vuejs yup vuelidate type checkbox - vue.js

I have a problem. Even if a type checked vuelidate value is false, I can send a reference and error massage does not appear. How can I ensure that the value is true?
rizaOnayi: Yup.boolean().required().label("Açık Rıza Onayi"),

you can do
this one is for strict check
rizaOnayi: Yup.boolean().true().required().label("Açık Rıza Onayi"),
rizaOnayi: Yup.boolean().truthy().required().label("Açık Rıza Onayi"),


In vuelidate use a label rather than $property in customizing validation messages

Sometimes it would be more convenient to customize a validation message with a label rather than the property. For example:
Let's imagine there is a field in form named 'x' but the UI interface shows it as 'Name' (the field label). But, as fas as I understand, the customizazion of a validation message does allow only the use of properties, that is name fields.
validations: {
required: "The field {property} is required.",
Is there a way to use a label to customize the above message?
Thank you!

Vuetify form reset function gives an error

I want to reset vuetify form but when I call reset function it gives me an error -> Property 'reset' does not exist on type '{}' How can I reset a form using composition-api
I don't quite know if this is what you mean, but if you want to reset a Vuetify form:
"I want to reset vuetify form"
this should do: this.$refs.form.reset()
The v-form component has three functions that can be accessed by setting a ref on the component. A ref allows us to access internal methods on a component, for example, <v-form ref="form">. this.$refs.form.validate() will validate all inputs and return if they are all valid or not. this.$refs.form.reset() will clear all inputs and reset their validation errors. this.$refs.form.resetValidation() will only reset input validation and not alter their state.

"v-on with no argument expects an object value" facing this error in quasar selector when focus into the field

here is my code, options array updated in created hook based on api response and response of api is array of object and v-model value is also updated in created hook. this selector is of input type and also filter the data based on input type from options array.
hope so this chunk of code is enough to explain.
I got exactly the same Vue warning with one of my q-selects, after migrating it (unchanged) from Vue 2/Quasar 1 to Vue 3/Quasar 2. The same q-select code worked without warnings on the older levels. The warning is very unspecific from a Quasar point of view.
However, I found a hint on to eliminate this warning, which helped to resolve the issue in my case.
The reason for the warning was in my case due to the use of q-chips with q-items for the options in the q-select. Those q-items for the q-select options used "v-on='scope.itemEvents'", together with "v-bind='scope.itemProps'", which was the recommended combination in Quasar 1/Vue 2.
In Quasar 2/Vue 3 the "v-on='scope.itemEvents' is no longer necessary (if used, it causes this Vue warning). Just search for all "v-on='scope.itemEvents'" in your template code, then drop (i.e. delete) those "v-on=...", but keep the "v-bind=...".
This eliminates the above Vue warnings (which otherwise come up for every selectable option in your q-select).

how to solve vue short if in v-model?

I need to do a shortif in a v-model, but eslint gives the folowing problem:
[vue/valid-v-model] 'v-model' directives require the attribute value
which is valid as LHS.eslint-plugin-vue
so the code works. but its not the way it needs to work.
this is the code i have now
v-show="field.type == 'String'"
v-model="_isMultiple(content_data[tabindex]) && subitem != null ? content_data[tabindex][subitem][]
: content_data[tabindex][]"
So this code needs a little explanation to it.
I try to build this as an dynamic module. If I get an array back from my json response it needs to v-model the subitem. If I get an object back from the response it just needs to v-model that object.
The data (content_data[tabindex]) + field do i get from a v-for loop and other loops in my vue html
so I think its not an option to do a computed prop because
I can't get in the right data.
_isMultiple function code:
_isMultiple(content_data) {
return Array.isArray(content_data)
any solution for this?
Maybe you should not use v-model, but build it on your own with value binding and event listening.
v-model is only a shorthand:
By implementing it on your own you can use a method to set the values and a computed property to get it.

Vue: My initial data value is not accessible when used as a function param

I am having an issue when triggering the click handler in my button here. The error comes back as TypeError: Cannot read property 'discountProduct' of null when I click the button. I know for a fact that has a value by inspecting it from the Vue Tools and by knowing that the button is rendering to begin with since it only conditionally shows if the id > 1.
I alternatively tried to remove this but it still throws the same error.
I also tried manually just inserting the product id as the param and that works so I am not sure what the issue is at this point.
<button v-if=" >= 1"
v-on:click="addToCart(, true)"
Is you button in the <template> tags?
If so, you do not need to use this delete from the click argument and v-if. However that should only throw a warning.
Can you also post the code for the method addToCart?
If you are not setting the full discountProduct object you will need to make sure setting the id is reactive. Like the example below:
this.$set(this.discountProduct, 'id', 1)
Nested Object/keys are not reactive without using $set. See for more details.
Hope this helps