How do I pass a parameter to pinia getter in vue? - vue.js

Here is my ThreadsStore
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
import sourceData from "#/data.json";
import { useUsersStore } from "../stores/UsersStore";
import { usePostsStore } from "../stores/PostsStore";
import { useForumsStore } from "../stores/ForumsStore";
import { findById, upsert } from "#/helpers";
export const useThreadsStore = defineStore("ThreadsStore", {
state: () => {
return {
threads: sourceData.threads,
getters: {
thread: (state) => {
return (id) => {
const thread = findById(state.threads, id);
return {
get author() {
return findById(useUsersStore().users, thread.userId);
get repliesCount() {
return thread.posts.length - 1;
get contributorsCount() {
return thread.contributors.length;
actions: {
async createThread({ text, title, forumId }) {
const id = "ggqq" + Math.random();
const userId = useUsersStore().authId;
const publishedAt = Math.floor( / 1000);
const thread = { forumId, title, publishedAt, userId, id };
this.appendThreadToUser({ userId, threadId: id });
this.appendThreadToForum({ forumId, threadId: id });
usePostsStore().createPost({ text, threadId: id });
return findById(this.threads, id);
async updateThread({ title, text, id }) {
const thread = findById(this.threads, id);
const post = findById(usePostsStore().posts, thread.posts[0]);
const newThread = { ...thread, title };
const newPost = {, text };
this.setThread({ thread: newThread });
this.setPost({ post: newPost });
return newThread;
appendThreadToForum({ forumId, threadId }) {
const forum = findById(useForumsStore().forums, forumId);
forum.threads = forum.threads || [];
appendThreadToUser({ userId, threadId }) {
const user = findById(useUsersStore().users, userId);
user.threads = user.threads || [];
setPost({ post }) {
upsert(usePostsStore().posts, post);
setThread({ thread }) {
upsert(this.threads, thread);
Here is my page
<div class="col-large push-top">
{{ thread.title }}
:to="{ name: 'ThreadEdit', id: }"
class="btn-green btn-small"
Edit Thread
By <a href="#" class="link-unstyled">{{ }}</a
>, <AppDate :timestamp="thread.publishedAt" />.
style="float: right; margin-top: 2px"
class="hide-mobile text-faded text-small"
>{{ thread.repliesCount }} replies by
{{ thread.contributorsCount }} contributors</span
<post-list :posts="threadPosts" />
<post-editor #save="addPost" />
import { mapState, mapActions } from "pinia";
import { useThreadsStore } from "../stores/ThreadsStore";
import { usePostsStore } from "../stores/PostsStore";
import PostList from "#/components/PostList";
import PostEditor from "#/components/PostEditor";
export default {
name: "ThreadShow",
components: {
props: {
id: {
required: true,
type: String,
computed: {
...mapState(useThreadsStore, ["threads", "thread"]),
...mapState(usePostsStore, ["posts"]),
threadPosts() {
return this.posts.filter((post) => post.threadId ===;
methods: {
...mapActions(usePostsStore, ["createPost"]),
addPost(eventData) {
const post = {,
In my computed I would like to map thread from my store for use in the template. I have not been able to figure out how to pass the id parameter to pinia properly in order to get it to return the thread properly.
The tutorial I am following along with uses vuex but I wanted to figure out how to use pinia so the conversion has been somewhat confusing

For anyone who might have something similar in the future. You can pass in a value to a getter like so
...mapState(useThreadsStore, {
thread(store) {
return store.thread(;


Problems with chart.js redrawing or not redrawing graphs

I am Japanese. Therefore, my sentences may be strange. Please keep that in mind.
I am writing code using vue.js, vuex, vue-chart.js and vue-chart.js to display the population of each prefecture of Japan when checked.I’m code is written to redraw the graph when the input element for each prefecture is checked.However, it does not redraw when checked.Also, it may redraw after half of the check.I believe this phenomenon can be confirmed from the following URL.
※There are no errors.
Here's a question: what causes the graphs to redraw or not? Also, how can I code to remedy this?
What I have done to counteract the cause is as follows
I went to the official website and used the rendering process as a reference.
 => The way we did it was right.
We thought there was a problem with VueX and coded in a way that did not use it. => There was nothing wrong with vuex.
<div class="Bar_area">
<Bar :options="chartOptions" :data="chartData" class="Bar_item" />
import { Bar } from "vue-chartjs"
import { Chart as ChartJS, registerables } from "chart.js"
export default {
name: "BarChart",
components: { Bar },
data() {
return {
chartOptions: {
responsive: true,
computed: {
chartData() {
return {
labels: this.$store.state.years,
datasets: this.$store.state.prefectures,
<div class="navApp">
<li v-for="(pref, index) in prefData" :key="index" class="pref_itemBox">
<input type="checkbox" #change="checkItem(pref)" />
<span class="pref_text">{{ pref.prefName }}</span>
import resasInfo from "#/library/resas.js"
import axios from "axios"
export default {
data() {
return {
resasInfo: resasInfo,
url: resasInfo.url_prefectures,
api: resasInfo.api,
prefData: [],
prefectures: [],
async created() {
const request_Header = {
headers: { "X-API-KEY": this.api.key },
await axios.get(this.url, request_Header).then((res) => {
const value =
methods: {
checkItem(pref) {
// チェックされてる都道府県のみを配列に入れる
const isExistencePref = this.prefectures.indexOf(pref)
isExistencePref === -1
? this.prefectures.push(pref)
: this.prefectures.splice(isExistencePref, 1)
this.$store.dispatch("getPrefectures", this.prefectures)
vuex => store/index.js
import axios from "axios"
import { createStore } from "vuex"
import createPersistedState from "vuex-persistedstate"
export default createStore({
state: {
prefectures: [],
years: [],
mutations: {
getPrefs(state, payload) {
state.prefectures = payload
getYears(state, payload) {
state.years = payload
actions: {
getPrefectures({ commit }, payload) {
// payload => 各都道府県のprefCode + prefName
const allPrefecture_Data = []
const result = (el) => {
const prefCode_data = el.prefCode
headers: {
"X-API-KEY": "5RDiLdZKag8c3NXpEMb1FcPQEIY3GVwgQwbLqFIx",
.then((res) => {
const value =[0].data
const TotalPopulation_Year = []
const TotalPopulation_Data = []
// 都道府県の総人口データと年データを各配列に入れ込む
value.forEach((element) => {
// rgbaを自動生成する関数 => backgroundColor
const generateRGBA = () => {
const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)
const g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)
const b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)
const a = 0.8
return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${a})`
// chart.jsに入れ込むデータ
const prefData = {
label: el.prefName,
data: TotalPopulation_Data,
backgroundColor: generateRGBA(),
commit("getPrefs", allPrefecture_Data)
commit("getYears", TotalPopulation_Year)
.catch((err) => {
return result
plugins: [createPersistedState()],
getters: {},
modules: {},

v-for doesn't rerender after data is updated and needs page refresh to see the change

In Vue.js 2, I'm using Axios and I can't render the data without refreshing the page, can you help me on what to do?
<div v-for="task in tasks" :key="" class="title">
{{ task.title }}
export default {
name: "TodoList",
data() {
return {
tasks: [],
newTask: "",
taskId: null,
methods: {
async addTask() {
this.taskId = this.tasks.length + 1
if (this.newTask.trim().length === 0) {
const task = {id: this.taskId, title: this.newTask}
const created = await API.createTasks(task)
this.newTask = ""
async created() {
this.tasks = await API.getTasks();
// API.js
export default {
async createTasks(task) {
return'/api/v1/tasks'),task).then(r =>
async getTasks() {
return axios.get(this.withPath('/api/v1/tasks')).then(r =>
This is my response body of POST:
{"id":1,"title":"buy a water"}

Error when attempting to disable Navigation Buttons in VueJs

In my ticket processing application I currently have a back and forward button contained in my TicketRunner.vue Component, I would like to change it so that these buttons only appear if I have an associated case file, for which I've used V-If:
<div class="level nav-btns" v-if='!currentTicketCaseFiles.length'>
<div class="buttons has-addons level-left">
:disabled="currentStepIndex === 0 || navWaiting"
export default {
name: 'TicketRunner',
mixins: [NavStepsByIndexMixin()],
components: {
data: function() {
return {
firstComponentsInitialization: true,
loadingConfirm: false,
confirmationModalActive: false,
confirmationSucceeded: undefined
props: {
ticketId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
provide() {
return {
contextButtons: {
capture: (name, callback, title) => this.$refs['contextButtons'].captureButton(name, callback, title),
release: (name) => this.$refs['contextButtons'].releaseButton(name),
enable: (name) => this.$refs['contextButtons'].enableButton(name),
disable: (name) => this.$refs['contextButtons'].disableButton(name),
computed: {
...mapGetters(['currentTicket', 'ticketCaseFiles', 'allCurrentTicketAttachments', 'currentTicketCaseFileNotAssociated',
'currentRequesterType', 'currentTicketStage', 'lastCaseFile']),
caseFiles() {
return this.ticketCaseFiles(this.ticketId);
ticketHasAttachments() {
return this.allCurrentTicketAttachments.length > 0;
isTicketAssociatedWithCaseFile() {
return !this.currentTicketCaseFileNotAssociated;
isFirstNavInitializationInProgress() {
return !this.navReady && this.firstComponentsInitialization;
isShowAttachmentsStep() {
return this.ticketHasAttachments && this.currentRequesterType !== 'unknown' &&
(this.isFirstNavInitializationInProgress || this.isTicketAssociatedWithCaseFile)
isCurrentTicketResolved() {
return this.currentTicket.status === 'resolved';
islastStep() {
return this.navLastStep() && this.lastCaseFile;
watch: {
navReady() {
this.firstComponentsInitialization = false;
methods: {
moveForwardIfReady() {
if (this.navigator.currentIndex === 0 && this.firstComponentsInitialization) {
let steps = 0
const step_names = ['case_files_stage']
for(const [_idx, name] of step_names.entries()) {
const ref_name = `step[${name}]`;
if (this.$refs.hasOwnProperty(ref_name) && this.$refs[ref_name].navReady) {
steps += 1
} else {
this.navigator.currentIndex += steps
confirm() {
message: this.t('tickets.stages.confirmation.simplified_confirm_reply'),
onConfirm: () => this.confirmStep()
async confirmStep() {
this.loadingConfirm = true;
const promise = this.confirmTicket(this.ticketId);
return promise.then((response) => {
this.confirmationModalActive = true;
this.confirmationSucceeded = true;
return true; // true is correct here. for goNext it makes parent to stay on on the current step
}).catch(() => {
this.confirmationModalActive = true;
this.confirmationSucceeded = false;
return true; // true is correct here. for goNext it makes parent to stay on on the current step
}).finally(() => this.loadingConfirm = false);
I then receive the following Console Error:
[Vue warn]: Property or method "currentTicketCaseFiles" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property.
I know that "!currentTicketCaseFiles.length" works successfully in the Component CaseFilesStage.vue, which makes me believe I should somehow connect the two? But importing it doesn't seem right to me either. I'm not quite sure how to tackle this issue as I'm quite new at VueJS, and would be happy for any pointers. I'll attach the CaseFilesStage.vue Component below.
<div class="hero">
<div class="block">
<template v-if="!currentTicket.spamTicket">
:class="{ 'preview-enabled': showAttachmentsPreview}"
<template v-if="foundCaseFiles.length">
<h4 class="title is-4 table-title">{{ t('') }}</h4>
<b-checkbox v-if="cfBelongsToCurrentTicket(" :disabled="true" :value="true"></b-checkbox>
<b-checkbox v-else #input="onFoundCaseFile(, $event)"></b-checkbox>
<div v-else-if="lookupStatus === 'notFound'">
{{ t('') }}
<!-- display button here if above is activated -->
<template v-if='currentTicketCaseFiles.length'>
<h4 class="title is-4 table-title">{{ t('tickets.stages.case_files.table_title') }}</h4>
<CaseFilesTable :case-files="currentTicketCaseFiles" :show-header="true" v-slot="cf">
modelName="CaseFile" >
import CaseFilesTable from '../tables/CaseFilesTable';
import CaseFilesSearchTable from '../tables/CaseFilesSearchTable';
import DeleteButton from '../../../../shared/components/controls/DeleteButton';
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex';
import { mapServerActions } from "../../../../../../_frontend_infrastructure/javascript/lib/crudvuex_new";
export default {
name: 'CaseFilesStage',
data() {
return {
lookupStatus: 'waitingInput',
filter: '',
waiting: {},
foundCaseFiles: [],
foundCaseFilesByParticipant: {}
components: {
computed: {
['currentTicketCaseFiles', 'currentTicketCaseFileNotAssociated', 'currentTicket', 'showAttachmentsPreview']
loading() {
return this.lookupStatus === 'waitingServer';
this.currentTicketCaseFiles + this.foundCaseFiles
foundCaseFilesEx() {
return this.foundCaseFiles.filter((x) => !this.cfBelongsToCurrentTicket(
checkboxValue() {
if(!this.currentTicketCaseFileNotAssociated) {
return null;
return true;
navReady() {
return this.currentTicket.spamTicket || this.currentTicketCaseFiles.length > 0 || this.checkboxValue;
markSpam: {
get: function() {
return this.currentTicket.spamTicket
set: function(val) {
return this.updateTicket([, { spam_ticket: val }]);
methods: {
...mapServerActions(['createCaseFile', 'deleteCaseFile']),
return => x.caseFileId).includes(id);
if(isChecked) {
this.createCaseFile({ isCfNotAssociated: true });
} else {
onFoundCaseFile(id, useIt){
console.log("onFoundCaseFile: ", id, useIt);
if(useIt) {
this.createCaseFile({ caseFileId: id });
} else {
this.deleteCaseFile(this.currentTicketCaseFiles.find({ caseFileId: id }));
searchCaseFiles() {
const newData = this.filter;
if (newData.length < 3) { // TODO: some smarter condition here
this.foundCaseFiles = [];
this.lookupStatus = 'waitingInput';
this.lookupStatus = 'waitingServer';
this.$axios.get('case_files', { params: { "case_files.filter" : newData } })
.then((response) => {
this.foundCaseFiles =;
this.foundCaseFilesByParticipant =;
if(this.foundCaseFiles.length > 0) {
this.lookupStatus = 'success';
} else {
this.lookupStatus = 'notFound';
}).catch(() => this.lookupStatus = 'error');
Add this to your TicketRunner.vue Component script:
computed: {

Variable not updated after vuex mutation

I am creating a settings page, where I fetch some data from the API and I am using Vuex to handle mutations.
I can see that the Vuex completes properly, but value for my dailyCount variable doesn't update in frontend.
This is my Settings component:
<div class="row col">
<div class="row col">
<div class="well">
<form class="form-inline">
<input type="number" v-model="dailyCount" />
{{ dailyCount }}
export default {
name: 'settings',
data () {
return {
dailyCount: 500
created () {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters['user/isLoading'];
hasError() {
return this.$store.getters['user/hasError'];
error() {
return this.$store.getters['user/error'];
I do mutations here:
import SettingsAPI from '../api/settings';
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
isLoading: false,
error: null,
settings: null,
getters: {
isLoading (state) {
return state.isLoading;
hasError (state) {
return state.error !== null;
error (state) {
return state.error;
user (state) {
return state.user;
mutations: {
state.isLoading = true;
state.error = null;
state.settings = null;
['FETCHING_SETTINGS_SUCCESS'](state, settings) {
state.isLoading = false;
state.error = null;
state.settings = settings;
['FETCHING_SETTINGS_ERROR'](state, error) {
state.isLoading = false;
state.error = error;
state.settings = null;
actions: {
fetchSetting ({commit}) {
return SettingsAPI.get()
.then(res => {commit('FETCHING_SETTINGS_SUCCESS',;})
.catch(err => commit('FETCHING_SETTINGS_ERROR', err));
And call to a server is done here (api/settings.js - it is imported in mutation file):
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
get() {
return axios.get('/user');
Can you see what am I doing wrong? I am trying to debug it using Vuejs debug toolbar, but all seems to work fine.
You need to get store state from vuex and inject to Vue component, either by this.$store.state or this.$store.getters.
For example:
export default {
name: 'settings',
data () {
return {
dailyCount: 500
created () {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters['user/isLoading'];
hasError() {
return this.$store.getters['user/hasError'];
error() {
return this.$store.getters['user/error'];
settings() {
return this.$store.state.settings
watch: {
settings () {
this.dailyCount = this.settings.dailyCount

Pre-fetch data using vuex and vue-resource

I'm building an app following this structure:
My components/App.vue like this:
<div id="app">
<course :courses="courses"></course>
import Course from './course.vue'
import { addCourses } from '../vuex/actions'
export default {
vuex: {
getters: {
courses: state =>,
actions: {
ready() {
components: { Course },
methods: {
fetchCourses() {
// what do I have to do here
How can I fetch the data and set it to the ?
I've just figured it out:
in /components/App.vue ready function, I just call:
ready() {
in vuex/actions.js:
import Vue from 'vue'
export const addCourses = ({ dispatch }) => {
.then(response => {
let courses = response.json() => {
course.checked = false
return course
dispatch('ADD_COURSES', courses)
and in vuex/store.js:
const mutations = {
ADD_COURSES (state, courses) { = courses