Macro dulicate in macros document - api

Macros image
Could you help me please ?
I have prolem with macros document in central file . It have dulicate to much and I dont know why.
How can i remove it with API or different Macro .

The Revit API provides a MacroManager class with a RemoveModule method. You could use that to delete the entire module. Or, to remove a single macro, you can use the RemoveMacro method.


Create and Run Macro in Excel 2010 using VBS file

I have written a macro in excel that carries out the actions I need. However the issue comes in when I need the macro to be run in a new download. Obviously the macro will not be in this file. What I want to create is a file that will allow me to run this macro without having to copy and paste every time. After doing some research, I have found out this could be possible via a VBScript file. I have researched 2 methods and can't get either to work. They are, to open the file and try and execute the macro using a call function, and having the macro within the VBS File (I have made all the changes to the macro I know of to try and make it VBS) and the other method is to use the VBS file to create a new module and add the Macro code into the file. But I can't get anything to work. I can get the file to open and do little silly things like pop up messages, but that's all I have managed. Any help will be appreciated :) Thanks
(the question that is the same as mine, can someone explain what is happening with it, because I have looked at it and there is hardly any of it that I can follow)

How to add vba code in ms access

I am using web app, and I want to add the vba code after I update the Open date.
but when I click after update, I can just add macro, there is no vba code options.
I google it but I can't find any property sheet even I click right. How can I add the vba code there?
You can't. Access web apps don't support VBA code. There is no way to work around that, to my knowledge.
You can always migrate to a normal database.

How to call a VBA-macro in another MS Word document?

in MS Excel I have been distributing a xls-file that contains a macro. From the users "random" current open workbook I have successfully been calling this macro by telling Word in which file to look for it. Like this, when the user clicks a button on the ribbon:
Can I do the same in MS Word?
That is, to call a macro in a Word-file located in any given folder from an instance of Word that has not opened that file?
I have tried, of course, but Word keeps saying it can't find the macro.
The reason I want to do it this way is that it is makes for easy distribution and updating of the macro. Next up is signing the macro. I hope it can be done when doing things this way, but not sure.
No, it's not possible to call and run a macro in any Office application if the file that contains the macro is not loaded in the application interface.
That being said, if you place the macro in a *.dotm template and have the user put the template in the STARTUP folder used by the Word application, then Word will load the template as an "Add-in". And in that case you should be able to access the macro.
Or, if you don't want it in the Startup folder and you have code that automates the Word.Application, anyway, then that code can load the *.dotm as an "Addin", which should make the macro available (and remove it when you're done with it). Research Application.Addins.Load and Addin.Installed in the Word language reference as well as on-line for examples.

Prevent Word macro in Normal.dotm for some templates

I have a Normal.dotm file that contains an AutoNew macro.
This macro is automatically executed each time a new document is created using any other template.
Is there any way I can prevent this automatic behavior for a specific template?
I have a Word VSTO add-in running, so I can hook into Word's events, but so far I havn't found a way to prevent this.
I do know that I can prevent macro execution when using templates programmatically, for example like this:
' Disable auto-macros before opening document
' Open document
newWordDocument = wordApplication.Documents.Open(template.FullName, ConfirmConversions:=False, [ReadOnly]:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Revert:=True)
' Re-enable auto-macros
But this solution doesn't work when the user uses a Word template from Windows explorer or the Open-dialog in Word, since in those cases I can't execute code before it's too late already.
Or can I?
I hope someone has a trick for me :-)
Edit: While trying different solutions, I discovered something that might help others in similar situations, though unfortunately it doesn't help me.
It seems that if a template contains a module containing an AutoNew (or AutoOpen for that matter), that local macro is executed instead of the one in Normal.dotm.
Normal.dotm contains the following macro:
Sub AutoNew()
MsgBox "Normal.dotm"
End Sub
Test.dotm contains the following macro:
Sub AutoNew()
MsgBox "Test.dotm"
End Sub
When executing Test.dotm the message "Test.dotm" is displayed, while the message "Normal.dotm" is not displayed.
If the AutoNew macro is removed from the Test.dotm template, the message "Normal.dotm" is indeed displayed.
So it is possible to easily override the auto-macros.
The local versions of AutoNew and AutoOpen can even be empty subs that do nothing. It still works.
This is not possible in my case though, since the template I use is generated by code, and cannot contain macros (because adding macros to templates programmatically requires the user to manually activate the option "Trust access to the VBA project object model", and that's something I cannot ask my customers to do for all users. It's also a security risk.)
Based on the workaround described in the "Edit" part of the question - providing a template with "empty" Auto-macros - it's possible to use the Open XML SDK to create a template and add the VBA project to it in order to provide this functionality. This approach avoids the user needing to allow access to the VBA project on his installation. The only "macro security" that could be triggered is that for not allowing macros to run. But since the client uses macros, anyway, this should not be a major obstacle.
The simplest method is to create as much of the basic template as possible in the Word UI and use this as a starting point.
Since you're unfamiliar with the Open XML SDK, the next step would be to create one (or more) templates in the Word UI using the basic template as the starting point, saving under a different file name.
You can then use Open XML SDK Productivity Tool to see the code required to generate any one of these files, as well as, using the Compare tool, the code for converting the basic template to the derived version. This should give you a decent start with the SDK and it's object model. Once you get a feel for how the Open XML SDK works, if you're familiar with Word's object model, using that provided by the SDK is relatively straight-forward as an effort was made to make it correspond as closely as possible to the "COM" object model.
The VBA project can be added later, but you can also include it in the basic template. That would be the simplest approach.
Include this "starting point" basic template as part of your solution, installing it as part of the solution.
Within the AutoNew macro you can check the AttachedTemplate property. Only if it is a template where you want to apply the cleaning you can execute the respective macros.
Sub AutoNew()
If ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate <> "Normal.dotm" Then
Exit Sub
End If
' rest of the macro
End Sub
If you don't control the Normal.dotm you can put an empty AutoNew macro in your own templates. As Word only executes the auto macro in the closest context, the macro in the Normal.dotm file would not be executed.
If you don't control the other templates either, you can tell your users to hold down the SHIFT key while creating a document. This prevents the execution of the auto macro.
Probably it is best, however, if you ask the owner of the other system to find another solution that does not rely on polluting the Normal.dotm file.

VBA Macro changing macro

Is it possible to create a macro in MS Office (in this case Word) that will change other macro code? I was trying to find information but no results.
I have a doc which works as a template. Content of template is changed and then saved to another file. However it is important to have current date in it. It cannot be self-updated. Those docs go to folder of people and it is important to know when they get the document, so it must be simply data (or something that does not update).
I was thinking about an on-start event macro that would input current date and on exit it would ask "Do you want self-update functionality" Yes / No
If Yes, delete that event. However I have no idea if it is possible. If it is I still don't know how to search for it.
No this is not possible. In VBA, unlike some lower level languages when you define an event you can not disable it, even using other VBA code.
In C# or VB.NET, Java or C++ you can disable an event by un-wiring it from the handler, but this is not possible in VBA.
Maybe if you be more clear on what you need I can give you a better answer.