Numpy: Filter list of 2D indices by 2D mask - numpy

I am having a numpy array of 2D points data (x, y, other_properties), where x and y are integer pixel coordinates. Additionally, I am having a binary 2D segmentation mask mask. I would like to filter the list, to obtain only the points where the mask is one/true.
I thought about doing something like:
valid_indices = np.argwhere(mask_2D)
to then filter the data based on the valid indices and I would like to do that using numpy acceleration.
Here is a toy example
# the data representing x and y coordinates
data = np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2))
data = np.concatenate((data, data), axis=0)
print(f"data: {data}")
# Let's say we already obtained the indices from the segmentation mask
valid_indices = [(6, 7), (0, 1)]
print(f"valid_indices: {valid_indices}")
filtered = []
for point in data:
if tuple(point) in valid_indices:
filtered = np.array(filtered)
print(f"filtered: {filtered}")
[[0 1]
[2 3]
[4 5]
[6 7]
[8 9]
[0 1]
[2 3]
[4 5]
[6 7]
[8 9]]
[(6, 7), (0, 1)]
[[0 1]
[6 7]
[0 1]
[6 7]]
Process finished with exit code 0
Is there a way to obtain the behavior above using numpy? The solution could also directly use the binary 2D segmentation mask. If not, do you have any suggestions how to speed up the process?
Thank you!

You can do it with broadcast compare,
data[(data == np.array(valid_indices)[:,None]).all(-1).any(0)]


numpy fill 3D mask array from 2D k-index boundary array

I want to use a 2D array which contains k-index values to quickly fill a 3D array with different mask values above/below each k-index. Only non-zero boundary indices will be used to fill.
Initialize 2D k-index array and extract valid i-j index arrays:
import numpy as np
boundary_indices = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1], [0, 2, 0]])
ii, jj = np.where(boundary_indices > 0) # determine desired indices
kk = boundary_indices[ii, jj] # align boundary indices with valid indices
boundary_indices = array([[0, 1, 2],
[1, 2, 1],
[0, 2, 0]])
ii = array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2])
jj = array([1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1])
kk = array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])
Loop through the indices and populate the output array:
output = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=np.int64)
for i, j, k in zip(ii, jj, kk):
output[i, j, :k] = 7 # fill region above
output[i, j, k:] = 8 # fill region below
While this does yield the correct results, it becomes quite slow once the size of the array increases significantly:
output[:, :, 0] = [[0, 7, 7],
[7, 7, 7],
[0, 7, 0]]
output[:, :, 1] = [[0, 8, 7],
[8, 7, 8],
[0, 7, 0]]
output[:, :, 2] = [[0, 8, 8],
[8, 8, 8],
[0, 8, 0]]
Is there a more efficient way to do this?
Tried output[ii, jj, kk] = 8 but that only imprints the boundary on the output array and not the regions above/below.
I was hoping that there would be some fancy-indexing magic and that something like this would work:
output[ii, jj, :kk] = 7
output[ii, jj, kk:] = 8
But it generates a TypeError: TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
For such kind of operation, Numba and Cython can be used to produce an efficient code. Here is an example with Numba:
import numba as nb
# `parallel=True` can be added here for large arrays
#nb.njit('int64[:,:,::1](int64[:], int64[:], int64[:])')
def compute(ii, jj, kk):
output = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=np.int64)
n = output.shape[2]
# `for idx in prange(ii.size)` can be used here for large array
for i, j, k in zip(ii, jj, kk):
# `i, j, k = ii[idx], jj[idx], kk[idx]` can be used here for large array
for l in range(k): # fill region above
output[i, j, l] = 7
for l in range(k, n): # fill region below
output[i, j, l] = 8
return output
# Either kk needs to be converted to an int64-based array with kk.astype(np.int64)
# or boundary_indices needs to be an int64-based array in the first place.
output = compute(ii, jj, kk)
Note that the Numba function can be faster if ii and jj are contiguous. However, they are surprisingly not contiguous when retrieved from np.where. Besides I assume that kk is a 64-bit array. You can change the signature (string in the Numba jit decorator) so to support 32-bit array. Also please note that Numba can lazily compile the function based on the provided type at runtime but this introduce a significant overhead during the first function call. This code is significantly faster, especially for large arrays thanks to the the just-in-time compilation of Numba. The Numba loop can be parallelized using prange and the parallel=True decorator flag although the current code should already be pretty good. Finally, note that you can do the operation np.where(boundary_indices > 0) directly in the Numba loop on the fly so to avoid creating possibly-expensive temporary arrays.

Coalescing rows from boolean mask

I have a 2D array and a boolean mask of the same size. I want to use the mask to coalesce consecutive rows in the 2D array: By coalesce I mean to reduce the rows by taking the first occurrence. An example:
rows = np.r_['1,2,0', :6, :6]
mask = np.tile([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], (2,1)).T.astype(bool)
Expected output:
array([[0, 0],
[2, 2],
[3, 3],
[4, 4])
And to illustrate how the output might be obtained:
array([[0, 0], array([[0, 0], array([[0, 0],
[1, 1], [0, 0], [2, 2],
[2, 2], -> select -> [2, 2], -> reduce -> [3, 3],
[3, 3], [3, 3], [4, 4]])
[4, 4], [4, 4],
[5, 5]]) [4, 4]])
What I have tried:
But this will only select the rows which should not be reduced.
Upgraded answer
I realized that my initial submission did a lot of unnecessary operations, I realized that given mask
mask = [1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0]
You simply want to negate the leading ones:
#negate:v v v
mask = [0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0]
then negate the mask to get your wanted rows. This way is MUCH more efficient than doing a forward fill on indices and removing repeated indices (see old answer). Revised solution:
import numpy as np
rows = np.r_['1,2,0', :6, :6]
mask = np.tile([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], (2,1)).T.astype(bool)
def maskforwardfill(a: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray):
mask = mask.copy()
mask[1:] = mask[1:] & mask[:-1] # Negate leading True values
mask[0] = False # First element should always be False, either it is False anyways, or it is a leading True value (which should be set to False)
return a[~mask] # index out wanted rows
# Reduce mask's dimension since I assume that you only do complete rows
print(maskforwardfill(rows, mask.any(1)))
#[[0 0]
# [2 2]
# [3 3]
# [4 4]]
Old answer
Here I assume that you only need complete rows (like in #Arne's answer). My idea is that given the mask and the corresponding array indices
mask = [1,1,0,0,1,1]
indices = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
you can use np.diff to first obtain
indices = [0,-1,2,3,4,-1]
Then a forward fill (where -1 acts as nan) on the indices such that you get
of which can use np.unique to remove repeated indices:
[0,2,3,4] # The rows indices you want
import numpy as np
rows = np.r_['1,2,0', :6, :6]
mask = np.tile([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], (2,1)).T.astype(bool)
def maskforwardfill(a: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray):
mask = mask.copy()
indices = np.arange(len(a))
mask[np.diff(mask,prepend=[0]) == 1] = False # set leading True to False
indices[mask] = -1
indices = np.maximum.accumulate(indices) # forward fill indices
indices = np.unique(indices) # remove repeats
return a[indices] # index out wanted rows
# Reduce mask's dimension since I assume that you only do complete rows
print(maskforwardfill(rows, mask.any(1)))
#[[0 0]
# [2 2]
# [3 3]
# [4 4]]
Assuming it's always about complete rows, you can reduce the mask to one dimension. Then a straightforward approach is to iterate over the rows:
# reduce mask to one dimension for row selection
mask_1d = mask.any(axis=1)
# replace rows with previous ones based on mask
for i in range(1, len(rows)):
if mask_1d[i-1] and mask_1d[i]:
rows[i] = rows[i-1]
# leave out repeated rows
reduced = [rows[0]]
for i in range(1, len(rows)):
if not (rows[i] == rows[i-1]).all():
reduced = np.array(reduced)
array([[0, 0],
[2, 2],
[3, 3],
[4, 4]])

How to get the sequence lengths from padded batches from a ``?

E.g. imagine I use the Librispeech dataset via TFDS (or whatever dataset, including sequences of varying length of data), and then use padded_batch to create batches, e.g. like this:
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
dataset = tfds.load(name="librispeech", split="train_clean100")
dataset = dataset.shuffle(1024)
dataset = dataset.padded_batch(32)
Now when iterating through the resulting dataset, i.e. over the (padded) batches, how would I know the original sequence lengths in the padded batch? Or is this information lost at this point? How would I extend the pipeline to include it? Is there a special dataset like AddSeqLengthInfoDataset or so? This would need to run before the padded_batch, right?
(This is basically an equivalent of my question for TF PaddingFIFOQueue but for
Is there some example? (I wonder a bit that I have not found anything about this. I would assume this is a pretty standard requirement when you work on sequences, that you need to have the information about the original sequence lengths, or not?)
You can just add a new field to the dataset holding the size of the sequence, for example like this:
import tensorflow as tf
# Make a dataset with variable-size data
def generate_data():
for i in range(10):
yield {'id': i, 'data': range(i % 5)}
ds =,
{'id': tf.int32, 'data': tf.int32},
{'id': [], 'data': [None]})
# Add field with size of data
ds = item: {**item, 'size': tf.shape(item['data'])[0]})
# Padded batch
ds = ds.padded_batch(3)
# Show dataset
for batch in ds:
{'data': [[0 0]
[0 0]
[0 1]], 'id': [0 1 2], 'size': [0 1 2]}
{'data': [[0 1 2 0]
[0 1 2 3]
[0 0 0 0]], 'id': [3 4 5], 'size': [3 4 0]}
{'data': [[0 0 0]
[0 1 0]
[0 1 2]], 'id': [6 7 8], 'size': [1 2 3]}
{'data': [[0 1 2 3]], 'id': [9], 'size': [4]}
Then you can use for example tf.sequence_mask with the value of that field to mask the padding values.
Another option is simply to pass some special padding_values to padded_batch that cannot appear in the actual data, e.g. -1 or nan, but that depends on whether those are actually invalid values for your problem.

Inferring linear transformations in python in order to calculate a point transformation

I have a set of points and their transformations (the points they became after the unknown transformation occurred), here they are:
input_coordinates = {
'A': (5, 2),
'B': (2, -3),
'C': (-3, 6)}
final_coordinates = {
'A': (2, -3),
'B': (-3, 6),
'C': (6, 5)}
I also have one single input point that I would like to infer its location in the post-transformation space:
x_coordinate = (5, -7)
And here they all are graphed out visually.
So, given only a map of point-to-point conversions, and assuming a linear transformation, how do I infer the post-transformation point? How do I know where to place X on the right graph?
Are there already any libraries that will do this?
With John Hughes help I've started a function that should return the correct result for linear transformations but I can't figure out how to finish the function.
Here's the starter code for the Linear Transformation solution:
def extrapolate(domain_coordinates, result_coordinates, point):
given a set of input coordinates and their resulting
coordinates post-transformation, and given an additional
input coordinate return the location (coordinate) in the
post-transformation space that corresponds to the most
logical linear transformation of that space for that
additional point. "extrapolate where this point ends up"
import numpy as np
# Add the number 1 to the coordinates for each point
domain = [(x, y, 1) for x, y in domain_coordinates]
# Do the same for the "target" coordinates too
result = [(x, y, 1) for x, y in result_coordinates]
# Put these coordinates, arranged vertically, into a 3×3 matrix
domain = np.array(domain).T
result = np.array(result).T
# D^−1 is the "matrix inverse"
inverse = np.linalg.inv(domain)
# Let M=RD^−1
matrix = result * inverse # why do I need M?...
# Do the same for the extrapolation point
xpoint = [(x, y, 1) for x, y in [point]]
xpoint = np.array(xpoint).T
# extrapolate ???
extrapolated_point = matrix * xpoint # this isn't right...
# testing
print(domain * np.array([[1],[0],[0]]).T)
print(domain * np.array([[1],[0],[0]]).T * matrix)
return extrapolated_point
domain_coordinates=[(5, 2), (2, -3), (-3, 6)],
result_coordinates=[(2, -3), (-3, 6), (6, 5)],
point=(5, -7))
This code is not working right, it prints...
[[5 0 0]
[2 0 0]
[1 0 0]]
[[ 1.73076923 0. -0.]
[-0.57692308 -0. 0.]
[-0.34615385 0. 0.]]
whereas I would expect it to print...
[[5 0 0]
[2 0 0]
[1 0 0]]
[[ 2 0. 0.]
[-3 0. 0.]
[-1 0. 0.]]
Can you show me where I've gone wrong?
Thanks so much for your help!

How to compare two different tensors through matplotlib or any other visualize tools?

I have two tensors x and y, there both are the same dimension shape = (1, 64, 1, 1)
basically y is output from many functions, and x is the input
I want to compare these two tensor using visualize tool like matplotlib..etc
anyway to do ?
The below are x and y example, I only post 10 of 64 since the restriction
[[ 0.0476]],
[[ 0.0650]],
[[ 0.3816]],
[[ 0.2046]]]], grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
[[ 0.1049]],
[[ 0.1342]],
[[ 0.8275]],
[[ 2.0508]],
You can convert x and y to numpy arrays and then use whatever matplotlib function you want
with torch.no_grad():
x_np = x.cpu().numpy()[0, :, 0, 0] # make it 1d
y_np = y.cpu().numpy()[0, :, 0, 0]
plt.plot(x_np - y_np)