Scipy optimize curve fit issue using Timestamp X values - optimization

Just posting this in case others have a similar problem. I was analyzing my weather station temperature data using scipy.optimize.curve_fit in a python jupyter notebook in vscode. fitting outdoor temp (ten minute intervals) against the UTC timestamp, which is of course a very large number (1.5X10e09 to 1.65x10e09). This is a sinewave curve fit with a year period. optimize.curve_fit failed to actually make any progress and since it didn't improve the SofS it stopped with no change to the initial guesses. Acting on a hunch that it was choking on the large magnitude of the UTC numbers I then divided them by 10e6 and changed my initial guesses of frequency (x10e6) and phase (/10e06). I then got a solution. Here is the working code, including how to get full output from optimize.curve_fit as an infodict. (Could not find any examples of that; turns out you have to all the arguments in front of the equal sign to get it working.)
from scipy import optimize
def test_func(t, a,b,c,d):
return a * np.sin(b * t + c) + d
print (test_func(t[0], guess[0], guess[1], guess[2], guess[3]) -data[0])
params, params_covariance, info, mesg, ier = optimize.curve_fit(test_func, t, data,p0=guess,full_output=True)
print(params, guess)
print (params_covariance)
print (info)
print (mesg)
data_fit=params[0]*np.sin(params[1] * t + params[2]) + params[3]
plt.plot(t, data, '.')
plt.plot(t, test_func(t, guess[0],guess[1],guess[2],guess[3]), label='first guess')
plt.plot(t, test_func(t,params[0],params[1],params[2],params[3]), label='after fitting')


Best way to calculate cursory statistics from very large CSV

I have some data in CSV format (16 billion rows, 170 columns).
I can extract each column using cut and load "just" one column from a file into Pandas using pd.load_csv(), but it is painfully slow and uses about 228GB of RAM while loading then settles back to 46GB for one of the columns while for some others tested my system with 256GB of RAM starts swapping and grinds to a halt.
Is there some way which is reasonably fast and requires less RAM to calculate standard stats like mean, median, standard deviation, and standard error on each column?
System(s) are all running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS and I can install any package available through standard repos.
NOTE: Some columns have u for unknown/missing data while some just have nothing for the same but otherwise all the columns are either integers or floats.
If anyone is looking for an answer, the comments have some good suggestions for not using CSV files.
In almost all cases, using something other than CSV is best, but sometimes (like in my case), it's what you have to work with. There are a couple of solutions that work reasonably well depending on factors.
I was unable to find a solution, so I just wrote my own.
Calculating the Standard Deviation and Standard Error (and Confidence Intervals) does not require holding all variables in RAM; however, if you opt not to hold them in RAM you will have to read them twice. Once to calculate the Mean, and the second for the sum of the difference between the mean and the values squared (sometimes referred to the Mean Squares). With those two numbers and the number of variables you can calculate most of the most-common stats.
Example code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import csv
import math
def calc_some_stats(infile, col_idx):
n, tot = 0, 0
with open(infile, 'r') as fh:
reader = csv.reader(fh)
for row in reader:
val = float(row[col_idx])
n += 1
tot += val
except ValueError:
# Ignore nulls, 'u', and 'nan'
mean, sum_mean_sq = tot / n, 0
with open(infile, 'r') as fh:
reader = csv.reader(fh)
for row in reader:
val = float(row[col_idx])
sum_mean_sq += (mean - val)**2
except ValueError:
variance = sum_mean_sq / n
standard_deviation = math.sqrt(variance)
standard_error = standard_deviation / math.sqrt(n)
return n, mean, standard_deviation, standard_error
n, mean, stdev, sem = calc_some_stats("somefile.csv", 12)

Confused by random.randn()

I am a bit confused by the numpy function random.randn() which returns random values from the standard normal distribution in an array in the size of your choosing.
My question is that I have no idea when this would ever be useful in applied practices.
For reference about me I am a complete programming noob but studied math (mostly stats related courses) as an undergraduate.
The Python function randn is incredibly useful for adding in a random noise element into a dataset that you create for initial testing of a machine learning model. Say for example that you want to create a million point dataset that is roughly linear for testing a regression algorithm. You create a million data points using
x_data = np.linspace(0.0,10.0,1000000)
You generate a million random noise values using randn
noise = np.random.randn(len(x_data))
To create your linear data set you follow the formula
y = mx + b + noise_levels with the following code (setting b = 5, m = 0.5 in this example)
y_data = (0.5 * x_data ) + 5 + noise
Finally the dataset is created with
my_data = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data=x_data,columns=['X Data']),pd.DataFrame(data=y_data,columns=['Y'])],axis=1)
This could be used in 3D programming to generate non-overlapping random values. This would be useful for optimization of graphical effects.
Another possible use for statistical applications would be applying a formula in order to test against spacial factors affecting a given constant. Such as if you were measuring a span of time with some formula doing something but then needing to know what the effectiveness would be given various spans of time. This would return a statistic measuring for example that your formula is more effective in the shorter intervals or longer intervals, etc.
np.random.randn(d0, d1, ..., dn) Return a sample (or samples) from the “standard normal” distribution(mu=0, stdev=1).
For random samples from , use:
sigma * np.random.randn(...) + mu
This is because if Z is a standard normal deviate, then will have a normal distribution with expected value and standard deviation .

Running a logistic model in JAGS - Can you vectorize instead of looping over individual cases?

I'm fairly new to JAGS, so this may be a dumb question. I'm trying to run a model in JAGS that predicts the probability that a one-dimensional random walk process will cross boundary A before crossing boundary B. This model can be solved analytically via the following logistic model:
Pr(A,B) = 1/(1 + exp(-2 * (d/sigma) * theta))
where "d" is the mean drift rate (positive values indicate drift toward boundary A), "sigma" is the standard deviation of that drift rate and "theta" is the distance between the starting point and the boundary (assumed to be equal for both boundaries).
My dataset consists of 50 participants, who each provide 1800 observations. My model assumes that d is determined by a particular combination of observed environmental variables (which I'll just call 'x'), and a weighting coefficient that relates x to d (which I'll call 'beta'). Thus, there are three parameters: beta, sigma, and theta. I'd like to estimate a single set of parameters for each participant. My intention is to eventually run a hierarchical model, where group level parameters influence individual level parameters. However, for simplicity, here I will just consider a model in which I estimate a single set of parameters for one participant (and thus the model is not hierarchical).
My model in rjags would be as follows:
for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) {
d[i] <- x[i] * beta
probA[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-2 * (d[i]/sigma) * theta ) )
y[i] ~ dbern(probA[i])
beta ~ dunif(-10,10)
sigma ~ dunif(0,10)
theta ~ dunif(0,10)
This model runs fine, but takes ages to run. I'm not sure how JAGS carries out the code, but if this code were run in R, it would be rather inefficient because it would have to loop over cases, running the model for each case individually. The time required to run the analysis would therefore increase rapidly as the sample size increases. I have a rather large sample, so this is a concern.
Is there a way to vectorise this code so that it can calculate the likelihood for all of the data points at once? For example, if I were to run this as a simple maximum likelihood model. I would vectorize the model and calculate the probability of the data given particular parameter values for all 1800 cases provided by the participant (and thus would not need the for loop). I would then take the log of these likelihoods and add them all together to give a single loglikelihood for the all observations given by the participant. This method has enormous time savings. Is there a way to do this in JAGS?
Thanks for the responses, and for pointing out that the parameters in the model I showed might be unidentified. I should've pointed out that model was a simplified version. The full model is below:
for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) {
aExpectancy[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-gamma*(aTimeRemaining[i] - aDiscrepancy[i]*aExpectedLag[i]) ) )
bExpectancy[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-gamma*(bTimeRemaining[i] - bDiscrepancy[i]*bExpectedLag[i]) ) )
aUtility[i] <- aValence[i]*aExpectancy[i]/(1 + discount * (aTimeRemaining[i]))
bUtility[i] <- bValence[i]*bExpectancy[i]/(1 + discount * (bTimeRemaining[i]))
aMotivationalValueMean[i] <- aUtility[i]*aQualityMean[i]
bMotivationalValueMean[i] <- bUtility[i]*bQualityMean[i]
aMotivationalValueVariance[i] <- (aUtility[i]*aQualitySD[i])^2 + (bUtility[i]*bQualitySD[i])^2
bMotivationalValueVariance[i] <- (aUtility[i]*aQualitySD[i])^2 + (bUtility[i]*bQualitySD[i])^2
mvDiffVariance[i] <- aMotivationalValueVariance[i] + bMotivationalValueVariance[i]
meanDrift[i] <- (aMotivationalValueMean[i] - bMotivationalValueMean[i])
probA[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-2*(meanDrift[i]/sqrt(mvDiffVariance[i])) *theta ) )
y[i] ~ dbern(probA[i])
In this model, the estimated parameters are theta, discount, and gamma, and these parameters can be recovered. When I run the model on the observations for a single participant (Ntotal = 1800), the model takes about 5 minutes to run, which is totally fine. However, when I run the model on the entire sample (45 participants x 1800 cases each = 78,900 observations), I've had it running for 24 hours and it's less than 50% of the way through. This seems odd, as I would expect it to just take 45 times as long, so 4 or 5 hours at most. Am I missing something?
I hope I am not misreading this situation (and I previously apologize if I am), but your question seems to come from a conceptual misunderstanding of how JAGS works (or WinBUGS or OpenBUGS for that matter).
Your program does not actually run, because what you wrote was not written in a programming language. So vectorizing will not help.
You wrote just a description of your model, because JAGS' language is a descriptive one.
Once JAGS reads your model, it assembles a transition matrix to run a MCMC whose stationary distribution is the posteriori distribution of your parameters given your (observed) data. JAGS does nothing else with your program.
All that time you have been waiting the program to run was actually waiting (and hoping) to reach relaxation time of your MCMC.
So, what is taking your program too long to run is that the resulting transition matrix must have bad relaxing properties or anything like that.
That is why vectorizing a program that is read and run only once will be of very little help.
So, your problem lies somewhere else.
I hope it helps and, if not, sorry.
All the best.
You can't vectorise in the same way that you would in R, but if you can group observations with the same probability expression (i.e. common d[i]) then you can use a Binomial rather than Bernoulli distribution which will help enormously. If each observation has a unique d[i] then you are stuck I'm afraid.
Another alternative is to look at Stan which is generally faster for large data sets like yours.
thanks for the responses. Yes, you make a good point that the parameters in the model I showed might be unidentified.
I should've pointed out that model was a simplified version. The full model is below:
for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) {
aExpectancy[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-gamma*(aTimeRemaining[i] - aDiscrepancy[i]*aExpectedLag[i]) ) )
bExpectancy[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-gamma*(bTimeRemaining[i] - bDiscrepancy[i]*bExpectedLag[i]) ) )
aUtility[i] <- aValence[i]*aExpectancy[i]/(1 + discount * (aTimeRemaining[i]))
bUtility[i] <- bValence[i]*bExpectancy[i]/(1 + discount * (bTimeRemaining[i]))
aMotivationalValueMean[i] <- aUtility[i]*aQualityMean[i]
bMotivationalValueMean[i] <- bUtility[i]*bQualityMean[i]
aMotivationalValueVariance[i] <- (aUtility[i]*aQualitySD[i])^2 + (bUtility[i]*bQualitySD[i])^2
bMotivationalValueVariance[i] <- (aUtility[i]*aQualitySD[i])^2 + (bUtility[i]*bQualitySD[i])^2
mvDiffVariance[i] <- aMotivationalValueVariance[i] + bMotivationalValueVariance[i]
meanDrift[i] <- (aMotivationalValueMean[i] - bMotivationalValueMean[i])
probA[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-2*(meanDrift[i]/sqrt(mvDiffVariance[i])) *theta ) )
y[i] ~ dbern(probA[i])
theta ~ dunif(0,10)
discount ~ dunif(0,10)
gamma ~ dunif(0,1)
In this model, the estimated parameters are theta, discount, and gamma, and these parameters can be recovered.
When I run the model on the observations for a single participant (Ntotal = 1800), the model takes about 5 minutes to run, which is totally fine.
However, when I run the model on the entire sample (45 participants X 1800 cases each = 78,900 observations), I've had it running for 24 hours and it's less than 50% of the way through.
This seems odd, as I would expect it to just take 45 times as long, so 4 or 5 hours at most. Am I missing something?

Zoom in on np.fft2 result

Is there a way to chose the x/y output axes range from np.fft2 ?
I have a piece of code computing the diffraction pattern of an aperture. The aperture is defined in a 2k x 2k pixel array. The diffraction pattern is basically the inner part of the 2D FT of the aperture. The np.fft2 gives me an output array same size of the input but with some preset range of the x/y axes. Of course I can zoom in by using the image viewer, but I have already lost detail. What is the solution?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r= 500
s= 1000
y,x = np.ogrid[-s:s+1, -s:s+1]
mask = x*x + y*y <= r*r
aperture = np.ones((2*s+1, 2*s+1))
aperture[mask] = 0
ffta= np.fft.fft2(aperture)
Unfortunately, much of the speed and accuracy of the FFT come from the outputs being the same size as the input.
The conventional way to increase the apparent resolution in the output Fourier domain is by zero-padding the input: np.fft.fft2(aperture, [4 * (2*s+1), 4 * (2*s+1)]) tells the FFT to pad your input to be 4 * (2*s+1) pixels tall and wide, i.e., make the input four times larger (sixteen times the number of pixels).
Begin aside I say "apparent" resolution because the actual amount of data you have hasn't increased, but the Fourier transform will appear smoother because zero-padding in the input domain causes the Fourier transform to interpolate the output. In the example above, any feature that could be seen with one pixel will be shown with four pixels. Just to make this fully concrete, this example shows that every fourth pixel of the zero-padded FFT is numerically the same as every pixel of the original unpadded FFT:
# Generate your `ffta` as above, then
N = 2 * s + 1
Up = 4
fftup = np.fft.fft2(aperture, [Up * N, Up * N])
relerr = lambda dirt, gold: np.abs((dirt - gold) / gold)
print(np.max(relerr(fftup[::Up, ::Up] , ffta))) # ~6e-12.
(That relerr is just a simple relative error, which you want to be close to machine precision, around 2e-16. The largest error between every 4th sample of the zero-padded FFT and the unpadded FFT is 6e-12 which is quite close to machine precision, meaning these two arrays are nearly numerically equivalent.) End aside
Zero-padding is the most straightforward way around your problem. But it does cost you a lot of memory. And it is frustrating because you might only care about a tiny, tiny part of the transform. There's an algorithm called the chirp z-transform (CZT, or colloquially the "zoom FFT") which can do this. If your input is N (for you 2*s+1) and you want just M samples of the FFT's output evaluated anywhere, it will compute three Fourier transforms of size N + M - 1 to obtain the desired M samples of the output. This would solve your problem too, since you can ask for M samples in the region of interest, and it wouldn't require prohibitively-much memory, though it would need at least 3x more CPU time. The downside is that a solid implementation of CZT isn't in Numpy/Scipy yet: see the scipy issue and the code it references. Matlab's CZT seems reliable, if that's an option; Octave-forge has one too and the Octave people usually try hard to match/exceed Matlab.
But if you have the memory, zero-padding the input is the way to go.

cumulative simpson integration with scipy

I have some code which uses scipy.integration.cumtrapz to compute the antiderivative of a sampled signal. I would like to use Simpson's rule instead of Trapezoid. However scipy.integration.simps seems not to have a cumulative counterpart... Am I missing something? Is there a simple way to get a cumulative integration with "scipy.integration.simps"?
You can always write your own:
def cumsimp(func,a,b,num):
#Integrate func from a to b using num intervals.
return np.cumsum(output*h/3)
def integ1(x):
return x
def integ2(x):
return x**2
def integ0(x):
return np.ones(np.asarray(x).shape)*5
First look at the sum and derivative of a constant function.
print cumsimp(integ0,0,10,5)
[ 10. 20. 30. 40. 50.]
print np.diff(cumsimp(integ0,0,10,5))
[ 10. 10. 10. 10.]
Now check for a few trivial examples:
print cumsimp(integ1,0,10,5)
[ 2. 8. 18. 32. 50.]
print cumsimp(integ2,0,10,5)
[ 2.66666667 21.33333333 72. 170.66666667 333.33333333]
Writing your integrand explicitly is much easier here then reproducing the simpson's rule function of scipy in this context. Picking intervals will be difficult to do when provided a single array, do you either:
Use every other value for the edges of simpson's rule and the remaining values as centers?
Use the array as edges and interpolate values of centers?
There are also a few options for how you want the intervals summed. These complications could be why its not coded in scipy.
Your question has been answered a long time ago, but I came across the same problem recently. I wrote some functions to compute such cumulative integrals for equally spaced points; the code can be found on GitHub. The order of the interpolating polynomials ranges from 1 (trapezoidal rule) to 7. As Daniel pointed out in the previous answer, some choices have to be made on how the intervals are summed, especially at the borders; results may thus be sightly different depending on the package you use. Be also aware that the numerical integration may suffer from Runge's phenomenon (unexpected oscillations) for high orders of polynomials.
Here is an example:
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate as sp_integrate
from gradiompy import integrate as gp_integrate
# Definition of the function (polynomial of degree 7)
x = np.linspace(-3,3,num=15)
dx = x[1]-x[0]
y = 8*x + 3*x**2 + x**3 - 2*x**5 + x**6 - 1/5*x**7
y_int = 4*x**2 + x**3 + 1/4*x**4 - 1/3*x**6 + 1/7*x**7 - 1/40*x**8
# Cumulative integral using scipy
y_int_trapz = y_int [0] + sp_integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(y,dx=dx,initial=0)
print('Integration error using scipy.integrate:')
print(' trapezoid = %9.5f' % np.linalg.norm(y_int_trapz-y_int))
# Cumulative integral using gradiompy
y_int_trapz = gp_integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(y,dx=dx,initial=y_int[0])
y_int_simps = gp_integrate.cumulative_simpson(y,dx=dx,initial=y_int[0])
print('\nIntegration error using gradiompy.integrate:')
print(' trapezoid = %9.5f' % np.linalg.norm(y_int_trapz-y_int))
print(' simpson = %9.5f' % np.linalg.norm(y_int_simps-y_int))
# Higher order cumulative integrals
for order in range(5,8,2):
y_int_composite = gp_integrate.cumulative_composite(y,dx,order=order,initial=y_int[0])
print(' order %i = %9.5f' % (order,np.linalg.norm(y_int_composite-y_int)))
# Display the values of the cumulative integral
print('\nCumulative integral (with initial offset):\n',y_int_composite)
You should get the following result:
Integration error using scipy.integrate:
trapezoid = 176.10502
Integration error using gradiompy.integrate:
trapezoid = 176.10502
simpson = 2.52551
order 5 = 0.48758
order 7 = 0.00000
Cumulative integral (with initial offset):
[-6.90203571e+02 -2.29979407e+02 -5.92267425e+01 -7.66415188e+00
2.64794452e+00 2.25594840e+00 6.61937372e-01 1.14797061e-13
8.20130517e-01 3.61254267e+00 8.55804341e+00 1.48428883e+01
1.97293221e+01 1.64257877e+01 -1.13464286e+01]
I would go with Daniel's solution. But you need to be careful if the function that you are integrating is itself subject to fluctuations. Simpson's requires the function to be well-behaved (meaning in this case, one that is continuous).
There are techniques for making a moderately badly behaved function look like it is better behaved than it really is (really forms of approximation of your function) but in that case you have to be sure that the function "adequately" approximates yours. In that case you might make the intervals may be non-uniform to handle the problem.
An example might be in considering the flow of a field that, over longer time scales, is approximated by a well-behaved function but which over shorter periods is subject to limited random fluctuations in its density.