Create a nested json with column values as key-value pairs - sql

I am trying to build a JSON from the following tables
table : car_makers
| cmid | companyname | country |
| 1 | Toyota | Japan |
| 2 | Volkswagen | Germany |
| 3 | Nissan | Japan |
Table : cars
| cmid | carname | cartype |
| 1 | Camry | Sedan |
| 1 | Corolla | Sedan |
| 2 | Golf | Hatchback |
| 2 | Tiguan | SUV |
| 3 | Qashqai | SUV |
I am trying to create a nested JSON of this structure :
"companyName": "Volkswagen",
"carType": "Germany",
"cars": {
"Tiguan": "SUV",
"Golf": "Hatchback"
but the best I could do with the this query
select json_build_object('companyName',companyName, 'carType', country, 'cars', JSON_AGG(json_build_object('carName', carName, 'carType', carType) ))
from car_makers cm
join cars c on c.cmid = cm.cmid
group by companyName,country
is this -
"companyName": "Volkswagen",
"carType": "Germany",
"cars": [
"carName": "Tiguan",
"carType": "SUV"
"carName": "Golf",
"carType": "Hatchback"
So, how can I correct my current query to replace the nested json array with a json element of key-value pairs from column values ?
here is the fiddle with sample data and the query I have tried

You can use json_object_agg:
select json_build_object('companyName', c.companyName,
'country',, 'cars', json_object_agg(c1.carName, c1.carType))
from car_makers c join cars c1 on c.cmid = c1.cmid
group by c.companyName,
See fiddle.


How to extract elements from Presto ARRAY(MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR))

I have an array of maps and data format is ARRAY(MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR)); I'd like to extract "id" and "description" features from this "Item_Details" column:
| Company | Country | Item_Details | | |
| Apple | US | [{"created":"2019-09-15","product":"apple watch", "amount": "$7,900"},{"created":"2022-09-19","product":"iPhone", "amount": "$78,300"},{"created":"2021-01-13","product":"Macbook Pro", "amount": "$163,980"}] | | |
| Google | US | [{"created":"2020-07-15","product":"Nest", "amount": "$78,300"},{"created":"2021-07-15","product":"Google phone", "amount": "$178,900"}] | | |
My expected outputs would be:
| Company | Country | Item_Details | | |
| Apple | US | ["product":["apple watch", "iPhone", "Macbook Pro"], "amount":[ "$7,900", "$78,300","$163,980"] | | |
| Google | US | ["product":["Nest", "Google phone"], "amount": "$78,300", "$178,900"] | | |
| Company | Country | Product | Amount | | |
| Apple | US | apple watch | $7,900 | | |
| Apple | US | iPhone | $78,300 | | |
| Apple | US | Macbook Pro | $163,980 | | |
I tried element_at(Item_Details, 'product') and json_extract_scalar(Item_Details, '$.product') but received error "Unexpected parameters (array(map(varchar,varchar)), varchar(23)) for function element_at. "
Any suggestions is much appreciated! Thank you in advance
For the second one you can unnest the array and access elements of map:
-- sampel data
WITH dataset(Company, Country, Item_Details) AS (
values ('Google', 'US', array[
map(array['created', 'product', 'amount'], array['2019-09-15', 'Nest', '$78,300']),
map(array['created', 'product', 'amount'], array['2019-09-16', 'Nest1', '$79,300'])
-- query
select Company,
m['product'] product,
m['amount'] amount
from dataset d,
unnest(Item_Details) as t(m);

Snowflake - using json_parse and select distinct to un-nested column and compare with another column

I have 2 columns, 1 is a nested column named custom_field and the other is sales_id I want to compare the sales_id_2 values in custom_field with sales_id column
I've tried this but it didn't work:
select distinct parse_json(custom_fields) as CUSTOM_FIELDS
from my_table where custom_fields:sales_id_2 = sales_id;
but I get the error:
SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 111 Invalid argument
types for function 'GET': (VARCHAR(16777216), VARCHAR(2)).
| custom_field | sales_id |
| | |
| { | 235324115 |
| "sales_id_2": 235324115, | 1234351 |
| "g": 12, | |
| "r": 255 | |
| } | |
| { | 678322341 |
| "sales_id_2": 1234351, | 5648561 |
| "g": 13, | |
| "r": 254 | |
| } | |
I'm hoping to see empty results, because I believe sales_id_2 is the same as sales_id
:: is for casting, plus you are trying a JSON operation on a varchar column. try this
select distinct parse_json(custom_fields) as CUSTOM_FIELDS from my_table where parse_json(custom_fields):sales_id_2 = sales_id;

How to modify the following cypher syntax in AgensGraph?

MATCH (wu:wiki_user)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n:wiki_doc{author:wu.uid}), (o:wiki_doc{editor:wu.uid})
RETURN wu.uid AS User_id, AS Organization, AS email, wu.token AS balance,
count(n) AS Writing, count(o) AS Modifying;
user_id | organization | email | balance | writing | modifying
"ailee" | "Org2" | "" | 5 | 0 | 0
"hazel" | "Org1" | "" | 5 | 2 | 2
match (n:wiki_doc{editor:'hazel'}) return n;
{"bid": "hazel_doc1", "cid": "Basic", "org": "Org1", "title": "Hello world!",
"author": "hazel", "editor": "hazel", "revnum": 1, "created": "2018-09-25
09:00:000", "hasfile": 2, "contents": "I was wrong", "modified": "2018-09-25
(1 row)
In fact, the number of updates in the case of hazel is 1, and 2
queries are used when the above query is used.
How to modify the query so that only one can be normally viewed.
MATCH( wu:wiki_user )
OPTIONAL MATCH (n:wiki_doc{author:wu.uid}), (o:wiki_doc{editor:wu.uid})
RETURN wu.uid AS User_id, AS Organization, AS email, wu.token AS balance,
count(distinct id(n)) as Writing, count(distinct id(o)) as Modifying;
user_id | organization | email | balance | writing | modifying
"ailee" | "Org2" | "" | 5 | 0 | 0
"hazel" | "Org1" | "" | 5 | 2 | 1
(2 rows)

Postgresql join on array and transform to json

I would like to make a join on array containing ids and transform the result of this subselect into json (json array).
I have the following model:

The lnam_refs column contains identifiers that are related to the lnam column
I would like transform the column lnam_refs into something like [row_to_json(), row_to_json()] or [] or [row_to_json()] or …
I tried several methods but I can not achieve a clean result…
To try to be clearer :
Table in input:
id | label | lnam | lnam_refs
1 | 'master1' | 11111111 | {33333333}
2 | 'master2' | 22222222 | {44444444,55555555}
3 | 'slave1' | 33333333 | {}
4 | 'slave2' | 44444444 | {}
5 | 'slave3' | 55555555 | {}
6 | 'master3' | 66666666 | {}
Results Expected:
id | label | lnam | lnam_refs | slaves
1 | 'master1' | 11111111 | {33333333} | [ {id: 3, label: 'slave1', lnam: 33333333, lnam_refs: []} ]
2 | 'master2' | 22222222 | {44444444,55555555} | [ {id: 4, label: 'slave2', lnam: 44444444, lnam_refs: []}, {id: 5, label: 'slave3', lnam: 55555555, lnam_refs: []} ]
6 | 'master3' | 66666666 | {} | []
Thanks for your help !
Here's one way to do it. (I created a table called t with that data you supplied.)
SELECT *, (SELECT JSON_AGG(ROW_TO_JSON(t2)) FROM t t2 WHERE label LIKE 'slave%' AND lnam = ANY(t1.lnam_refs)) AS slaves
FROM t t1
WHERE label LIKE 'master%'
I use the label field in the WHERE clause as I don't know how else you're determining which records should be master etc.
2;master2;22222222;{44444444,55555555};[{"id":4,"label":"slave2","lnam":44444444,"lnam_refs":[]}, {"id":5,"label":"slave3","lnam":55555555,"lnam_refs":[]}]

DBIx::Class : Resultset order_by based upon existence of a value in the list

I am using DBIx::Class and I have got a ResultSet. I like to re-order the ResultSet. I like to check a particular column "City" against a fix list of values ("London", "New York" "Tokyo") If city is found in the list of values I like to move that result to the top group. If city is not found, I like to move that result to the bottom group in the ResultSet.
ORDER BY expr might be what you're looking for.
For example, here a table:
mysql> select * from test;
| id | name |
| 1 | London |
| 2 | Paris |
| 3 | Tokio |
| 4 | Rome |
| 5 | Amsterdam |
Here the special ordering:
mysql> select * from test order by name = 'London' desc,
name = 'Paris' desc,
name = 'Amsterdam' desc;
| id | name |
| 1 | London |
| 2 | Paris |
| 5 | Amsterdam |
| 3 | Tokio |
| 4 | Rome |
Translating this into a ResultSet method:
{order_by => {-desc => q[name in ('London', 'New York', 'Tokyo')] }}
Something like:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $what = shift or die;
my #ary = qw(alpha beta gamma);
unshift(#ary,$what) unless ( grep(/$what/,#ary) );
print "#ary\n";
Run as:
./myscript omega