Error: 413 Request Entity Too Large using Vue storefront - vue.js

When i am send the image more than (100kb) in post request it gave me the error of 413 status code
I tried to increase the size of payload but didn't work and the request didn't come to backend so there is nothing to do in backend


How do you get request error's logs using WizTools REST Client?

I'm making GET and POST requests using WizTools REST Client, but I got HTTP 500 errors. I would like to get logs. Any tips?
HTTP Response
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

Why does get my response error message got truncated

I'm new to the WorldPay integration development.
I'm having difficulty when I am sending an authorization request from one of our applications and I got this response from the api .
Client error: POST resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: {"errorName":"bodyDoesNotMatchSchema","message":"The json body provided does not match the expected schema","validationE (truncated...)
My problem is I was unable to see the complete error message because the response has been truncated. Is there a way to prevent that issue?

WCF SOAP Service Gzip encoding with Custom Binding

Need help in sending a request which is for WCF service. The service has Custom Binding ( The request is Binary encoded).
Initially i was getting the HTTP/1.1 415 Cannot process the message because the content type 'application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8;action="Phase"' was not the expected type 'application/soap+msbin1+gzip'.
So I manually added a header Content-Type = 'application/soap+msbin1+gzip'. Now the previous error was gone. but now I am getting the following error: "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request"
I am using HttpWebRequest.
Below images for the reference
Code image
Error line Where i got 400

Python Graphene. Authorization error handling

I have the following environment:
#vue/cli 4.1.2
vue-apollo 3.0.2
python 3.8
django 3.0.2
graphene-django 2.8.0
django-graphql-jwt 0.3.0
My problem is handle the auth errors when the token has expired. For example, if I request the query me when the token is expired:
def resolve_me(root, info):
user = info.context.user
if user.is_anonymous:
raise GraphQLError('Authentication failure!!')
return user
in the link of the apollo client receive a 200 and the networkError object is empty and graphQLErrors object don't provide the status code.
how you manage this scenario?
Thanks by advance.
Check out this comment
As far as I can tell from the GraphQL spec there is no discussion of http response codes at all. The status codes of HTTP are strongly tied to rest principles. It's not clear to me whether GraphQL APIs should distinguish between 2XX and 4XX status codes.
Most notably, you can batch multiple mutations into the same request to the server. If one successfully creates a resource (201), one mutates a resource (200), one fails validation (400) and another the target object does not exists (404), what should the return value from the API be?
At the moment, GraphQL APIs seem to err on the side of 200 unless the server blows up, in which case 500.

The behaviour of receiving request with expired api_key in Moqui

What is the system behavior of receiving a request to A restful API with a expired api_key in Moqui? Does the system send back the SC_UNAUTHORIZED error or something else?
The response is status with 500 internal server error.