Integrate kie-tools standalone BPMN editor to my react app - bpmn

I am trying to integrate the BPMN standalone editor available in the kie-tools repository into my react application.
As an initial way, tried using the <iframe> component in order to integrate. It seemed working well.
But i am unable to customize the download activity as i am not able to get the content by using document.getElementById("bpmn-editor-container").
I have tried out in a chrome browser, disabling the security so that the cross origin issue will not come up.

The editor itself will create an iframe inside the container you provide to the open function. Here is an usage example of the DMN editor (BPMN should be very similar) in a React page. And here is a blog post with a comprehensive description of the parameters you can use to interact with the editor.


Website template popup feature doesn't work after downloading

I am looking at a website template with themewagon. There is a modal feature using magnific-popup that works on the live web version to display a video in a modal.
However, when I download the template and open the index file from my browser, the video modals do not function properly.
Can anyone explain why this may be the case?
I used the theme online, but when I downloaded it, the functionality was not there.

How to select a theme in a Getting Started page for a theme extension app using NodeJS

In the UX guidelines for theme app extensions it says that users need to be able to select a theme on which they want to implement their theme app extension.
Is there an example project which implements this theme selecting feature, and if not, is there any resource in which I can read about how to implement this feature in NodeJS?
All the logic of my app happens in the extension, so I only really need to use the app for showing this Getting Started page.

shopify post purchase extension

Hi I'am trying to test a post purchase extension.
I tried the following steps:
registered my post purchase extension with the code provided
Served the extension using shopify extension serve
Installed the local app extension to firefox
Updated the firefox extension with the ngrok url
Tried to checkout from my development store
-No redirect occurs to the extension and nothing in logs, checkout goes directly to thank you page
if someone experienced could make a basic guide over this topic, that wold be awesome :)
I ran into a similar problem.
For dev stores, the store needs to have checkout extensions preview enabled. You can enable it during store setup in the partners panel. During set up you will be asked what extra features you need.
You need to enable checkout extensions in your main app settings in the partners panel
You need to enable preview mode in extension panel in partners panel. (if your extension is not on the list, remember to build and deploy it)
For checkout UI extension there is an extra step:
go to Online Store -> Themes -> Customize -> Find checkout page -> in customizer click link in the "Optimize your checkout with apps, fonts, colors, and more. Customize checkout" text (IMPORTANT: this will work only on new dev stores or the stores that have checkout UI feature enabled during setup; it's hard to tell exactly) -> scroll to the bottom and add your app.
I highly recommend going through Shopify documentation and tutorials slowly step by step :)
I wasted too much time on this detail.

Open page via web if app is not installed in react native

The best example that I can think of to describe this is how VSCO does this, if you click someone's VSCO profile link, from an Instagram bio or something, you get the page via web, at the bottom of the webpage it asks you if you would rather use the app, if its installed, clicking yes will open, if its not it will link to the download page. I really don't even know where to start with the development of this so really any links and terms that I can look into are helpful.
Sorry for the somewhat open-ended question but at a loss as to where to start. If it is all using the same firebase database, could I do this all in one react native code base? Or would I want a standalone web application. Thanks ahead of time.

What's the best method for downloading a PDF from a sapUI5 App?

I need a 'Download PDF' feature for my SAPUI5 app which contains Viz charts (SVG's) as well as other more standard HTML elements.
I've already looked into jsPDF, html2canvas etc.
What is the recommended method?
It needs to work both as a Web app and also as a packaged Cordova app.
This has been somewhat answered here: Save Web page directly to PDF using JS
This method should work both in web app and as a Cordova app.
As mentioned there the best choice would still be to popup the "print to PDF" window (just as pressing ctrl+p in most browsers) and letting the user save it.