How to consume a dead letter queue in AWS SQS using Justsaying -

I'm working with SQS in my application. I have the following configuration.
.ConfigureSubscriptionWith(x =>
x.VisibilityTimeoutSeconds = 60;
x.RetryCountBeforeSendingToErrorQueue = 3;
.WithSqsMessagePublisher<MyMessage>(config => config.QueueName = _busNamingConvention.QueueName());
So, there will be 3 re-attempts before the messages gets to Dead Letter Queue. I want to consume this dead letter queue and process the message separately. In essence, I want to create a handler to deal with the messages in the DLQ.
I'm not sure if this is possible or SQS is not intended to be used this way. Please post if this is possible and if yes, is it okay to do this or is this an anti pattern.


amqp_basic_qos not having any effect

I am trying to code a simple consumer using librabbitmq. It is working, but when I do execute amqp_basic_consume, it consumes the entire queue.
What I want is for it to get a single message, process it and repeat.
I tried using a basic_qos to have the consumer prefetch 1 at a time, but that seems to have no effect at all.
The basic setup and loop:
// set qos of 1 message at a time
if (!amqp_basic_qos(conn, channel, 0, 1, 0)) {
die_on_amqp_error(amqp_get_rpc_reply(conn), "basic.qos");
// Consuming the message
amqp_basic_consume(conn, channel, queue, amqp_empty_bytes, no_local, no_ack, exclusive, amqp_empty_table);
while (run) {
amqp_rpc_reply_t result;
amqp_envelope_t envelope;
result = amqp_consume_message(conn, &envelope, &timeout, 0);
if (AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL == result.reply_type) {
strncpy(message, envelope.message.body.bytes, envelope.message.body.len);
message[envelope.message.body.len] = '\0';
printf("Received message size: %d\nbody: -%s-\n", (int) envelope.message.body.len, message );
if ( strncmp(message, "DONE",4 ) == 0 )
run = 0;
run = 0;
I expect to have a queue filled that I can start processing and if I hit ^C, the remaining messages are still in the queue. Instead, even if I have only processed one message, the entire queue is emptied.
This is the behavior when noAck is true. What will happen is that the messages will be pushed to the connected consumer as fast as the broker can send them, because it assumes that the consumer is able to accept them as they are acknowledged immediately upon delivery.
You would want to change noAck to false, then explicitly ack each message back to the broker in this case.
Alternatively, you could use a basic.get to pull messages from the broker one at a time as opposed to using a push-based consumer (there are folks out there who don't like this idea). Your use case will determine what is most appropriate, but based on the fact that you seem to have a full queue and fairly process-intensive messages, I would assume a basic.get would be just fine in this scenario. The question then would be to decide how often to poll when the queue is empty.

RabbitMQ - Scheduled Queue - Dead Letter Queue - Good practise

we have setup some workflow environment with Rabbit.
It solves our needs but I like to know if it is also good practise to do it like we do for scheduled tasks.
Scheduling means no mission critical 100% adjusted time. So if a job should be retried after 60 seconds, it does mean 60+ seconds, depends on when the queue is handled.
I have created one Q_WAIT and made some headers to transport settings.
Lets do it like:
Worker is running subscribed on Q_ACTION
If the action missed (e.g. smtp server not reachable)
-> (Re-)Publish the message to Q_WAIT and set properties.headers["scheduled"] = time + 60seconds
Another process loops every 15 seconds through all messages in Q_WAIT by method pop() and NOT by subscribed
q_WAIT.pop(:ack => true) do |delivery_info,properties,body|...
if (properties.headers["scheduled"] has reached its time)
-> (Re-)Publish the message back to Q_ACTION
after each loop, the connection is closed so that the NOT (Re-)Published are left in Q_WAIT because they were not acknowledged.
Can someone confirm this as a working (good) practise.
Sure you can use looping process like described in original question.
Also, you can utilize Time-To-Live Extension with Dead Letter Exchanges extension.
First, specify x-dead-letter-exchange Q_WAIT queue argument equal to current exchange and x-dead-letter-routing-key equal to routing key that Q_ACTION bound.
Then set x-message-ttl queue argument set or set message expires property during publishing if you need custom per-message ttl (which is not best practice though while there are some well-known caveats, but it works too).
In this case your messages will be dead-lettered from Q_WAIT to Q_ACTION right after their ttl expires without any additional consumers, which is more reliable and stable.
Note, if you need advanced re-publish logic (change message body, properties) you need additional queue (say Q_PRE_ACTION) to consume messages from, change them and then publish to target queue (say Q_ACTION).
As mentioned here in comments I tried that feature of x-dead-letter-exchange and it worked for most requirements. One question / missunderstandig is TTL-PER-MESSAGE option.
Please look on the example here. From my understanding:
the DLQ has a timeout of 10 seconds
so first message will be available on subscriber 10 seconds after publishing.
the second message is posted 1 second after the first with a message-ttl (expiration) of 3 seconds
I would expect the second message should be prounounced after 3 seconds from publishing and before first message.
But it did not work like that, both are available after 10 seconds.
Q: Shouldn't the message expiration overrule the DLQ ttl?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require 'bunny'
def publish
ch = B.create_channel
# declare a queue with the DELAYED_QUEUE name
q = ch.queue(DELAYED_QUEUE, :durable => true, arguments: {
# set the dead-letter exchange to the default queue
'x-dead-letter-exchange' => '',
# when the message expires, set change the routing key into the destination queue name
'x-dead-letter-routing-key' => DESTINATION_QUEUE,
# the time in milliseconds to keep the message in the queue
'x-message-ttl' => 10000,
# publish to the default exchange with the the delayed queue name as routing key,
# so that the message ends up in the newly declared delayed queue
ch.basic_publish('message content 1 ' +"%H-%M-%S"), "", DELAYED_QUEUE, :persistent => true)
puts "#{}: Published the message 1"
# wait moment before next publish
sleep 1.0
# puts this with a shorter ttl
ch.basic_publish('message content 2 ' +"%H-%M-%S"), "", DELAYED_QUEUE, :persistent => true, :expiration => "3000")
puts "#{}: Published the message 2"
def subscribe
ch = B.create_channel
# declare the destination queue
q = ch.queue DESTINATION_QUEUE, durable: true
q.subscribe do |delivery, headers, body|
puts "#{}: Got the message: #{body}"

Camel-rabbitmq: Consuming from multiple rabbitmq queues in a single camel consumer

I have the following scenario:
There are 3 rabbitmq queues to which producers push their messages based on the priority of the message.(myqueue_high, myqueue_medium, myqueue_low)
I want to have a single consumer which can pull from these queues in order or priority i.e. it keeps pulling from high queue as long as messages are there. o/w it pulls from medium. If medium is also empty it pulls from low.
How do i achieve this? Do i need to write a custom component?
It would be easier to put all the messages to one queue but with different priorities. That way, the priority sorting would be done in the broker and the Camel consumer would get the messages already sorted by priority. However, RabbitMQ implements the FIFO principle and does not support priority handling (yet).
Solution 1
Camel allows you to reorganise messages based on some comparator using a Resequencer:
.setHeader("priority", constant(9))
.setHeader("priority", constant(5))
.setHeader("priority", constant(1))
// sort by priority by allowing duplicates (message can have same priority)
// and use reverse ordering so 9 is first output (most important), and 0 is last
// (of course we could have set the priority the other way around, but this way
// we keep align with the JMS specification...)
// use batch mode and fire every 3th second
That way, all incoming messages are routed to the same sub route (direct:messageProcessing) where the messages are reordered according the priority header set by the incoming routes.
Solution 2
Use SEDA with a prioritization queue:
final PriorityBlockingQueueFactory<Exchange> priorityQueueFactory = new PriorityBlockingQueueFactory<Exchange>();
priorityQueueFactory.setComparator(new Comparator<Exchange>() {
public int compare(final Exchange exchange1, final Exchange exchange2) {
final Integer prio1 = (Integer) exchange1.getIn().getHeader("priority");
final Integer prio2 = (Integer) exchange2.getIn().getHeader("priority");
return -prio1.compareTo(prio2); // 9 has higher priority then 0
final SimpleRegistry registry = new SimpleRegistry();
registry.put("priorityQueueFactory", priorityQueueFactory);
final ModelCamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext(registry);
// configure and start your context here...
The route definition:
.setHeader("priority", constant(9))
.to("seda:priority?queueFactory=#priorityQueueFactory"); // reference queue in registry
.setHeader("priority", constant(5))
.setHeader("priority", constant(1))
Solution 3
Use JMS such as Camel's ActiveMQ component instead of SEDA if you need persistence in case of failures. Just forward the incoming messages from RabbitMQ to a JMS destination with setting the JMSPriority header.
Solution 4
Skip the RabbitMQ entirely and just use a JMS broker such as ActiveMQ that supports prioritization.

In RabbitMQ how to consume multiple message or read all messages in a queue or all messages in exchange using specific key?

I want to consume multiple messages from specific queue or a specific exchange with a given key.
so the scenario is as follow:
Publisher publish message 1 over queue 1
Publisher publish message 2 over queue 1
Publisher publish message 3 over queue 1
Publisher publish message 4 over queue 2
Publisher publish message 5 over queue 2
Consumer consume messages from queue 1
get [message 1, message 2, message 3] all at once and handle them in one call back
listen_to(queue_name , num_of_msg_to_fetch or all, function(messages){
//do some stuff with the returned list
the messages are not coming at the same time, it is like events and i want to collect them in a queue, package them and send them to a third party.
I also read this post:
Don't consume directly from the queue as queues follow round robin algorithm(an AMQP mandate)
Use shovel to transfer the queue contents to a fanout exchange and consume messages right from this exchange. You get all messages across all connected consumers. :)
If you want to consume multiple messages from specific queue, you can try as below.
channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false,false, null);
Consumer consumer = new DefaultConsumer(channel){
public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag,
Envelope envelope,
AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
byte[] body)
throws IOException {
String message = new String(body, "UTF-8");"Recieved Message --> " + message);
You might need to conceptually separate domain-message from RMQ-message. As a producer you'd then bundle multiple domain messages into a single RMQ-message and .produce() it to RMQ. Remember this kind of design introduces timeouts and latencies due to the existence of a window (you might take some impression from Kafka that does bundling to optimize I/O at the cost of latency).
As a consumer then, you'd have a consumer, with typical .handleDelivery implementation that would transform the received body for the processing: byte[] -> Set[DomainMessage] -> your listener.

RabbitMQ Prefetch

Up until now, my RabbitMQ consumer clients have used a prefetch value of 1. I'm looking to increase the value in order to gain performance. If I set the value to 2, will the RabbitMQ server send each consumer 2 messages at once such that I will need to parse the two messages and store the second one in a List until the first is processed and acknowledged? Or will the API handle this behind the scenes?
I'm using the Java AMQP client library:
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
QueueingConsumer consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel);
channel.basicConsume(CONSUME_QUEUE_NAME, false, consumer);
while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
try {
QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = consumer.nextDelivery();
String m = new String(delivery.getBody(), "UTF-8");
// Will m contain two messages? Will I have to each message and keep track of them within a List?
The api handles this behind the scenes, so there are no worries there for you.
Regarding which message gets where, RMQ will just deliver by using round robin, that is if you have the queue: 1 2 3 4 5 6 and consumer1 and consumer2.
consumer1 will have 1 3 5
consumer2 will have 2 4 6
Should the connection die to any of your consumers the prefetched messages will be redelivered to the active consumers using the same delivery method.
This should be interesting reading and a good starting point to figure more exactly what happens:
Tutorial no.2 which I'm sure you've read
The api internally queue messages in a blocking queue.
Setting the prefetch count more than 1 is actually a good idea since your worker need not wait for each and every message to arrive. It can read up to N messages (where N is the prefetch count). It can start working on a message as soon as it has finished the previous one.
Also, you have the option to acknowledge multiple messages at once instead of acknowledging individually.
channel.basicAck(lastDeliveryTag, true);
boolean true indicates to acknowledge all the messages upto and including the supplied lastDeliveryTag