How to Change /SignIn, /SignOut , and /Account pages parent page or Add these page to a child of custom page instead of Home? - dynamic

I'm using a PowerApps portal that has login and logout pages which has parent page as home. But I need to change the parent page to my custom page. Is it possible to change the parent page?
Because in our scenario all page URLs should be derived from a custom page. Can you please help as soon as possible.
Now the URL is
I want to achieve like - yyy should be my custom page partial URL.


On Nuxt-Link click refresh page if same url

For example, I have a blog website, with a discover page that doesn't take any params. When you load page fetch hook calls API that randomly returns some article.
So my problem is when I'm already on the Discover page and I click discover in the Left bar I want the page to refresh.
:key="$route.fullPath" is not working for me because nothing is changing in the path.

SAP Spartacus Create login popup

I neet to create registration/login popup.
The header component is on all pages.
I have login btn in header.
I have page /login/register with a slot BodyContentSlot-register
I don’t know how many components can be added to BodyContentSlot-register, but I need to click on the icon in the header to show the registration form in a modal window without going to the registration page. And show in a modal window all the components of this slot.
To achieve directly what you've described:
In the modal:
you need to make a call using CMS service to get page data (that calls backend for CMS page data) OR get the data if you've loaded it before (as an optimizaiton only)
display the slot's content you want to show, i.e. using cx-page-slot component statically in your modal and passing the position as an input
The tricky part is that this component gets from CmsService the slots of the current page, i.e. cart page (based on routing /cart), but not the page data you've loaded programatically in your modal. So you need to customize CmsService to return you the CMS data for specific slot of given page (register), even if it's not a part of current page data.

change default joomla login page

i'm working on a Joomla web site where i would like to change the default authentication page.
i created a new login menu item and i've tried to hide the com content area so that the login form don't show. instead of the default login form i placed a new better looking login module.
now i'm trying to make this page the default login page.
There are a couple areas in the site where access is restricted to registered users. and if clicked it leads to the default joomla login page. i want the user to be redirected to login from the new one.
can you please help?
The easiest way to obtain your own custom login page is to override the default joomla layout template.
It's actually very easy to do.
Start with your template. In the template directories, you'll need to have an html folder in your template. Inside of that, you'll need a com_users directory, and inside of that - a login folder. Like this:
Then, copy /components/com_users/views/login/tmpl/default_login.php into your new login folder you just created.
From here, you can customize the default_login.php file to your hearts content. Be sure to keep the field names and hidden fields intact - be sure to only manipulate layout elements and avoid changing anything to do with the form, form name, destination or fields.
You can do the same for the logout template - and as a bonus, it goes in the same folder in your template.

Sitecore - Prevent access to a page, but still show it in the navigation

In Sitecore I have denied access to a particular page for the anonymous user.
This works correctly, but it also means that the page does not appear in the navigation menus and sitemap (both XSLT).
What I would like is for the user to be able to see the link, but be redirected to a Register/Login page when they click on it.
You'd need to allow anonymous users to view the page for it to be visible in the menu and sitemap.
What you could do though is override the Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestProcessor to check if the page requires a login (by adding a RequiresLogin True/False to the template for example), then check if the user is logged in if not redirect to your login page.
Theres an example of overriding the HttpRequestProcessor here
You could wrap the rendering logic in the menus in a SecurityDisabler, so it would render all item links, even if the user "cant see" them.
using (SecurityDisabler disabler = new SecurityDisabler())
foreach (Item item in Sitecore.Context.Item.Children)
... render the link ...

How to change global navigation of a web page but not the site in SharePoint 2010?

I created a web page with a custom page layout, the site the page is within has global navigation set to "Display the same navigation items as the parent site" and it was all good. I have now got the requirement to change the items in the global navigation for the page but keep the old setting for the site, how can I achieve this?
For a site I can go to site settings -> navigation and change the links as I like but the page is dependent on the site it is within. I don't have to start over and create a new site do I (instead of a simple page)?
Thanks in advance.
Unless you do some kind of trickery (like Javascript embedded in the page) to do otherwise, the navigation settings are shared for all pages within the site.
If you wanted to get rid of global navigation for a particular page, you could customize your master page to put a special CSS class on the element wrapping it, and use some CSS inline on that page (ie. in a content editor webpart) to hide it.