IntelliJ-How to solve this problem about Git is not installed : Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener) - intellij-idea

Thank you for come in to my ask :)
I have a problem when I first installed intelliJ and tried to set path to Git executable.
intelliJ setting screenshot
**I tried to solve this problem like this
remove git and retry to install git for homebrew
retry to install git from intelliJ "Download and install"
set another path like this "/usr/bin/git" (it has same result too)
but it didn't help so I search in google but there is no about
***"Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)"
This is my first question so maybe my writing is a little bit poor
I would appreciate it if you could take a good look :) Thank you

The Cannot invoke class error looks like some unhandled exception in the logic that runs git commands. There might be several reasons for that, one of which is actually a corrupted installation.
Please try doing a clean install by downloading dmg from the web site, and make sure to select the one corresponding your system Intel or Apple Silicon.
If this does not help, IDE logs might have more details on the exception, and an optimal way would be to report the error and share logs with IntelliJ Support


Error when i try to install the rxyhn dotfiles to personalize my arch linux

I already configurate the system and established a gnome graphic environment, but i don´t like it so much, so i decided to personalize with the dotfiles of rxyhn because i like the style he give to it.
I have done the step by step that he tell there but when i try to start this enviroment (with awesome) it tells me that it has an error in /home/giral0/.config/awesome/modules/b and there is only better-resize.lua and bling ( and i think the error is with bling. When i start this it appears to me the basic awesome but it's strange because it also has thing of the dotfiles environment.
I don´t know what to do because i am kinda new in arch so i hope some of you can help me.

How to troubleshoot React Native build error?

Below you can see the output I get when I try to run npx react-native run-android. It suggests some options to try in order to further pinpoint the problem, however they don't work with the aforementioned command so I assume that they are related to a gradle (just an educated guess).
I know ZERO about gradle; I have just seen the name here and there and in the output shown below. So please keep that in mind when you answer. If I need to learn how to run some gradle command(s) directly, please be as verbose as possible in your answer.
The project was working fine just a bit ago, but I wanted the ability to force portrait mode for certain screens but without configuring my entire app to always have to stick to portrait mode. So I found what looked to be a solution in the react-native-orientation-locker module. I installed it with yarn and then proceeded to update files as directed:
After updating the appropriate files, I got an error that suggested axios was the problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled axios. After that didn't work, I proceeded to undo all the file changes I had just made. Then I uninstalled the react-native-orientation-locker module.
To my knowledge, I have undone everything I did between the time the project worked and stopped working.
Sadly, I had not put this into source control yet (a mistake I won't make again), so I can't revert.
Where to go from here?
Problems like this are hard to pin point. What you can do is open the android project in android studio and see the logs as the project is being assembled. I assume you do not have much knowledge about android either so you might need some senior resource to help you.
What I usually do in this case is open android studio and if I am lucky enough, it tells me which file has an issue and I go to the file and do what android studio suggests me. Some times it fixes the problem and sometimes it doesn't.
Another thing I would like to mention is that the documentation of the package you are using is important to follow. I assume you did that already but I would suggest to review it narrowly and closely.
Another guess I can tell you is try to go to your-project/android/build.gradle and over there, you'll see something like this in the start. The package you are using mentions something about target SDK 27. I think you should check that out too. May be it helps
Lastly I would say always use source control while working with react native. It can easily blow up at any time so you should always have a safety net to fallback to :)

serverless issue on running deploy for AppSync: Error: No valid exports main found for 'node_modules/extract-files'

I'm unfamiliar with npm, only used it for basic serverless. Sorry if I'm being noobish.
I'm trying to get a basic serverless-appsync-plugin project up and running, but it turns up the issue in the title. My guess is the plugin cannot be detected, imported, or something along those lines, because when I comment out the plugin line in serverless.yml, serverless runs as expected, albeit still not doing what I need it to do.
This is after running npm install serverless AND npm install serverless-appsync-plugin.
Let me know if there's anything else I can add.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
My brew/node/npm stack was out of date, causing some modules to fail to load. Gonna mark as resolved.

Bugzilla install on Windows 7 with Apache & Mysql

Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
Apache 2.2.25
ActivePerl 5.18.2 Build 1802 (64 bit)
Bugzilla 4.4.5 (extracted)
Okay, I have followed step-by-step instructions as indicated here:
There's 1 major issue that I've researched all day and cannot find a solution. It's the "ppm install DBD-mysql" issue. There is no "DBD-mysql". When I use the ppm gui, there's a DBD-mysqlpp , but that's not what's needed.
When I run in a command window: C:\bugzilla\ , I get the only error:
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) not found
For MySQL, Bugzilla requires that perl's DBD::mysql 4.001 or later be
installed. To install this module, run the following command (as Administrator):
ppm install DBD-mysql
Well, I found DBD-mysql 4.028 here:
However, trying to get the perl ppm (perl package manager) gui to see it, but even pointing the link in the gui preferences it still wouldn't see it to download and install it. This sucks.
So, I manually downloaded it and saw some crap "" file. Look, I use WINDOWS not LINUX, so naturally I rolled my eyes but it quickly became clear that I HAD to do this. Well, after about an hour of screwing around I was finally able to make a file. Oh wow, great.... now what!? What do I do next with this??
Not only is this part aggravating, but now I need mod_perl in my Apache. Okay, so I look in my .conf file where I can uncomment:
#LoadModule perl_module modules/
Guess what... it's not there. (facepalm)
So I researched and downloaded mod_perl 2.0.8 from:
Heh, ... guess what... another damn "makefile" file!! Let me tell you, this is as bad as being a MAC user in the late 90's and trying to find a program to be compatible.
So, my 2 main questions are these:
How do I get DBD-mysql properly installed
How do I get the mod_perl properly installed
I have been working 12 hours non-stop trying to get Bugzilla installed. At this point, I'm so frustrated beyond believe I'm ready to scrap this and install flyspray or some other php/mysql bug tracking system.
For future reference in case anyone stumbles upon this item:
Most Perl modules have installation instructions, either in their .pod documentation or in a README or INSTALL file.
Most Perl modules follow a similar installation mechanism: create a makefile; run make; make test (which runs a set of tests, unsurprisingly), and then install the module. From the commandline, this looks like the following:
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
Both mod_perl and DBD::mysql have platform-specific installation information in the release notes.
DBD-mysql is a package that you can find in ActiveState Package Repository. That means that it should be installed at the time you installed ActivePerl, making your question really strange. I know it because I just did it yesterday, and everything worked just fine.
A possible solution for this issue is:
Open the command line in Windows;
Type ppm, press enter and wait. A GUI for the Perl Package Manager will be displayed;
Search for DBD-mysql. If you find it, schedule it for installation by right-clicking it and clicking on Install DBD-mysql 4.022;
Although, you probably won't find it. If you don't, press Ctrl+P and, in the dialog that appears, select the Repositories tab. Add a new repository:
Name: ActiveState-Package-Repository
It will update the list of packages. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
If you prefer doing it by the command line, these are the instructions:
ppm repo add ActiveState-Package-Repository
ppm install DBD-mysql

How can i use this suggested intelliJ command to disable double buffering?

I use intelliJ 12 - despite requests from ages ago, it still runs really slowly on a remote connection.
One of the suggested settings is to use
I have no idea what that means, but I am keen to try it out - can someone let me know how I can execute this command on my intelliJ? So that it will work smoother, i mean?
Original issue has a comment that links to this answer with the link to plug-in jar. Download the jar, Install from disk in Setting | Plugins.