Kotlin/JS Invalid property id when adding cursor pointer style to span - kotlin-js

Here is the code:
h.span {
css {
cursor = Cursor.pointer
When compiled, it produces the following error:
> Task :browser:processDceKotlinJs FAILED
error: at /.../build/js/packages/kjs-browser/kotlin/kjs-browser.js (1193, 185): invalid property id
Examining the location of the error, we see it's at the $receiver_0.cursor line, below, and it indicates the entry default (at position 185):
function RecordList$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda(closure$id, closure$updateList) {
return function ($receiver) {
var $receiver_0 = {};
$receiver_0.cursor = (/*union*/{alias: 'alias', allScroll: 'all-scroll', cell: 'cell', colResize: 'col-resize', contextMenu: 'context-menu', copy: 'copy', crosshair: 'crosshair', default: 'default', eResize: 'e-resize', ewResize: 'ew-resize', grab: 'grab', grabbing: 'grabbing', help: 'help', move: 'move', nResize: 'n-resize', neResize: 'ne-resize', neswResize: 'nesw-resize', noDrop: 'no-drop', notAllowed: 'not-allowed', nsResize: 'ns-resize', nwResize: 'nw-resize', nwseResize: 'nwse-resize', pointer: 'pointer', progress: 'progress', rowResize: 'row-resize', sResize: 's-resize', seResize: 'se-resize', swResize: 'sw-resize', text: 'text', verticalText: 'vertical-text', wResize: 'w-resize', wait: 'wait', zoomIn: 'zoom-in', zoomOut: 'zoom-out'}/*union*/).pointer;
$receiver.className = css($receiver_0);
$receiver.onClick = preventDefault(RecordList$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda$lambda(closure$id, closure$updateList));
return Unit;
By removing the css block that sets the pointer style, the error disappears.
As an interesting side note, the code runs just fine in development mode (browserDevelopmentRun).


karate.match is throwing a TypeError when validating against a string

I am doing some UI automation using Karate. In this particular scenario, the goal is to navigate to a page that has a table with pagination. If there is a "next page" button, to click it, and to verify the pagination changes as expected (pagination will always return either an 8 or a 9).
I have the following code:
* def getPagination =
var nameVal = []
var nextPageBtn = false
do {
nextPageBtn = driver.exists('skipToNext a');
if (nextPageBtn {
driver.click('skipToNext a');
var getPagination = (driver.text(li[class='active'] a)).trim()
karate.log("The current page value is:", getPagination)
karate.match (getPagination == '8' || '9')
var getNameVal = driver.scriptAll('#names', '_.textContent')
} while (nextPageBtn)
I am getting the following error on the match:
org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: invokeMember (match) on com.intuit.karate.core.ScenarioBridge#5d32d8f failed due to: no applicable overload found (overloads: [Method[public java.lang.Object com.intuit.karate.core.ScenarioBridge.match(java.lang.String)], Method[public java.lang.Object com.intuit.karate.core.ScenarioBridge.match(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object)]], arguments: [true (Boolean)])
- <js>.:anonymous(Unnamed:17)
Any ideas?

Vue.js Nuxt - cannot access Array (value evaluated upon first expanding error)

I have the following function which gives me an array called URLs
const storageRef = this.$fire.storage.ref().child(fileName)
try {
const snapshot = storageRef.put(element).then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then((url) => {
console.log('File uploaded.')
} catch (e) {
console.log("about to run enter time with imageurls length " + urls.length)
When I run console.log(URLs) initially I do see the array like the following
0: "testvalue"
length: 1
__proto__: Array(0)
However, there is a small information icon stating
This value was evaluated upon first expanding. The value may have changed since.
Because of this, when I try to get the length of URLs, I get zero, meaning the value is being updated.
Does anyone know what's happening? I am using Vue.JS/Nuxt.

issue with c8ydevicecontrol.create

the code:
this.sendOperations = function () {
var operation = {
deviceId: '12161',
com_cumulocity_model_WebCamDevice: {
name: 'take picture',
parameters: {
duration: '5s',
quality: 'HD'
a new operation will be created in cumulocity server, but in the meantime, the chrome brower on which the app is runing will report some errors, although it looks like the app is still runing after that:
angular.js:9997 TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of null
at k (deviceControl.js:267)
at wrappedCallback (angular.js:11498)
at wrappedCallback (angular.js:11498)
at angular.js:11584
at Scope.$eval (angular.js:12608)
at Scope.$digest (angular.js:12420)
at Scope.$apply (angular.js:12712)
at done (angular.js:8315)
at completeRequest (angular.js:8527)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange (angular.js:8466)
any suggestion? Thanks
D. Chen

Can Gulp change LESS variables?

I'm looking to toggle IE8 mode in my LESS files and automated the file generation in Gulp.
This is where I stopped in what to pass gulp-less (minus a bunch of stuff):
var IE = true;
var LESSConfig = {
plugins: [ ... ],
paths: LESSpath,
ie8compat: IE, //may as well toggle this
// Set in variables.less, #ie:false; - used in mixin & CSS guards
// many variations tried
// globalVars: [ { "ie":IE } ],
modifyVars:{ "ie":IE }
.pipe( less ( LESSConfig ) )
Is variable modification not supported in Gulp?
I'd like to avoid using gulp-modify et al if I can. I'd like to keep the build system fairly abstracted from the source files.
modifyVars is working for me now:
var LESSConfig = {
paths: paths.LESSImportPaths,
plugins: [
modifyVars: {
ie: 'false'
var LESSConfigIE = {
paths: paths.LESSImportPaths,
modifyVars: {
ie: 'true'
function processLESS (src, IE, dest){
return gulp.src(src)
.pipe( $.if( IE, $.less( LESSConfigIE ), $.less( LESSConfig ) ) )
.pipe( $.if( IE, $.rename(function(path) { path.basename += "-ie"; }) ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest(dest) )
// build base.css files
gulp.task('base', function() {
return processLESS( paths.Base + '/*.less', false, paths.dest );
// build base-ie.css files for IE
gulp.task('baseIE', function() {
return processLESS( paths.Base + '/*.less', true, paths.dest );
Since I could not get this to work with gulp-lessand it became apparent to me that the application of globalVars and modifyVars are both broken, I came up with a different solution.
You can use gulp-append-prepend to write your variables into the file before gulp-less processes it. A little less elegant but, on the plus side, it actually works.
Something like this:
.pipe(gap.prependText('#some-global-var: "foo";'))
.pipe(gap.appendText('#some-modify-var: "bar";'))
Nowadays (2019) this problem seems to be fixed.
However it cost me still a lot of time to get it running.
Here is what I did:
gulp.task('lessVariants', ['less'], function() {
return gulp.src('less/styles.less', {base:'less/'})
.pipe(less({modifyVars:{'#color1': '#535859'}))
.pipe(less({modifyVars:{'#color2': '#ff0000'}))
.pipe(less({modifyVars:{'#color3': '#ccffcc'}))
.pipe(gulp.dest(distFolder + 'css'))
This did not work. Only the last variable was modified. I changed it as follows to get it working:
gulp.task('lessVariants', ['less'], function() {
return gulp.src('less/styles.less', {base:'less/'})
.pipe(less({modifyVars: {
'#color1': '#535859',
'#color2': '#ff0000',
'#color3': '#ccffcc',
.pipe(gulp.dest(distFolder + 'css'))

flexpaper default two page view settings

I am using flexpage along with pdf2swf to generate swf for my pdf files and showing it in my page.
Here is the setting i have used
<script type="text/javascript">
var swfVersionStr = "10.0.0"; // For version detection, set to min. required Flash Player version, or 0 (or 0.0.0), for no version detection.
var xiSwfUrlStr = "playerProductInstall.swf"; // To use express install, set to playerProductInstall.swf, otherwise the empty string.
var flashvars = {
SwfFile : escape("<%= current_user.books.first.name%>.swf"),
Scale : 0.6,
ZoomTransition : "easeOut",
ZoomTime : 0.5,
ZoomInterval : 0.1,
FitPageOnLoad : false,
FitWidthOnLoad : true,
PrintEnabled : false,
FullScreenAsMaxWindow : false,
ProgressiveLoading : true,
PrintToolsVisible : false,
ViewModeToolsVisible : true,
ZoomToolsVisible : true,
FullScreenVisible : true,
NavToolsVisible : true,
CursorToolsVisible : true,
SearchToolsVisible : false,
localeChain: "en_US"
var params = {}
params.quality = "high";
params.bgcolor = "#ffffff";
params.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain";
params.allowfullscreen = "true";
var attributes = {};
attributes.id = "FlexPaperViewer";
attributes.name = "FlexPaperViewer";
swfobject.embedSWF("FlexPaperViewer.swf", "flashContent", "650", "605", swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvars, params, attributes);
swfobject.createCSS("#flashContent", "display:block;text-align:left;");
ViewModeToolsVisible is set to true , with this I can see options to view pages in single page mode , two page mode and thumb mode.
How to make two page view mode my default ?
Got the way to show two page view by default. we can just insert a call in flexpaper_flash.js
function onDocumentLoaded(totalPages){
But then I was having a problem ,it was loading in single page mode first and then was converting the view to two page mode . Then I had to change
ProgressiveLoading : true
ProgressiveLoading : false
You can just use the setting
InitViewMode (String) Sets the start-up view mode. For example
"Portrait" or "TwoPage".
InitViewMode : 'TwoPage',
more info: http://flexpaper.devaldi.com/docs_parameters.jsp