Why is the TERM variable overwritten after each ssh reconnection? - ssh

I am using ubuntu 22.10.
In order for this tmux theme to work, I need to assign the value xterm-256color to the TERM variable.
But after each reconnection, the variable is assigned the value xterm.
How to fix it?


Maintain python virtual environment across raku shell commands

Is there a way to activate a python virtual env in one raku shell command, and then access the env in the next shell command? I want to do something like this in raku. Let's assume there is an executable named "execute_software" under the "some_env" env:
shell("source some_env");
shell("execute_software XXX XXX");
shell("source deactivate");
Currently, this doesn't work for me.
I don't know how you expected the environment to stay around after the program exits.
That is not something you can do with anything as far as I'm aware.
If that is something you want, may I suggest using Inline::Python?
use Inline::Python;
my $py = Inline::Python.new();
$py.run('print("hello world")');
use string:from<Python>;
say string::capwords('foo bar'); # prints "Foo Bar"

How exactly do you use variables in Jenkins?

Can someone concisely explain what the differences between the three variables below are? Because in all honesty, when I create a Jenkins job, I randomly guess between the three types until something works, but I'd love to understand rather than blindly picking.
Also, are there other ways of writing variables in Jenkins that I missed other than the 3 ways above?
When used in a statement:
${ENV,var="BUILD_USER"}--evaluates the system environment variables and returns the value for the variable BUILD_USER.
example: curl ${ENV,var="BUILD_USER"}/api/xml
${BUILD_USER} --returns the value of the BUILD_USER variable in the current script memory space.
example: curl ${BUILD_USER}/api/xml
$BUILD_USER--used to assign values to the BUILD_USER variable.
In general, variable expansion is up to the plugin that interprets a configuration value.
For example, if you set up a job parameter GIT_REPOSITORY and use it to configure an address where git clone should go by putting $GIT_REPOSITORY into the git repository field, it works, but only because the Jenkins git plugin has implemented variable expansion support.
Many plugins do implement it but you cannot know it unless you test it. However, these days the support is so common it is safe to assume it should work.
Both forms of reference, $VAR and ${VAR}, work and are equivalent. The latter form is useful if you need to use the variable in a place where it is surrounded by other characters that could be interpreted as part of variable, like $VARX (Jenkins would be looking for variable named VARX) and ${VAR}X (Jenkins understands the variable is named VAR).
These rules have been modeled after variable expansion rules in Unix shells. Indeed, the job variables are made available as environment variables to build steps and in the Unix shell build step the variables are used the same way as above.
In a Windows CMD build step the variables are again used like any Windows environment variable: %VAR%.

Use environment variables as default for cmake options

I would like to set up a cmake script with some options (flags and strings). For some of the options I would like to use environment variables as a default. Basically, I'm trying to emulate something like MY_OPTION ?= default in a Makefile. I tried the following:
project (Optiontest)
message("value: ${MY_OPTION}")
I called this in the following way:
$ cmake -DMY_OPTION=ON .
value: ON
$ cmake -DMY_OPTION=OFF .
value: OFF
$ MY_OPTION=OFF cmake .
value: OFF
$ MY_OPTION=ON cmake .
value: OFF
My problem is that the last line should be ON as well.
For bonus karma: I would actually prefer three levels of preference. The value of -DMY_OPTION should be used if given. If not, the value of a set environment variable MY_OPTION should be used. If this is also not set, a constant should be used. I guess, I could use a bunch of nested if statements and somehow check if the variables are set, but I don't know how and I hope there is a better way.
FORCE is (as of CMake 3.0.2) not a valid parameter for option.
This is the primary source of problems. CMake will interpret the string FORCE as the desired initial value of the option in absence of an environment variable. The usual contrived rules for string-to-truth-value-conversion apply, resulting in the option being set to OFF by this call.
Second, you need to account for the fact that the environment variable is not set. Your current code misses to handle that case properly. $ENV{MY_OPTION} will evaluate to the empty string in that case. If you evaluate the set values in both the cache and the environment, you can enforce any behavior that you want.
In general, you should think about what you actually want here. Usually, FORCE setting a cached variable is a bad idea and I would not be surprised if you found your initial argument for doing this flawed after some careful reevaluation.
Maybe value of MY_OPTION cached in CMake cache? Do you try to clean cmake cache after third call MY_OPTION=OFF cmake .?

An alias that just prints the named directory?

I'm kind of just realizing how powerful the terminal can be. My question is essentially if I can create an alias that just prints the name of a directory. For example, I could easily make an alias such as "alias sitename="cd ~/sites/path/to/my/site/". But what I want is an alias that only prints the directory name so that I can use it for several things. So that, for example, if I wanted I could just say cd "alias", or mv from-dir "alias".
Is there a way to do this? I've tried and it seems to recognize the alias if I just type it in: it will report "alias" is a directory. But if I try to couple it with another command, it fails.
You don't want to use alias, what you are after is an environment variable
$ export SITENAME="~/sites/path/to/my/site/"
Bash is quite picky over syntax - note the lack of spaces in the export and the $ when you use it.
Use a variable, simply
echo $d
cd $d
mv somedir $d/
You don't need to use an alias here, a variable is sufficient.
It sounds like you want to set a variable, not an alias. Such as,
sitename=/home/jimbo/. Then, cd $sitename would put you at /home/jimbo/.
If you want this variable to have permanence (i.e. you don't have to set it every time you open a new session), then you can make it an environmental variable using the export command or add it to your .bashrc file (typically located at $HOME/.bashrc) using the line: sitename=/home/jimbo/.
FYI, $HOME is another environmental variable that's equivalent to ~/.
Using a variable is the simplest solution. You could get fancy and use an array:
mydir() { echo "/my/directory"; }
To display the value
To use the value, you need some extra puncuation
cd $(mydir)
cd `mydir`

Windows 7 environment variable not working in path

I am trying to set up some path using environment variable.
I added an environment variable "MAVEN_HOME" with the value "C:\maven".
Then in the path I added "%MAVEN_HOME%\bin;...rest".
When I type "echo $MAVEN_HOME%" I get the correct "C:\maven" printed on the screen.
But when I type "mvn" which is a batch file in the "bin" directory, it can't find it.
So, I manually added the entire path in PATH.
and it was able to find "mvn" and execute it.
Could someone help me what I did wrong?
Check if there is a space character between the previous path and the next:
c:\path1; c:\Maven\bin\; c:\path2\
I had exactly the same problem, to solve it, you can do one of two things:
Put all variables in System Variables instead of User and add the ones you want to PATH
Put all variables in User Variables, and create or edit the PATH variables in User Variable, not In System. The Path variables in System don't expand the User Variables.
If the above are all correct, but the problem is still present, you need to check the system Registry, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment, to make sure the "PATH" key type is REG_EXPAND_SZ (not REG_SZ).
My issue turned out to be embarrassingly simple:
Restart command prompt and the new variables should update
Things like having %PATH% or spaces between items in your path will break it. Be warned.
Yes, windows paths that include spaces will cause errors. For example an application added this to the front of the system %PATH% variable definition:
C:\Program Files (x86)\WebEx\Productivity Tools;C:\Sybase\IQ-16_0\Bin64;
which caused all of the paths in %PATH% to not be set in the cmd window.
My solution is to demarcate the extended path variable in double quotes where needed:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WebEx\Productivity Tools";C:\Sybase\IQ-16_0\Bin64;
The spaces are therefore ignored and the full path variable is parsed properly.
%M2% and %JAVA_HOME% need to be added to a PATH variable in the USER variables, not the SYSTEM variables.
If there is any error at all in the PATH windows will silently disregard it. Things like having %PATH% or spaces between items in your path will break it. Be warned
Also worth making sure you're using the command prompt as an administrator - the system lock on my work machine meant that the standard cmd just reported mvn could not be found when typing
mvn --version
To use click 'start > all programs > accessories', right-click on 'command prompt' and select 'run as administrator'.
To address this problem, I have used setx command which try to set user level variables.
I used below...
setx JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92"
setx PATH %JAVA_HOME%\bin
NOTE: Windows try to append provided variable value to existing variable value. So no need to give extra %PATH%... something like %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
If the PATH value would be too long after your user's PATH variable has been concatenated onto the environment PATH variable, Windows will silently fail to concatenate the user PATH variable.
This can easily happen after new software is installed and adds something to PATH, thereby breaking existing installed software. Windows fail!
The best fix is to edit one of the PATH variables in the Control Panel and remove entries you don't need. Then open a new CMD window and see if all entries are shown in "echo %PATH%".
I had this problem in Windows 10 and it seemed to be solved after I closed "explorer.exe" in the Task Manager.
In my Windows 7.
// not working for me
// works fine
I had the same problem, I fixed it by removing PATHEXT from user variable. It must only exist in System variable with .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC
Also remove the variable from user to system and only include that path on user variable
Copy the value of path to notepad and check if this corresponds with the echo %path% in terminal window and make changes if needed. Then delete the old path value and paste the notepad value back in.
I assume some invisible character entered there by some installation corrupted the path value.
Make sure both your System and User paths are set correctly.