Using pygbag to package PyGame for web results in SSL error - ssl

Instead of packaging my PyGame game into an .exe using PyInstaller, I am attempting to use the new Python library pygbag to package the game using web assembly to share on a site like
I followed a tutorial to try to get a local test in my browser on port 8000... 1) inserted the asyncio code into my game code 2) ran pygbag from the terminal on the specified directory.
Pygbag does some of the build, but then it hits this SSL error. Any thoughts? Thanks.
WARNING: web.get( : <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)>
retrying in 5 seconds
On MacOS 11.6.7; Python 3.10.8; pygbag 0.5.0; pygame 2.1.2
ctrl-c quitting, I see another SSL error:
WARNING: web.get( : <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)>
retrying in 5 seconds
crtl-c quitting again gets it to stop completely.

There was an "Install Certificates.command" file in Applications/Python 3.10/. I double clicked to run it and that solved my problem.
certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate


SSL Certificate error while installing Spacy

I am facing the below error while installing Spacy.
requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /explosion/spacy-models/master/compatibility.json (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129)')))
Command i'm running : python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
I have fixed it by following the below steps.
Edited the .condarc file with ssl = false
while installing the anaconda, the default checkbox for PATH setup leave as it is.

How to disable SSL certificate verification in Twine?

When I tried to push a new package to my company's artifactory :
python -m twine upload --repository-url https:///artifactory/api/pypi/gdp_pypi dist/*
I got an error on SSL.
ssl.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:841)
Any way to disable the SSL verification?
I just tried the solution by another post:
Disable Python requests SSL validation for an imported module
Simply setting environment variable CURL_CA_BUNDLE to an empty string did the job!
$ export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=""

Client unable to verify SSL certificate even when verification is disabled

I am disabling certificate verification using the following command:
getsessionkey =, headers=headers, data=data, verify=False)
I use above command in a script that calls an API to retrieve data from it. When I run my script, I have the following error:
SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:727)
I understand from that error that the script could not verify the distant's API certificate. But I am explicitely disabling the verification, I am at loss as to how to interpret this.
If the problem cannot be resolved, how can I add my certificate to the certificate truststore?
P.S: Disabling certificate verification has always worked for me so far. I started to have the error above since a recent security update.
Thanks for helping.

cmder SSL verification - how to add to local store?

I am trying to install Drupal Vm via Cmder.
When I run 'Vagrant up;' command I get the following error:
Installing plugin vagrant-vbguest
**ERROR: SSL verification error at depth 1: unable to get local issuer certificate (20)
ERROR: You must add /C=US/ST=California/L=San Jose/O=Zscaler Inc./OU=Zscaler Inc./CN=Zscaler Root CA/ to your local trusted store**
Vagrant failed to load a configured plugin source. This can be caused
by a variety of issues including: transient connectivity issues, proxy
filtering rejecting access to a configured plugin source, or a configured
plugin source not responding correctly. Please review the error message
below to help resolve the issue:
SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (
How to add "/C=US/ST=California/L=San Jose/O=Zscaler Inc./OU=Zscaler Inc./CN=Zscaler Root CA/" to my local trusted store ? Any help ?

CURL SSL Connect Error during install of Sitelock on Centos 6 server

I am trying to install Sitelock with Plesk 11 on my GoDaddy Centos 6.4 VPS. When I access Sitelock 1.0 through the Applications tab and click the install button I get this error:
Error: Installation of Sitelock failed. Non-zero exit status returned
by script. Output stream: 'CURL error. API request failed with
message:SSL connect error '.
Google does not return a result for this exact error message and none that I can find sound specifically related. I am not familiar with cURL. Digicert indicates the SSL is correctly installed and COMODO SSL Analyzer doesn't indicate any problems. How can I resolve this?