Android Jetpack Compose: Can't find OutlinedTextField in Empty Compose Activity (Material3) - kotlin

When I create new project and select "Empty Compose Activity (Material3)",
I can't use OutlinedTextField.
When I create new project and select "Empty Compose Activity"
it's Ok
Why there is a different and how can I fix this?

In your build.gradle upgrade the Material3 dependency to the latest as below.
implementation 'androidx.compose.material3:material3:1.0.1'
This shows OutlinedTextField in the project.
You must also add the #OptIn(ExperimentalMaterial3Api::class) to your function as below.
value = text,
onValueChange = { text = it },


howTo get Image Resource of a ImageButton in kotlin

i want change the ImageResource of a ImageButton that i have find by id.
a ImageButton(bottom) works as a reminder/backup of the last click of a ImageButton(top) .
some ImageButton (at the top of the app).
a ImageButton (at the bottom of the app).
example without errors, but don't find ImageResource of idR1
findViewById<ImageButton>(idR1).setOnClickListener {
not working examples
findViewById<ImageButton>(idR1).setOnClickListener {
findViewById<ImageButton>(idR1).setOnClickListener {
try to get and set Drawable
following causes the app to crash when i click on an ImageButton.
Here i use a defType "res" to get the resource (the image hopefully).
val resR1: Int = resources.getIdentifier("r1col$i", "res", this.packageName)
findViewById<ImageButton>(idR1).setOnClickListener {
How could i get this image resource of it ? And use it for the other ImageButton?
You should be setting the image like using setImageDrawable like this.
val image = findViewById<ImageButton>(
image.setOnClickListener {

How to change toast message's default icon in jetpack compose?

I have a toast message in my code and it shows when user enter empty dictionary name but there is a problem for me toast shows message with a default android icon and I don't want this. How can I change this icon or remove in jetpack compose kotlin ?
here is screen shot.
Hear is my code
fun updateDictionary(context: Context, dictionaryName: String): Boolean {
if (dictionaryName.isEmpty()) {
Toast.makeText(context, "Please Enter The Dictionary Name !", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
return false
val dictionary = OwnDicEntity(dictionaryName, dicCreationTime ?: "", dicId)
return true
if I want to update dictionary , I go to the update screen and this function is triggered and I have to write update dictionary name if I enter empty dictionary name. it shows toast message as I wrote above.
I'm returning a boolean value, true and false, so that it doesn't update when I enter a empty value.
Starting with Android 12 you don't get any control over how Toasts look - you get two lines of text and your application icon, so the user knows where the Toast came from. (Android 11 still allows for a custom view, but only for apps in the foreground.)
If you want to change the icon, you need to add a new one for your app - the one you're seeing is the default ic_launcher drawable for a new project. Some info about that here.
If you want to remove the icon, you can't! Since you seem to be displaying this as a popup in your own app, you might want to consider a Snackbar instead, or setting the error hint on a text field, or maybe create an area of your UI dedicated to displaying any errors (e.g. if there are multiple components you need to validate, and you want the error state in one place).

Jetpack Compose Desktop: Scrollable Column/LazyColumn

I'm creating a program in Jetpack Compose Desktop version 1.0.0-beta5 and I can't figure out how to make Column/LazyColumn scrollable. At the same time, it seems to me that a lot of the classes listed in the documentation for Android are missing and can not work from their examples.
val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
state = lazyListState,
modifier = Modifier.verticalScroll(scrollState)
) {
items(ArrayList<String>()){ item ->
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp)) {
This code is currently producing an error.
To be precise, the empty list used can be seen in the example, but this is just an adjustment, in fact I draw a lot of items.
I know this question is very old, but you can take a look at Desktop Compoments
Jetpack compose is for the android framework,
Compose desktop is a flavor of Jetpack compose, it uses Skia and Swing under the hood

Jetpack Compose Desktop – MaterialTheme.colors.background Not Working

Setting MaterialTheme.colors
I'm trying to make a very basic window in Jetpack Compose for Desktop (not mobile), but I'm having some difficulties with changing the colors of the window. I've looked at some tutorials and examples, but maybe I don't quite understand how color themes are correctly implemented.
The code that I wrote should create a window with a dark background, but the window when the program runs is white.
Please provide any insights you can as to what I am doing wrong.
Code (Kotlin)
import androidx.compose.desktop.*
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.*
fun main() = Window(
title = "Window",
resizable = false,
size = IntSize(1200, 800),
) {
MaterialTheme(colors = darkColors()) {
Other Info
macOS Big Sur
IntelliJ 2021.2
Jetpack Compose 0.4.0
The MaterialTheme only provides colors for all views inside the container, it does not create or render the view.
Most Material components will use these colors as default values, but you can also use these colors in your views using, for example, MaterialTheme.colors.background.
You need to put some view inside, size it and apply some background color, for example:
MaterialTheme(colors = darkColors()) {
You can use Scaffold to see changes.
In your example:
MaterialTheme(colors = darkColors()) {
Scaffold {
// your content
You can read about it:
or here:

Eclipse plugin:TextSelection cannot resoleve

I am trying to develop my first plug-in.
The plug-in should manipulate the content of the selected text in the active text editor.
I started with the “hello world” example from the “Cheat sheet” which worked perfect.
When tried to modify I found that project not recognizing many types.
I added the following jars to the project build path libraries:
Now code compiles perfect.
ISelection iSelection = null;
IEditorSite iEditorSite = window.getActivePage().getActiveEditor().getEditorSite();
if (iEditorSite != null) {
ISelectionProvider iSelectionProvider = iEditorSite.getSelectionProvider();
if (iSelectionProvider != null)
iSelection = iSelectionProvider.getSelection();
selectedText = ((ITextSelection)iSelection).getText();
The problem is in line 08. although eclipse recognize the ITextSelection interface, at runtime I get cannot resolve type exception.
When trying to deploy the code I get the following line in the deploy log:
The import org.eclipse.jface.text cannot be resolved
Did you try, in the Run configuration dialog, to open the "Plugins" tab and click the button "add required plug-ins" ?
It might add the right runtime dependencies for you.
See also that same button in the dependencies tab of your plugin project:
alt text
(more in the article "Products and Branding")
See also this SO answer for more checks.