. k = 0 before the first loop, so that k is not an input to the algorithm.
The outer loop runs 10 times, and the inner loop runs f[i] times for each i. Therefore the total number of iterations of the inner loop equals the sum of the numbers in the array f. So the complexity could be written as O(sum(f)) or O(Σf) where Σ is the mathematical symbol for summation.
Since you defined that N is an integer which f counts the digits of, it is in fact possible to prove that O(Σf) is the same thing as O(log N), so long as N must be a positive integer. This is because Σf equals how many digits the number N has, which is approximately (log N) / (log 10). So by your definition of N, you are correct.
My guess is that your teacher disagrees with you because they think N means something else. If your teacher defines N = Σf then the complexity would be O(N). Or perhaps your teacher made a genuine mistake; that is not impossible. But the first thing to do is make sure you agree on the meaning of N.
I find your explanation a bit confusing, but lets assume N = 9075936782959 is an integer. Then O(N) doesn't really make sense. O(length of N) makes more sense. I'll use n for the length of N.
Then f(i) = iterate over each number in N and sum to find how many times i is in N, that makes O(f(i)) = n (it's linear). I'm assuming f(i) is a function, not an array.
Your algorithm loops at most:
10 times (first loop)
0 to n times, but the total is n (the sum of f(i) for all digits must be n)
It's tempting to say that algorithm is then O(algo) = 10 + n*f(i) = n^2 (removing the constant), but f(i) is only calculated 10 times, each time the second loops is entered, so O(algo) = 10 + n + 10*f(i) = 10 + 11n = n. If f(i) is an array, it's constant time.
I'm sure I didn't see the problem the same way as you. I'm still a little confused about the definition in your question. How did you come up with log(n)?

Division in double precision

I have two double variables:
a > 0
b >= 0
which could be tiny numbers. 'a' represents singular values of a matrix and 'b' represents the Tikhonov regularization constant. As part of the Tikhonov least squares solution, it is necessary to compute the quantity:
c = a*a / (a*a + b)
However if a is really small (ie small singular values of the matrix), a*a may not be representable in double precision. How can I compute this quotient c in a numerically stable way for the given ranges of a,b?
The best I can come up with is:
c = 1 / (1 + b / a / a)
To derive this equivalency, note that 1/c is (a^2 + b)/c and then decompose the fraction. This form might be more numerically stable since it doesn't require a^2 to be calculated at any point. It'll still lose precision if both b and a are very small. If that case must be handled too, you might look at a Taylor series expansion (may or may not work for this case).

Karatsuba and Toom-3 algorithms for 3-digit number multiplications

I was wondering about this problem concerning Katatsuba's algorithm.
When you apply Karatsuba you basically have to do 3 multiplications per one run of the loop
Those are (let's say ab and cd are 2-digit numbers with digits respectively a, b, c and d):
X = bd
Y = ac
Z = (a+c)(c+d)
and then the sums we were looking for are:
bd = X
ac = Y
(bc + ad) = Z - X - Y
My question is: let's say we have two 3-digit numbers: abc, def. I found out that we will have to perfom only 5 multiplications to do so. I also found this Toom-3 algorithm, but it uses polynomials I can;t quite get. Could someone write down those multiplications and how to calculate the interesting sums bd + ae, ce+ bf, cd + be + af
The basic idea is this: The number 237 is the polynomial p(x)=2x2+3x+7 evaluated at the point x=10. So, we can think of each integer corresponding to a polynomial whose coefficients are the digits of the number. When we evaluate the polynomial at x=10, we get our number back.
What is interesting is that to fully specify a polynomial of degree 2, we need its value at just 3 distinct points. We need 5 values to fully specify a polynomial of degree 4.
So, if we want to multiply two 3 digit numbers, we can do so by:
Evaluating the corresponding polynomials at 5 distinct points.
Multiplying the 5 values. We now have 5 function values of the polynomial of the product.
Finding the coefficients of this polynomial from the five values we computed in step 2.
Karatsuba multiplication works the same way, except that we only need 3 distinct points. Instead of at 10, we evaluate the polynomial at 0, 1, and "infinity", which gives us b,a+b,a and d,d+c,c which multiplied together give you your X,Z,Y.
Now, to write this all out in terms of abc and def is quite involved. In the Wikipedia article, it's actually done quite nicely:
In the Evaluation section, the polynomials are evaluated to give, for example, c,a+b+c,a-b+c,4a+2b+c,a for the first number.
In Pointwise products, the corresponding values for each number are multiplied, which gives:
X = cf
Y = (a+b+c)(d+e+f)
Z = (a+b-c)(d-e+f)
U = (4a+2b+c)(4d+2e+f)
V = ad
In the Interpolation section, these values are combined to give you the digits in the product. This involves solving a 5x5 system of linear equations, so again it's a bit more complicated than the Karatsuba case.

Modular arithmetic

I'm new to cryptography and modular arithmetic. So, I'm sure it's a silly question, but I can't help it.
How do I calculate a from
pow(a,q) = 1 (mod p),
where p and q are known? I don't get the "1 (mod p)" part, it equals to 1, doesn't it? If so, than what is "mod p" about?
Is this the same as
pow(a,-q) (mod p) = 1?
The (mod p) part refers not to the right hand side, but to the equality sign: it says that modulo p, pow(a,q) and 1 are equal. For instance, "modulo 10, 246126 and 7868726 are equal" (and they are also both equal to 6 modulo 10): two numbers x and y are equal modulo p if they have the same remainder on dividing by p, or equivalently, if p divides x-y.
Since you seem to be coming from a programming perspective, another way of saying it is that pow(a,q)%p=1, where "%" is the "remainder" operator as implemented in several languages (assuming that p>1).
You should read the Wikipedia article on Modular arithmetic, or any elementary number theory book (or even a cryptography book, since it is likely to introduce modular arithmetic).
To answer your other question: there is no general formula for finding such an a (to the best of my knowledge) in general. Assuming that p is prime, and using Fermat's little theorem to reduce q modulo p-1, and assuming that q divides p-1 (or else no such a exists), you can produce such an a by taking a primitive root of p and raising it to the power (p-1)/q. [And more generally, when p is not prime, you can reduce q modulo φ(p), then assuming it divides φ(p) and you know a primitive root (say r) mod p, you can take r to the power of φ(p)/q, where φ is the totient function -- this comes from Euler's theorem.]
Not silly at all, as this is the basis for public-key encryption. You can find an excellent discussion on this at http://home.scarlet.be/~ping1339/congr.htm#The-equation-a%3Csup%3Ex.
PKI works by choosing p and q that are large and relatively prime. One (say p) becomes your private key and the other (q) is your public key. The encryption is "broken" if an attacker guesses p, given aq (the encrypted message) and q (your public key).
So, to answer your question:
aq = 1 mod p
This means aq is a number that leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by p. We don't care about the integer portion of the quotient, so we can write:
aq / p = n + 1/p
for any integer value of n. If we multiply both sides of the equation by p, we have:
aq = np + 1
Solving for a we have:
a = (np+1)1/q
The final step is to find a value of n that generates the original value of a. I don't know of any way to do this other than trial and error -- which equates to a "brute force" attempt to break the encryption.