I'm trying to get a query together that selects products based on a combination of data (body type, materials and colors,etc.) and I've gotten close but I'm still missing a step to get exactly what I want. I've been looking more at pivoting data and I've tinkered with this query but I'm still left with this issue.
Basically, I have multiple products that only have one material and color attributed to them and they each have a unique stock keeping ID, but some of the body types will have 2 materials and colors per stock keeping unit.
My current results in this db fiddle https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/u4zKAdw3H4hFLbfnzEeZS2/1
are as shown:
For the most part the results are there but BodB has the same color for both materials and should be one single row like BoDB | Fabric | Black | Leather | Black
So if one body code is attached to 2 different materials but the same color with sequence 1 and 2, it should be a single row effectively grouped by the body and the color (the materials wouldn't be the same, only the color. And there will only ever be up to 2 materials and colors on a given stock keeping unit
The fiddle is ready to go with these results, any help is much appreciated
I want to define a cube measure in a SSAS Analysis Services Cube (multidimensional model) that calculates ratios for the selection a user makes for a predefined hierarchy. The following example illustrates the desired behavior:
| Hamburg | 2 |
| Berlin | 1 |
| Munich | 3 |
This is my base table. What I want to achieve is a cube measure that calculates ratios based on a users' selection. E.g. when the user queries Hamburg (2) and Berlin (1) the measure should return the values 67% (for Hamburg) and 33% (for Berlin). However if Munich (3) is added to the same query, the return values would be 33% (Hamburg), 17% (Berlin) and 50% (Munich). The sum of the values should always equal to 100% no matter how many hierarchy members have been included into the MDX query.
So far I came up with different measures, but they all seem to suffer from the same problem that is it seems impossible to access the context of the whole MDX query from within a cell.
My first approach to this was the following measure:
[Measures].[Ratio] AS SUM([City].MEMBERS,[Measures].[Amount])/[Measures].[Amount]
This however sums up the amount of all cities regardless of the users selection and though always returns the ratio of a city with regards to the whole city hierarchy.
I also tried to restrict the members to the query context by adding the EXISTING keyword.
[Measures].[Ratio] AS SUM(EXISTING [City].MEMBERS,[Measures].[Amount])/[Measures].[Amount]
But this seems to restrict the context to the cell which means that I get 100% as a result for each cell (because EXISTING [City].MEMBERS is now restricted to a cell it only returns the city of the current cell).
I also googled to find out whether it is possible to add a column or row with totals but that also seems not possible within MDX.
The closest I got was with the following measure:
[Measures].[Ratio] AS SUM(Axis(1),[Measures].[Amount])/[Measures].[Amount]
Along with this MDX query
SELECT {[Measures].[Ratio]} ON 0, {[City].[Hamburg],[City].[Berlin]} ON 1 FROM [Cube]
it would yield the correct result. However, this requires the user to put the correct hierarchy for this specific measure onto a specific axis - very error prone, very unintuitive, I don't want to go this way.
Are there any other ideas or approaches that could help me to define this measure?
I would first define a set with the selected cities
[GeoSet] AS {[City].[Hamburg],[City].[Berlin]}
Then the Ratio
[Measures].[Ratio] AS [Measures].[Amount]/SUM([GeoSet],[Measures],[Amount])
To get the ratio of that city to the set of cities. Lastly
SELECT [Measures].[Ratio] ON COLUMNS,
[GeoSet] ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]
Whenever you select a list of cities, change the [GeoSet] to the list of cities, or other levels in the hierarchy, as long as you don't select 2 overlapping values ([City].[Hamburg] and [Region].[DE6], for example).
In the database I'm working with, we have a certain naming convention that should be followed and I'm trying to fix errors.
For example, one of the correctly named records would be:
Blue Insurance | Blue Agency | Blue Agency | BL26 | Blue Insurance
Is there any way to search for all records that do not have 4 vertical bars in them?
select * from tablename
where length(colname) - length(replace(colname,'|','')) <> 4
Change length according to the database being used.
Hi I was wondering if there is a way to split long column values in this case I am using SSRS to get the distinct values with the number of product ID against a category into a matrix/pivot table in SSRS. The problem lies with the amount of distinct category makes it a nightmare to make the report look pretty shall we say. Is there a dynamic way to split the columns in say groups of 10 to make the table look nicer and easy to read. I was thinking of using in operator then the list of values but that means managing the data every time a new category gets added. Is there a dynamic way to present the data in the best way possible? There are 135 distinct category values
Also I am open to suggestions to make the report to nicer if anyone has any thoughts. I am new to SSRS and trying to get to grips with its.
Here is an example of my problem
enter image description here
Are your column names coming back from the database under the SubCat field you note in the comments above? If so I imagine your dataset looks something like this
Subcat | Logno
SubCatA | 34
SubCatB | 65
SubCatC | 120
SubCatD | 8
SubCatE | 19
You can edit this so that there is an index of each individual category being returned also, using the Row_Number() function. Add the field
To your query. This will result in the following.
Subcat | LogNo | ColID
SubCatA | 34 | 1
SubCatB | 65 | 2
SubCatC | 120 | 3
SubCatD | 8 | 4
SubCatE | 19 | 5
Now there is a numeric identifier for each column you can perform some logic on it to arrange itself nicely on the page.
This solution involves a Tablix, nested inside a Matrix nested inside a Matrix as follows
First create a Matrix (Matrix1), and set it’s datasource to your dataset. Set the Row Group Properties to group on the following expression where ‘4’ is the number of columns you wish to display horizontally.
=CInt(Floor((Fields!ColID.Value - 1) / 4))
Then in the data section of the Matrix (bottom right corner) insert a rectangle and on this insert a new Matrix (Matrix 2). Remove the leftmost row. Set the column header to be the Column Name SubCat. This will automatically set the column grouping to be SubCat.
Finally, in the Data Section of Matrix 2 add a new Rectangle and Add a Tablix on it. Remove the Header Row, and set it to be one column wide only. Set the Data to be the information you wish to display, i.e. LogNo.
Finally, delete the Leftmost and Topmost rows/columns from Matrix 1 to make it look tidier (Note Delete Column Row only! Not associated groups!)
Then when the report is run it should look similar to the following. Note in my example SubCat = ColName, and LogNo = NumItems, and I have multiple values per SubCat.
Hopefully you find this helpful. If not, please ask for clarification.
Can you do something like this:
The following gives the steps (in two columns, down then across)
I want to implement graph coloring using databases.
There is a table that will store all the vertices (1,2,3...) and a table that stores the name of all colors(red,blue,green,etc..).
Now a want to create a coloring table with columns vertex and color which will take all possible combinations from the above tables and then check the constraints in each of those tables. Whichever table satisfies the constraints of graph coloring is a solution.
Now how to create tables for each combinations??
Guys please help. Stuck on it from a while...
An example instance:
1 red
2 blue
3 red
1 red
2 red
3 blue
1 blue
2 red
3 red
6 tables
I'm not sure I understand your question, so I'll make some assumptions. Assuming you have a table called Vertex, with the following rows:
... and a table called Color, with the following rows:
... you can generate a table of all possible combinations with a simple unconstrained join, like this:
INTO VertexColor
FROM Vertex, Color
The result will be a new table, with the following rows:
1, Red
1, Green
1, Blue
2, Red
2, Green
2, Blue
3, Red
3, Green
3, Blue
Happy to help further if this does not answer your question.
SELECT Vertices.vertex, Colors.Color from Vertices
CROSS JOIN Color from Colors
EDIT: Seeing the new comments: This doesn't sound like a problem that is well suited for SQL, mainly because your number of columns in your resultset is dependent on the number of rows in your vertices table. That's not something that is easy in SQL (you probably need a multistep process, using dynamic sql through sp_execute). Since the ordering of the colums carries significance, you can't return a resultset containing only each vertex - color pair either, because the order in which the rows are returned may vary. To me it sounds like a problem better handled outside the database engine. You can still use the above cross join to get a preliminary dataset, where you filter out some conditions you have on the set.
I have an ecommerce store that I am building. I am using Rails/ActiveRecord, but that really isn't necessary to answer this question (however, if you are familiar with those things, please feel free to answer in terms of Rails/AR).
One of the store's requirements is that it needs to represent two types of products:
Simple products - these are products that just have one option, such as a band's CD. It has a basic price, and quantity.
Products with variation - these are products that have multiple options, such as a t-shirt that has 3 sizes and 3 colors. Each combination of size and color would have its own price and quantity.
I have done this kind of thing in the past, and done the following:
Have a products table, which has the main information for the product (title, etc).
Have a variants table, which holds the price and quantity information for each type of variant. Products have_many Variants.
For simple products, they would just have one associated Variant.
Are there better ways I could be doing this?
I worked on an e-commerce product a few years ago, and we did it the way you described. But we added one more layer to handle multiple attributes on the same product (size and color, like you said). We tracked each attribute separately, and we had a "SKUs" table that listed each attribute combination that was allowed for each product. Something like this:
attr_id attr_name
1 Size
2 Color
sku_id prod_id attr_id attr_val
1 1 1 Small
1 1 2 Blue
2 1 1 Small
2 1 2 Red
3 1 1 Large
3 1 2 Red
Later, we added inventory tracking and other features, and we tied them to the sku IDs so that we could track each one separately.
Your way seems pretty flexible. It would be similar to my first cut.