Gurobi/CVXPY Contraints to Integer Variable - gurobi

I have a big MILP that I want to solve. It has a vector of binary variables. I can reduce the number of variables the problem has to try out by about half. Meaning I can put half of the values to 0 by default. I have done this by adding constraints to the problem that constraint each variable I can reduce to 0.
My problem is that it does not seem to improve the performance by any means.
The part of the problem looks like this mx5#u where mx5 is a block matrix and u is my binary variable.
Theoretically reducing the integer variable should net huge improvements so I'm a bit confused why this is not helping at all.
Futhermore I wouldn't really know of any way to reduce the integer variable in a different way since this would mean my vector u would still have to be of length L and my integer variable u_red would have length L-L/2.
Anybody has some idea?


Multi-objective optimization but the function equation is unknown?

Firstly, I am totally out of my expertise zone so please bear with me.
I developed a fluid dynamic engine with 5 exposed parameters (say A,B,C,D,E). When you give this engine these 5 parameters, it does magic and give out a value 'Z'.
I want to write a script which can explore which combinations of A-E give lowest (or close to lowest) value of Z.
I know optimization algorithm exists, but from all of my search for examples, they use some function.
So I guess my function would simply be minimize Z? But where do A-E go?
Not really an answer, but some questions and ideas that might help you think through the best way to address this. We have no understanding of how big a range of values needs to be explored for those parameters, or how Z behaves, so this is very vague...
If you look at the values of Z for given values of A...E, does the value of Z jump around a lot for small changes on the parameter values, or does the Z value change reasonably smoothly?
If the Z value is not too eratic you could try some kind of gradient descent approach using calculated values of Z for some values of the parameters to approximate the gradient - suppose changing the value of 'A' from 1 to 2 gives a better change in the Z value than a similar size change in the other parameters, then try other values of A while keeping the other parameters fixed until you find a value of A that gives the best value of Z. Then try changing the other parameter values to see which one gives the steepest descent and try to find some better value for that parameter. Repeat this process until you can't find any improvement and you will have found a (local) minimum. You could then start at a different place in your parameter space and try again - you will probably find several local minima, and may just choose the best of those. Not provably optimal but may be good enough. Of course you can get clever and use things like conjugate gradients, Newton-Raphson or similar if Z is smooth enough.
If the Z values are very eratic, then you might have to just do some sampling of the possible combinations of A...E to get values of Z and choose the best you can find. Again you might do that in some systematic way (e.g. points on a grid in your parameter space) or entirely at random, or a combination of both.
If you find that there are 'clusters' of good solutions with similar values of the parameters then maybe some kind of local search would help - the idea is that there is often a better solution in the local neighbourhood of a known good solution. So maybe try perturbing your parameter values a bit from a known solution to see if that can lead to a better solution - either by some gradient descent method or by random sampling.
Unfortunately, if your Z calculation is complex, then any method using it as a black box will likely be slow as it will need to be re-evaluated many times.
You could use a Genetic Algorithm, where your chromosomes are formed with the 5 candidate values of the variables you have to optimize, to minimize Z, and your optimization/fitness "function" is the simulation itself outputting Z.
Other viable alternatives are Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm or Ant Colony Optimization. All of those are usable algortihms for that kind of optimization problem.

Limiting chosen variables solved for in opensolver [closed]

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I've got a linear system of 17 equations, 506 variables that solve for a minimum summation of the total variables. This works fine, so far, but the solution is a result of a combination of 19 variables.
But in the end I want to limit the amount of chosen variables to 10, without knowing in advance which ones are the optimal ones (The solver figures that out for me, as well as their ratio).
I figured I can set a boolean = 1 if the value becomes larger than 0: (meaning the variable is picked), and 0 if the variable is not picked for an optimal solution.
And then have the sum of the booleans be 10 at most.
However this seems a bit elaborate, and I was wondering whether there was a built in option in the opensolver, for I think it is quite a common problem to solve a large set with a subset.
So does anyone have a suggestion on:
How my elaborate way drastically decreases performance? (*I have no intrinsic comprehension of the opensolver algorithms, yet.)
A suggestion to more easily/within the opensolver options account for my desire of max. 10 solution variables?
Based on the information provided below, I first scaled down the size of the problem:
I have three lists of data with 18 entries in columns:
which manually (with: W28 = 6000, AC28=600,W29 = 1,AC29 =1), in a linear combination,equal/exceed the target list:
So what I did was put the descion variables in W28:W29, AC28:AD29
Where I added the constraint W28,AC28:AD28 = integer in the solver (both the original excel solver as in opensolver)
And I added the constraint W29,AC29:AD29 = Boolean in the solver (both the original excel solver as in opensolver)
Then I have a multiplication of the integer*boolean = the actual multiplication factor for the above lists in (W7:W23 etc)
In order to limit the nr of chosen variables I have also tried, in addition to the described constraints, to limit the cell with =sum(W29,AC29:AD29) to <= 10 (effectively reducing the amount of booleans set to true below 11, or so I thought, but the booleans aren't evaluated as booleans by the solver).
These new multiplied lists are placed in W34:W50,AC34:AD50, and the summation is situated in: EGY34:EGY50 Hence the final check is added as a constraint as:
EGY34:EGY50 =>EGM34:EGM50
And I had a question about how the linear solver evaluates these constraints, does it:
a. Think the sum of EGY34:EGY50 must be larger or equal than/to EGM34:EGM50
b. Does it think: "for every row x EGYx must be larger or equal than/to EGMx
So far I've noted b. but I would like to make sure.
But my main question concerns:
After using the Evolutionary algorithm as was kindly suggested in the comments below, how/why does it try values as 0.99994 for the desicion variables designated as booleans?
The introduction of binary variables is indeed the standard way to implement such constraints. Unfortunately, it transforms the problem from being a linear programming problem to being an integer programming problem (specifically a mixed integer linear programming problem). A standard approach to such problems is the branch and bound algorithm. This is what Excel's built-in solver seems to use, I'm not sure about the open solver that you are using. In the best case (where there is a lot of bounding) it will run fairly rapidly, even with problems of your size. In the worst case, for your problem it could be little better than what you would get by running the simplex algorithm C(506,10) = 2.8 x 10^20 times (once for each possible set of 10 decision variables). In other words, it might be infeasible. Integer programming is known to be NP-hard.
If an exact solution is infeasible, you could always use a heuristic algorithm such as an evolutionary approach.

Testing whether some code works for ALL input numbers?

I've got an algorithm using a single (positive integer) number as an input to produce an output. And I've got the reverse function which should do the exact opposite, going back from the output to the same integer number. This should be a unique one-to-one reversible mapping.
I've tested this for some integers, but I want to be 100% sure that it works for all of them, up to a known limit.
The problem is that if I just test every integer, it takes an unreasonably long time to run. If I use 64-bit integers, that's a lot of numbers to check if I want to check them all. On the other hand, if I only test every 10th or 100th number, I'm not going to be 100% sure at the end. There might be some awkward weird constellation in one of the 90% or 99% which I didn't test.
Are there any general ways to identify edge cases so that just those "interesting" or "risky" numbers are checked? Or should I just pick numbers at random? Or test in increasing increments?
Or to put the question another way, how can I approach this so that I gain 100% confidence that every case will be properly handled?
The approach for this is generally checking every step of the computation for potential flaws. Concerning integer math, that is overflows, underflows and rounding errors from division, basically that the mathematical result can't be represented accurately. In addition, all operations derived from this suffer similar problems.
The process of auditing then looks at single steps in turn. For example, if you want to allocate memory for N integers, you need N times the size of an integer in bytes and this multiplication can overflow. You now determine those values where the multiplication overflows and create according tests that exercise these. Note that for the example of allocating memory, proper handling typically means that the function does not allocate memory but fail.
The principle behind this is that you determine the ranges for every operation where the outcome is somehow different (like e.g. where it overflows) and then make sure via tests that both variants work. This reduces the number of tests from all possible input values to just those where you expect a significant difference.

Cplex/OPL local search

I have a model implemented in OPL. I want to use this model to implement a local search in java. I want to initialize solutions with some heuristics and give these initial solutions to cplex find a better solution based on the model, but also I want to limit the search to a specific neighborhood. Any idea about how to do it?
Also, how can I limit the range of all variables? And what's the best: implement these heuristics and local search in own opl or in java or even C++?
Thanks in advance!
Just to add some related observations:
Re Ram's point 3: We have had a lot of success with approach b. In particular it is simple to add constraints to fix the some of the variables to values from a known solution, and then re-solve for the rest of the variables in the problem. More generally, you can add constraints to limit the values to be similar to a previous solution, like:
var >= previousValue - 1
var <= previousValue + 2
This is no use for binary variables of course, but for general integer or continuous variables can work well. This approach can be generalised for collections of variables:
sum(i in indexSet) var[i] >= (sum(i in indexSet) value[i])) - 2
sum(i in indexSet) var[i] <= (sum(i in indexSet) value[i])) + 2
This can work well for sets of binary variables. For an array of 100 binary variables of which maybe 10 had the value 1, we would be looking for a solution where at least 8 have the value 1, but not more than 12. Another variant is to limit something like the Hamming distance (assume that the vars are all binary here):
dvar int changed[indexSet] in 0..1;
forall(i in indexSet)
if (previousValue[i] <= 0.5)
changed[i] == (var[i] >= 0.5) // was zero before
changed[i] == (var[i] <= 0.5) // was one before
sum(i in indexSet) changed[i] <= 2;
Here we would be saying that out of an array of e.g. 100 binary variables, only a maximum of two would be allowed to have a different value from the previous solution.
Of course you can combine these ideas. For example, add simple constraints to fix a large part of the problem to previous values, while leaving some other variables to be re-solved, and then add constraints on some of the remaining free variables to limit the new solution to be near to the previous one. You will notice of course that these schemes get more complex to implement and maintain as we try to be more clever.
To make the local search work well you will need to think carefully about how you construct your local neighbourhoods - too small and there will be too little opportunity to make the improvements you seek, while if they are too large they take too long to solve, so you don't get to make so many improvement steps.
A related point is that each neighbourhood needs to be reasonably internally connected. We have done some experiments where we fixed the values of maybe 99% of the variables in a model and solved for the remaining 1%. When the 1% was clustered together in the model (e.g. all the allocation variables for a subset of resources) we got good results, while in comparison we got nowhere by just choosing 1% of the variables at random from anywhere in the model.
An often overlooked idea is to invert these same limits on the model, as a way of forcing some changes into the solution to achieve a degree of diversification. So you could add a constraint to force a specific value to be different from a previous solution, or ensure that at least two out of an array of 100 binary variables have a different value from the previous solution. We have used this approach to get a sort-of tabu search with a hybrid matheuristic model.
Finally, we have mainly done this in C++ and C#, but it would work perfectly well from Java. Not tried it much from OPL, but it should be fine too. The key for us was being able to traverse the problem structure and use problem knowledge to choose the sets of variables we freeze or relax - we just found that easier and faster to code in a language like C#, but then the modelling stuff is more difficult to write and maintain. We are maybe a bit "old-school" and like to have detailed fine-grained control of what we are doing, and find we need to create many more arrays and index sets in OPL to achieve what we want, while we can achieve the same effect with more intelligent loops etc without creating so many data structures in a language like C#.
Those are several questions. So here are some pointers and suggestions:
In Cplex, you give your model an initial solution with the use of IloOplCplexVectors()
Here's a good example in IBM's documentation of how to alter CPLEX's solution.
Within OPL, you can do the same. You basically set a series of values for your variables, and hand those over to CPLEX. (See this example.)
Limiting the search to a specific neighborhood: There is no easy way to respond without knowing the details. But there are two ways that people do this:
a. change the objective to favor that 'neighborhood' and make other areas unattractive.
b. Add constraints that weed out other neighborhoods from the search space.
Regarding limiting the range of variables in OPL, you can do it directly:
dvar int supply in minQty..maxQty;
Or for a whole array of decision variables, you can do something along the lines of:
range CreditsAllowed = 3..12;
dvar int credits[student] in CreditsAllowed;
Hope this helps you move forward.

Exponents in Genetic Programming

I want to have real-valued exponents (not just integers) for the terminal variables.
For example, lets say I want to evolve a function y = x^3.5 + x^2.2 + 6. How should I proceed? I haven't seen any GP implementations which can do this.
I tried using the power function, but sometimes the initial solutions have so many exponents that the evaluated value exceeds 'double' bounds!
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
DEAP (in Python) implements it. In fact there is an example for that. By adding the math.pow from Python in the primitive set you can acheive what you want.
pset.addPrimitive(math.pow, 2)
But using the pow operator you risk getting something like x^(x^(x^(x))), which is probably not desired. You shall add a restriction (by a mean that I not sure) on where in your tree the pow is allowed (just before a leaf or something like that).
OpenBeagle (in C++) also allows it but you will need to develop your own primitive using the pow from <math.h>, you can use as an example the Sin or Cos primitive.
If only some of the initial population are suffering from the overflow problem then just penalise them with a poor fitness score and they will probably be removed from the population within a few generations.
But, if the problem is that virtually all individuals suffer from this problem, then you will have to add some constraints. The simplest thing to do would be to constrain the exponent child of the power function to be a real literal - which would mean powers would not be allowed to be nested. It depends on whether this is sufficient for your needs though. There are a few ways to add constraints like these (or more complex ones) - try looking in to Constrained Syntactic Structures and grammar guided GP.
A few other simple thoughts: can you use a data-type with a larger range? Also, you could reduce the maximum depth parameter, so that there will be less room for nested exponents. Of course that's only possible to an extent, and it depends on the complexity of the function.
Integers have a different binary representation than reals, so you have to use a slightly different bitstring representation and recombination/mutation operator.
For an excellent demonstration, see slide 24 of or check out the Eiben/Smith book "Introduction to Evolutionary Computing Genetic Algorithms." This describes how to map a bit string to a real number. You can then create a representation where x only lies within an interval [y,z]. In this case, choose y and z to be the of less magnitude than the capacity of the data type you are using (e.g. 10^308 for a double) so you don't run into the overflow issue you describe.
You have to consider that with real-valued exponents and a negative base you will not obtain a real, but a complex number. For example, the Math.Pow implementation in .NET says that you get NaN if you attempt to calculate the power of a negative base to a non-integer exponent. You have to make sure all your x values are positive. I think that's the problem that you're seeing when you "exceed double bounds".
Btw, you can try the HeuristicLab GP implementation. It is very flexible with a configurable grammar.